BBFC has classified Disney's anticipated action western The Lone Ranger, which stars Armie Hammer as the titular character and Johnny Depp as Tonto. The Gore Verbinski-directed production has a runtime of 149 minutes and 21 seconds, or two hours, 29 minutes and 21 seconds. This is about five minutes longer than the 144 minute runtime of Verbinski's prior Disney tentpole Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl, and the first two sequels (also directed by Verbinski) were bother over 2.5 hours. You can click the link in the tweet below to view BBFC's full classification for The Lone Ranger.
The Lone Ranger stars Armie Hammer, Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Ruth Wilson, Tom Wilkinson and William Fichtner. The film is set to hit theaters July 3rd.