TRANSFORMERS 4 Will Film In Michigan; New Plot Details Revealed

TRANSFORMERS 4 Will Film In Michigan; New Plot Details Revealed

Today, it was announced that the Michigan Film Office has approved film incentives for Michael Bay's Transformers 4 to be filmed in Metro Detroit. Hit the jump to check out some plot details.

By nailbiter111 - Mar 20, 2013 11:03 AM EST
Filed Under: Transformers
Source: clickondetroit

Michael Bay's Transformers 4 will receive film incentives totaling $20 million, on $81,933,992 of projected in-state expenditures. That news was announced by Michigan state officials today.

“It speaks volumes about all Michigan has to offer that Transformers is returning once again to our state,” said Margaret O’Riley, director of the Michigan Film Office. “This project will shine another bright spotlight on Michigan and provide tremendous opportunities for our cast, crew and support services.

The project is expected to bring in 368 jobs to the community, ith a full time equivalent of 339 jobs. This will be the third Michael Bay Transformers movie to be filmed in Detroit, as the original Transformers (2007), and Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011) shot their previously.

UPDATE: Paramount has informed me that the information below regarding the film's plot is inaccurate.
As humanity picks up the pieces, following the conclusion of Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Autobots and Decepticons have all but vanished from the face of the planet. However, a group of powerful, ingenious businessman and scientists attempt to learn from past Transformer incursions and push the boundaries of technology beyond what they can control – all while an ancient, powerful Transformer menace sets Earth in his crosshairs. The epic adventure and battle between good and evil, freedom and enslavement ensues.

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TheAmazingSpiderWill - 3/20/2013, 11:36 AM
"all while an ancient, powerful Transformer menace sets Earth in his crosshairs"

So.. Transformers 2 and 3?
Dumegg - 3/20/2013, 11:43 AM
Sounds like Unicron to me.
jlabatman0511 - 3/20/2013, 11:46 AM
In state expenditures? like the trannies of Detroit?
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bfprimetime - 3/20/2013, 11:47 AM
Please be Unicorn,and hopefully Rodimus.
Shadowelfz - 3/20/2013, 11:48 AM
Cool but I hope it doesnt slow down my drive to work. Detroit during rushour is crappy as it is.
BANE5000 - 3/20/2013, 11:49 AM

My thoughts exactly...basically same plot different movie, again.
Shadowelfz - 3/20/2013, 11:52 AM
Not a fan of Snyder, Gusto? He's only trying to dissolve our city council (and every other one he can) so his office can have direct control over them AND try to make it seem like its our choice? That's not tooo bad, right?
FalafelVsShawarma - 3/20/2013, 11:54 AM
it looks like...
TheAmazingSpiderWill - 3/20/2013, 11:56 AM
Yeah definitely not gonna see this :P
SkunkApe1 - 3/20/2013, 12:07 PM
Will only bother to see if the DinoBots are in it.
MB007 - 3/20/2013, 12:11 PM
Well come on... That just sounds really cool, right?
Jerec350 - 3/20/2013, 12:14 PM
Unicron!!! Has to be! As long as Shiatty Lemuff isn't in it I'll be checking TF4 out.
CaptainObvious - 3/20/2013, 12:16 PM
Michigan passes on both The Avengers and TDKR but lets the racist, misogynistic scumbag known as Michael Bay run amok in their state with another entry in his god-awful film saga. I'm ashamed that this crap is coming to my home state.
Azazel1 - 3/20/2013, 12:17 PM
I know this will not hurt box office but I have abandoned this franchise entirely until Micheal Bay steps down!

I think he has essentially ruined what could be an amazing franchise...
jianozi - 3/20/2013, 12:23 PM
Osiris - 3/20/2013, 12:34 PM
I'm only 2 hours away. didn't get the chance to make it over there the last two times might have to get my arse over there this time.
CaptainObvious - 3/20/2013, 12:36 PM
"However, a group of powerful, ingenious businessman and scientists attempt to learn from past Transformer incursions and push the boundaries of technology beyond what they can control – all while an ancient, powerful Transformer menace sets Earth in his crosshairs. The epic adventure and battle between good and evil, freedom and enslavement ensues."

1) Who gives a shit about businessmen and scientists in a Transformers film? Nobody cares about that stuff. We want to see the Transformers and not them reduced to the roles of secondary characters just to give snooty, unlikable, stereotypical nimrods the spotlight.

