While Routh certainly would don the cape and tights for another Superman movie, things are still up in the air - especially now that
The Dark Knight helmer Christopher Nolan is on board to produce and shepherd another reboot, which would likely mean Routh would be out.
From Brandon Routh
"There's talk about doing another Superman movie, as of yet, but there's nothing done," (Routh says he was proud of his tenure in the role no matter how future movies shake out).
"I love the character and I feel I still have a lot more I could with the character. I trust the [role] will always stay with me. It was a proud moment for me. I wouldn't be here without it and wouldn't have been in this position I'm in as quickly as I did."
LEEE777 - Well I personally would have Brandon back as Superman and its great he's still up for the next installment, but of course its all up to Christopher Nolan. I've always thought since Routh we'd get that
Worlds Finest movie with him and Bale and even a
Doomsday movie. Anyway if not Routh, Henry Cavill would be a great replacement if it came to it, how about you?