SPIDER-MAN 4: 5 Most Likely Ways Venom (And The Alien Suit) Will Factor Into The Movie - Possible SPOILERS

SPIDER-MAN 4: 5 Most Likely Ways Venom (And The Alien Suit) Will Factor Into The Movie - Possible SPOILERS

With rumours swirling that Spider-Man 4 will put the Venom Symbiote front and centre, we're breaking down the rumours and exploring how exactly the alien suit could factor into the MCU moving forward...

Feature Opinion
By JoshWilding - May 27, 2024 09:05 AM EST
Filed Under: Spider-Man

We've been waiting what feels like a very long time for Spider-Man 4, but the movie is now finally somewhere on the horizon. Rumours continue to swirl about what to expect, though everyone seems to agree that Venom will factor into the story.

In Spider-Man: No Way Home's post-credits scene, we learned Eddie Brock had decided against travelling to New York to confront the web-slinger. However, when he was sent back to his reality, Venom left a piece of himself behind. 

That has to be touched on eventually, and with Peter Parker friendless and alone, now could be the right time to take Spidey down a dark path.

In this feature, we're taking a deep dive into the Spider-Man 4 rumours and exploring where Marvel Studios could take this story in the hero's franchise...and beyond! Just tap the "Next"/"View List" buttons below to find out more...

5. Mac Gargan's New Suit


With The Kingpin rumoured to take centre stage in Spider-Man 4, it makes sense for New York City's Mayor to have heavies working for him. In this movie, Shocker and Scorpion are supposedly among them. 

Both villains were introduced in Spider-Man: Homecoming, and it's about time Mac Gargan suits up. However, when he inevitably fails to take down Spidey (and perhaps Daredevil), it makes sense for him to turn to the alien costume Eddie left behind to "power up." 

Marvel Studios has taken more than a few liberties with Spidey over the years (including Earth-616 having no Norman Osborn), so Mac becoming "Venom" before Peter and Eddie wouldn't be too controversial. 

However, we'd bet on him looking more akin to the Scorpion seen in the banner image above. 

4. Saving Peter Parker


A few social media scoopers have hinted at the possibility of Peter being saved by the alien suit. While different from the comics - where he found it in an alien machine which supposedly fabricates new costumes - this lines up with the Spider-Man 2 video game.  

In that, Spidey was mortally wounded by Kraven the Hunter, prompting the alien to save his life by choosing to bond with a far more powerful host than Harry Osborn. 

With the odds stacked against him (The Kingpin, Scorpion, Shocker, and no more Stark Tech), a Spider-Man with nothing to lose falling in battle would be a huge, and earned, moment for the character.

Saved by the Symbiote, Peter can return with new abilities, yet another new costume - Marvel Studios loves giving him those - and eventually, a dangerous new attitude. 

3. Spider-Man's New Attitude


We just alluded to this, but even before getting the alien suit, Peter Parker is likely to be a vastly different character in Spider-Man 4

Spider-Man: No Way Home saw the teenager grapple with the death of his Aunt May and contemplate killing the man who murdered her. Then, he had to undo the damage he'd unleashed by making the world - including the woman he loves - forget he exists. 

Needless to say, he's not going to be in a happy place! 

That makes Spider-Man 4 the ideal place to introduce the Venom Symbiote because it can take advantage of Peter's darker mindset and push him to some sinister places. The hero will surely rid himself of the suit eventually, and we're hoping Marvel Studios holds off on that until Spider-Man 5...

2. Secret Wars


Despite the rumours, there's a scenario where Peter doesn't discover the alien suit until travelling through the Multiverse in the next Avengers movies. 

Instead of heading down that route, we'd like Spider-Man to go into those team-up projects with his new alien costume in hand. Tobey Maguire's Peter Parker would have a visceral reaction to seeing it again and we could even imagine it bonding with Andrew Garfield's Spidey if Tom Holland's Variant isn't among the heroes who survive Earth-616's incursion. 

He'd return when reality is fixed, of course, but the point is that there's a lot of fun to be had here.

The Avengers are unlikely to trust Spider-Man now they no longer know who is beneath the mask, and giving Peter the Venom Symbiote will only make that more interesting. 

1. Venom Unleashed


So, we've established that Mac Gargan and Peter Parker will each don the alien suit, but when the latter parts ways with Venom, what comes next?

Not many fans want to see Spider-Man as a villain, so we probably wouldn't head down the Spider-Man 2 route by pitting him against Miles Morales. Instead, he should part ways with the costume of his own free will, leaving it searching for revenge...and a new host. 

It's at this stage Marvel Studios can introduce its own Eddie Brock Variant (this October's Venom: The Last Dance will be the final chapter for that iteration). We can then get the epic Spidey/Venom clash we've spent years waiting for. 

What a way to end the next trilogy that would be! 

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S8R8M - 5/27/2024, 9:22 AM
Save the suit for secret wars. I want to see these characters - Scorpion, Blackcat, Chameleon, Prowler and MILES!!!!!!!!!
IAmAHoot - 5/27/2024, 9:25 AM
Factor in with CGI is my guess.
Fogs - 5/27/2024, 9:30 AM
I liked the top art, Bagley with that coloring.
TheVisionary25 - 5/27/2024, 9:32 AM
While I know most of us would like a more street level Spidey story , I do think NWH really perfectly setup the black suit for the next movie atleast…

You could have Peter trying but still adjusting to his new normal and at this point just spends most of his time as Spider Mam since he doesn’t really have a life outside of that with the increasing sense of loneliness and isolation making him easy pickings for the symbiote.

