MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE Star Tom Cruise Hypes Up The Summer's Biggest Movies...But Fails To Mention THE FLASH

MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE Star Tom Cruise Hypes Up The Summer's Biggest Movies...But Fails To Mention THE FLASH MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE Star Tom Cruise Hypes Up The Summer's Biggest Movies...But Fails To Mention THE FLASH

Despite supposedly raving about The Flash earlier this year, Tom Cruise made no mention of the Fastest Man Alive while hyping up the summer's biggest releases. Find out what he had to say right here...

By JoshWilding - Jun 28, 2023 11:06 AM EST
Filed Under: The Flash

Back in March, you may recall The Hollywood Reporter running a story headlined "Tom Cruise Has Seen 'The Flash' … and He Loved It."

Coming shortly after DC Studios co-CEO James Gunn had declared the Scarlet Speedster's first solo outing "probably one of the greatest superhero movies ever made," the piece only served to further increase excitement for the DC Comics adaptation. 

While the actor himself didn't share any direct quotes for the story, it's said Cruise was treated to an early private screening and later called director Andy Muschietti to allegedly say The Flash is "everything you want in a movie" and "this is the kind of movie we need now."

Ultimately, it felt like Warner Bros. had leaked the "news" as part of The Flash's aggressive marketing campaign. Like Gunn and Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav, Cruise has since seen his reported comments come back to haunt him after the movie received tepid reviews and bombed at the box office (it made just $2.4 million yesterday, taking its domestic total to $91.6 million). 

Perhaps that explains why the Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning star made no mention of The Flash while enjoying a recent double-bill of Oppenheimer and Barbie. It's previously been reported that he was unhappy about sharing IMAX screens with those movies, but he's clearly supportive of them and this week's Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny.

Still, it's odd he wouldn't give The Flash a boost, especially when he supposedly loved it as much as both the trade and those involved with the movie have since claimed. Perhaps he's simply looking to distance himself from a clanger? 

We'll let you draw your own conclusions on why that might be in the comments section. 

You can check out Cruise's Tweet below. 

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DrReedRichards - 6/28/2023, 11:09 AM

Told ya.
TheHumanSpider2 - 6/28/2023, 11:32 AM
@DrReedRichards - It was obvious
MosquitoFarmer - 6/28/2023, 11:10 AM
If I ever met Tom Cruise, I know he would be as nice+ as we all expect him to be.
The1st - 6/28/2023, 2:41 PM
@MosquitoFarmer - Yeah, Paplpatine's generally a nice guy too if you're not trying to control the senate or force sensitive lol.

All kidding aside, Tom's many things but not a fool. He was gonna walk those comments back in some way.
GhostDog - 6/28/2023, 11:14 AM
Lol bro was doing a favor when he hyped Flash. Sizeable payment was made to the Church.
FireandBlood - 6/28/2023, 11:16 AM
Th3Batman - 6/28/2023, 11:17 AM
I really think WBD should consider moving Superman and the rest of Gunn's movies at least a couple of years to give audiences a break from all this. As things stand now, I can't help but fear that WBD and Gunn are sending Superman Legacy out to die.
bkmeijer1 - 6/28/2023, 11:18 AM
@Th3Batman - well there isn't any movie in 2024, and the first is in July 2025 right? One and a half year is more than enough for me
Th3Batman - 6/28/2023, 11:27 AM
@bkmeijer1 - There's another issues besides it coming off of a failed shared universe, The Batman Part II. That movie is going to be front and center of everyone's attention in 2025, especially with Avengers moving. Is it really a good idea to open a Superman movie (an IP that has traditionally struggles at the box office) the same year as Batman ? What's worse is that they're only 3 months apart from each other, meaning that Batman II will already have a trailer out, making it even harder for Superman to stand out.
TheGrayGhost - 6/28/2023, 12:54 PM
@Th3Batman - Between the writers' strike, and a possible actors' strike looming, that may just happen and they may not have a choice
McMurdo - 6/28/2023, 2:21 PM
@Th3Batman - I'm just glad Reeves got a co writer for Bats 2. I called him needing one after Bat 1. Bad detective bat's held that movie back. Problem is I'm no sure the co writer is a good writer lol
The1st - 6/28/2023, 2:43 PM
@Th3Batman - The problem imo opinion is not whether or not it works, but what they do next...that's been their problem. Outside of HBO's content, and being kind to the GOT alum, they make Sony look like the gold standard.
bkmeijer1 - 6/28/2023, 4:56 PM
@Th3Batman - I think Avengers leaving 2025 is actually good for both movies. They might even attach a Batman trailer to Superman

I think there will actually be hype for both characters, and both movies are being made by people trusted in the genre. It'll be fine I think
bkmeijer1 - 6/28/2023, 11:17 AM
Maybe it's because all of those movies are yet to be released?

