Speaking with
MTV's self proclaimed 'movie guy', Josh Horowitz - Rhys Ifans took the opportunity to make the poor man a little uncomfortable.
Rhys Ifans told MTV that he had filmed most of his scenes wearing a motion capture suit, but the great news is that his voice, his eyes and his facial expressions will be preserved to make sure that the when we look at The Lizard we won't just see a emotionless CGI model.
"It's totally my voice," Ifans told MTV News when asked if we'd be hearing his Lizard voice when the movie arrives next year. "I'm sure the voice will be toyed with in the eventual edits, but when I was shooting the CGI moments, when I wasn't actually human, when I was Lizard, I looked like a crash-test dummy in a green leotard thing. There were many moments when I had to speak to Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone as the Lizard."
Not content with simply telling us that we'd be hearing his Lizard voice, Ifans one-upped us with one heck of a terrifying exclusive: his first public performance of the Lizard's voice!
"Sooooo prettyyyyy," he hissed at MTV's Josh Horowitz, making our fearless reporter very, very uncomfortable. "Beauuuuutiful MTV ... "
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