Thanks to our fellow nerds currently at Comic-Con, we now have a full gallery of pictures of The Flash display there, including the costumes of The Flash, Captain Cold, The Reverse-Flash and Firestorm, Jay Garrick's helmet, the Pied Piper's gloves, the Wizard's Wand and General Eiling's mask.
Fans have also gotten hold of the Comic-Con TV Special magazine, which features a revealing interveiw with Andrew Kriesberg about Season 2. In which Kriesberg confirms that the timeline WILL NOT be changed for Season 2.
"There will be some scientific explanations about why the sacrifice Eddie made undid his future relative but did not save Nora Allen, There will be some changes next year but not as radical as people might expect"
In the interveiw Kriesberg also went to reveal that the Flash's identity will be much more secure to S.T.A.R. Labs visitors in Season 2, as Barry's suit will now be protected by "smart-glass" that frosts over anytime un-wanted visitors enter S.T.A.R. Labs. Perhaps, this will have something to do with the creation of Killer Frost ? (Probably not, but you can't help but think about it)

It should be noted that Firestorm's face is shrouded in the Legends Of Tommorow poster shown below. Confirming the rumors that Firestorm will not be Ronnie Raymond in Legends Of Tommorow. What happens to Ronnie is still unclear, but in an interveiw from the Comic-Con TV Special, Kriesberg did confirm that Ronnie will not appear in Legends Of Tommorow.
"By the beginning of the new season, we will find out why only Stein is going to Legends."
Who will pair up with Stein in Legends Of Tommorow is also unknown. Perhaps Jason Rusch or the mysterious "Jay Jackson" character ? Perhaps Stein will fly solo ?
Here's the gallery from Comic-Con below !
Lastly for those doubting that the white logo is for Season 2 and think it's just an extra from the future Flash costume, your wrong ! Sometimes Flash Director Jesse Warn has just taken to his twitter to post the new logo for the show, and yes, it's white.
The Flash returns October 6th on the CW.