Anyway, I don't think Cruise is gonna be the only one doing a Oppenheimer/Barbie double feature.
GhostDog - 6/28/2023, 11:19 AM
@bkmeijer1 - isn't he pissed about Oppenheimer stealing IMAX screens
tmp3 - 6/28/2023, 11:43 AM
@GhostDog - He got a ton of dolby for his second week so maybe he cooled on it
MotherGooseUPus - 6/28/2023, 11:57 AM
@tmp3 - i'll be seeing it dolby as i think it's better than Imax, but thats just me. Doesnt really matter in the end, i think MI Dead Reckoning is gonna make bank this summer
MyCoolYoung - 6/28/2023, 12:00 PM
@MotherGooseUPus - I haven't seen Dolby yet. What's the difference?
MotherGooseUPus - 6/28/2023, 12:27 PM
@MyCoolYoung - i believe the screen is a tiny bit smaller but still wayy bigger than normal, but you still get full surround sound and the nice big fat comfy seats that recline.
MyCoolYoung - 6/28/2023, 1:06 PM
@MotherGooseUPus - damn so you get the best of both worlds. I’m a have to check it out
mountainman - 6/28/2023, 1:14 PM
@MotherGooseUPus - Yeah I’m pro Dolby over imax. For the minimal reduction in screen size, the far superior sound quality makes up for it.
McMurdo - 6/28/2023, 2:23 PM
@MotherGooseUPus - Dolby far better audio for sure.
videovac - 6/28/2023, 7:58 PM
"i'll be seeing it dolby as i think it's better than Imax, but thats just me. Doesnt really matter in the end, i think MI Dead Reckoning is gonna make bank this summer"

"i believe the screen is a tiny bit smaller but still wayy bigger than normal, but you still get full surround sound and the nice big fat comfy seats that recline "

"i believe the screen is a tiny bit smaller but still wayy bigger than normal, but you still get full surround sound and the nice big fat comfy seats that recline." - @MotherGooseUPus

Can I pick your brain on where you watch IMAX and Dolby movies at? I'll be seeing Indiana at Lincoln Loews Square 13 in New York on Saturday, and I have yet to experience a Dolby theater.
Origame - 6/28/2023, 11:21 AM
There's officially no winning with you except to bash the flash at every opportunity.

Is it that hard to comprehend he just liked the movie?

Hell in this tweet all the movies he's hyping up are ones that haven't released yet. This is clearly about getting people excited for what's coming to theaters. Not giving existing movies a boost.

Had he mentioned the flash here I can guarantee you'd be calling him a shill.

Just leave my man cruise alone. He really could care less about you flaming fan wars.
AmazingFILMporg - 6/28/2023, 12:23 PM
@Origame -

Calm down, geez😂
Origame - 6/28/2023, 12:38 PM
@AmazingFILMporg - how's about all of you guys calm down? Josh has been posting like 10 articles a day about this film and you're on basically every article ranting about Ezra.

Now Josh is trying to make cruise look bad because he once said he liked the flash. This tweet literally has nothing to do with the flash, yet he's gotta make it about the flash. All because he once said he liked the movie.

You guys are so pathetic 🤣
AmazingFILMporg - 6/28/2023, 12:40 PM
@Origame -

Relax man. Have a Snickers 💁
Origame - 6/28/2023, 1:09 PM
@AmazingFILMporg - dude, you have no business telling people to relax when you've spent the past year having a perpetual tantrum anytime someone mentioned wanting to see the flash.
McMurdo - 6/28/2023, 2:24 PM
@Origame - Wilding is always going to Wilding. It's all he has in this world.
JFerguson - 6/28/2023, 11:24 AM
Haha this guy is as classy as they come. Amidst the IMAX drama, he still supports all cinema. Top Gun Maverick still goated
McMurdo - 6/28/2023, 2:24 PM
@JFerguson - best film last year.
Forthas - 6/28/2023, 11:25 AM
"I have already cashed my check from Warner Brother's to make up that crap about the Flash! If they want me to keep doing it then they have to..."

regularmovieguy - 6/28/2023, 11:25 AM
For those wondering Indy is about to flop just as hard as Flash. Cruise & McQuarrie, Nolan, and Greta Gerwig are here to save the summer from the box office bombs that hit us in June.
regularmovieguy - 6/28/2023, 11:25 AM
DrReedRichards - 6/28/2023, 11:29 AM
@regularmovieguy -

JFerguson - 6/28/2023, 11:30 AM
@regularmovieguy - Indy 5 RT score was just revived. I think it will surprise
regularmovieguy - 6/28/2023, 11:30 AM

Praise be for ATSV. Might be the one June release to make money unless I'm forgetting another, haha.
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