Hell , you could even introduce the Osborns in this which could further fuel Peter’s anger as he deals with his preconceived notions about seeing the variant of the man that killed Aunt May…

On the villain side , Mac Gargan has escaped prison and is out for revenge against Spider Mam with him hiding in Mexico perhaps where the symbiote takes hold of him.

He could begin to stalk Spider Man around the city without Peter being aware since his Spidey sense doesn’t work on the symbiote or perhaps due to the universal hive mind does find out his true identity and decides to go after his loved ones like MJ or Ned without knowing that they don’t remember him anymore.

After he defeats Mac in a grueling battle , the symbiote leaves him and goes to attach itself to Peter as he thinks he is about to die and looks back on his life with the feelings of sadness , anger & such boiling up which attracts the symbiote even more (you could even end it on a cliffhanger where Peter opens his eyes after the symbiote has fully taken over).

It’s a story that could go on for perhaps a trilogy as a throughline or even just 2 films.
TheFinestSmack - 5/27/2024, 9:45 AM
Josh like...
User Comment Image
tippymcfoo - 5/27/2024, 10:55 AM
I think one of the reasons many believe Spider-man 2 (with Dr. Octopus) to be the best (by far, in my opinion) is because it WAS street level. There was no tech. Just Spider-man saving his city. I don't think Marvel has gotten him right yet (nor Sony, really...). And ASM with Garfield forever soiled what could have been the most powerful third or fourth movie moment in all super hero movies. Start the movie with Spider-man fighting some Shocker-like villain, just to establish he's out there having these skirmishes, while hinting at and developing the big name villain at the same time. Maybe even throw in a second B-list villain. And let Peter be Peter, with all of his issues.

These movies are all story-boarded and ready to go. Use the material. Still waiting for a decent Spider-man movie. Still frustrated...
TheVisionary25 - 5/27/2024, 11:20 AM
@tippymcfoo - I get yah but there’s certainly precedence for Spidey to have tech in the comics , a lot of which he has built himself

I do agree that opening the movie with him fighting a Shocker or someone could be fun though!!.
0mega140 - 5/27/2024, 10:45 PM
@tippymcfoo - TASM1 was a movie street level, is just spiderman trying to stop the lizard.
lazlodaytona - 5/27/2024, 11:00 AM
I am so over this multi-verse excuses to bring older/other characters into play. Let's just solve a problem by saying, "well, this character comes from the multi-verse."

Spiderman is getting over-saturated kinda like how Superman/Batman has. It's a shame that MARVEL has gotten to that point that they're so desperate to put multiple, high-profile characters in every film just to try and make a hit. There are no more successful solo films in that company anymore.

WB/DC messed it all up from the beginning (Batman v Superman was so terrible with introducing some heroes on a video screen and Wonder Woman needlessly being in the final fight. Plus, having Doomsday in the second film of the universe?! Dumb AF)
Gabimaru - 5/27/2024, 11:07 AM
MCU still hasn't introduced symbiote story yet I feel like I am already tired of venom. thanks for sony's attempt the capitalize the $#!t out of it. and that mediocre spidey ps5 game.
hainesy - 5/27/2024, 1:16 PM
My guess is Tom Holland does Spider-Man 4 and then two last Avengers movies before retiring from the role. If they want tp make #4 a street-level battle against the Kingpin, then I don't see how the symbiote can work, aside from a post-credit bonding that leads into Avengers 5. Maybe they are best to leave it alone.
Amuro - 5/27/2024, 2:42 PM
It would make sense to have the black suit in the fourth Spider-man movie, considering the character of Daredevil could bring a different interpretation of "justice" and "responsabilities" that might work as an internal conflict for Peter while he tries to find his own interpretations of those concepts (Daredevil might be what a black-suited Spider-man might become, a more hardcore vigilante).

Also, it would be interesting to put Black Cat as a bad influence for a symbiote-influenced Spider-man, as she is basically the selfish antihero he might turn out to become.

There is potential for the black suit now that Peter is on his own and has basically left his civilian identity behind to become a hero full-time (which is basically how he is trying to cope with May's death, but it is definitely not good for his mental sanity). He is in a worst place than he's ever been right now.

As for Venom, it could work either as a final boss or as a stinger for the next movie, but I think that if they're going into this direction, the symbiote should be the main menace from within, not an external threat. I would be more interested with Spider-man resisting the urge to kill the Kingpin in front of cameras (basically the climax of X-Men : Days of Future Past) or trying to save his life from Daredevil rather than fighting Venom after previously beating the symbiote's influence.
hue66 - 5/27/2024, 3:07 PM
Wondering how they will make this interesting and different enough since we've already had venom in 4 movies including the one to come.
KennKathleen - 5/27/2024, 4:19 PM
I love that re-imagining of ASM #375!!!
DocSpock - 5/27/2024, 5:40 PM

I must give Josh credit. I found several points of his speculative article interesting. I am good either way with Spidey getting the Venom suit in the next movie or waiting until he comes back from Secret Wars with the black goo on his shoe.

Good article.

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