has the scoop on Transformers: The Last Knight, and...well, it sounds like the other four instalments in the franchise for the most part! This time though, the story will apparently revolve around Optimus Prime finding Cybertron and discovering he was responsible for his home now being a dead planet. To bring it back to life, he's going to need yet another mysterious artefact, and it reportedly has something to do with Merlin. That's right, the Merlin who was King Arthur's magician!
The site adds that,"the power of magic was given to Merlin by a Transformer and somehow the artifact ties into this," and they point out that while they're unsure of what the artefact could be, there is a sword in the movie's logo, so chances are it has something to do with Excalibur. As Maguffins go, this sounds interesting, thought Michael Bay getting his hands on British mythology is worrying.
In terms of characters, Bumblebee is now leading the Autobots (Hound, Crosshairs, and Drift are among those returning) and they're based out in the Badlands of South Dakota. The Dinobots will also return alongside whta the site calls, "mini-dinobots." We're going to meet some new British Transformers too, along with "The Creator" (who is tied into the origins of the robots), Cogman who becomes an Aston Martin, and Squeaks whose other form is a Vespa. Oh, and Megatron will be a jet fighter again. So, sounds pretty good, right? As always, let us know your thoughts in the usual place.