The 'Spider-Man' Hoodie That Allegedly Gives Away The New Design Has Been Officially Released
Remember that hoodie that seemingly gave away Spider-Man's new suit design for Captain America: Civil War? Well, Merchoid has officially released that hoodie, and if the reports are true, this is the best look yet that you'll get of the new design! Check it out!
There was a lot of rumors and speculations going around that the hoodie featured below is Spider-Man's official design for the upcoming Captain America: Civil War film. Even though the answer to that mystery remains unsolved, Merchoid has officially released the first images for their "messy webbing" zip-up hoodie! Check out the images below, along with thoughts from Merchoid regarding the possible "Civil War" tie-in!
Rumours have been circulating around the web that the new hoodie would provide the first look at Spider-man’s new Civil War costume. Merchoid’s community manager, Jessica Adams, had the following to say 'There’s been lots of talk online and people have been really excited that this could be what reveals the new look Spider-man. However, Marvel is doing a fantastic job of keeping the new Spider-man costume under wraps, so we haven’t yet seen it! What we can say is this hoodie was designed in partnership with Marvel, who provided all the design elements from their 2016 merchandise range, including the ‘messy’ webbing which we haven’t yet seen in any prior Spider-man costume. We’re really excited to see what Spider-man fans think! If this is the first look at the new costume, are you happy with the new direction?
“There’s been lots of talk online and people have been really excited that this could be what reveals the new look Spider-man. However, Marvel is doing a fantastic job of keeping the new Spider-man costume under wraps, so we haven’t yet seen it! What we can say is this hoodie was designed in partnership with Marvel, who provided all the design elements from their 2016 merchandise range, including the ‘messy’ webbing, which we haven’t yet seen in any prior Spider-man costume. We’re really excited to see what Spider-man fans think! …Whether or not this is based on the new Spider-man costume, the reaction so far has been incredible. We can’t wait to hear what people think about the final product when it releases in July.” -