2) Why can't we see Transformers in space? Oh that's right. It's because the military wouldn't be in the film. And we all know what a jingoistic douche Bay is.

3) This is the plot of the last 3 movies. Stupid human characters have stupid MacGuffin that ties into the Transformers' past and the Autobots and Decepticons must fight over it and blah, blah, blah. Rinse and repeat.

4) No Unicron. We have all watched Bay bastardize every Transformer villain. We don't need to see it happen to the greatest villain of Transformers. Leave him for a director who can, you know, direct.

5) Have I ever mentioned tha Michael Bay is a dumbass? I have? Don't care. Michael Bay is a dumbass.
Pheezmatic - 3/20/2013, 12:37 PM
Wow....didnt know there was so many detroit ppl as mainstays here
NeoBaggins - 3/20/2013, 1:17 PM

"I think he has essentially ruined what could be an amazing franchise..."

Ruined it? Well, there were no Transformers movie franchise before he and Spielberg took the initiative to do it. No one else was going to do it, and had it been done by any other director, company or producer, you can bet the ranch it would have been done on the cheap and nowhere near the production values as Bay's films. The movies aren't perfect (Revenge of the Fallen is a mess), but I'm sure Bay made them better than anyone else who would have taken it on.

The films would be on the level the dragonballz movies are the Legend of Chun Li film. SyFy channel grade. Bay's films has some of the most impressive work ILM has ever done. So, I'm just saying. People give Bay shit about the films, but it was either this, nothing, or a version that wouldn't have made it to a part 2.

Optimist18 - 3/20/2013, 1:57 PM
@NeoBaggins, you speak the truth :)

The diehards are just bitchin' as usual.

GhostKILLERgx7 - 3/20/2013, 2:07 PM
wait so humanity didn't pick up the pieces after the first battle in LA? how about fixing the pyramids? im sure there not having that much trouble fixing up :P

gotta say bay brings the action the films just lack direction, and i mean that by the way the story is told is just all over the place nothing is concrete. hope the 4th one steps it a lot.
BlackPhillip - 3/20/2013, 2:11 PM
So, this is the same plot as the previous 3. If the villain is Unicron, could we see also see the debut of Galvatron?
Mothchild - 3/20/2013, 2:32 PM
Are they implying the scientists and businessmen create transformers by using the All Spark?
LordOfTheZegaRealm - 3/20/2013, 5:05 PM
I want fricking dinobots in this movie.
Nathan - 3/20/2013, 5:06 PM
First movie was watchable, second was but still pretty much Bay making a movie for jokes, third one was the worst, it was basically Even Stevens and Family: The Later Years, random "hot girl" shots and only 10 minutes of Transformers.
kemuael - 3/20/2013, 5:37 PM
as long megan fox is not in the good (^_^)
TheBeard - 3/20/2013, 5:38 PM
Azazel1 - 3/20/2013, 6:18 PM
@Nobaggins-Let me clarify. When I say "ruined" I mean ruined as in the first Transformers was actually good. I enjoyed it. It set-up everything nicely. I especially liked the charachter development of the 1st one-the relationship between man and machine bumblebee and Shia.

Then it goes downhill, the franchise was ruined. IMO. Ruined by Micheal Bay himself...
Azazel1 - 3/20/2013, 6:23 PM
My big problem with Bay which seems to have gotten progressively worse over time is the action. One cannot tell what is going on. In many scenes you cannot even tell who are the "bad guys" and who are the "good guys" this is not always the case, but often. The action just comes across then as mindless, unfocused, and extremely messy. I get headaches trying to follow it. This is especially true for the third film in my opinion.
BlueHawaiiSurfer - 3/20/2013, 9:10 PM
"Without Bay, there wouldn't have even been a part two" Wow we could only dream at this point but yeah...that would have been awesome. What a [frick]ing shit-stain on humanity these films are. 4th time is a charm?!?!?
mgeoff88 - 3/20/2013, 10:16 PM
I'll watch T4 for Mark Wahlberg and Gusto's cameo. :P
LittleDanglyThing - 3/20/2013, 10:57 PM
Idgaf I liked Transformers 1 it had a lot of Megan Fox being hot as all hell.
Nothing in the last two have an excuse for me to like them though, way too many stupid hump jokes and stereotypes.
TesDaGreat - 3/21/2013, 5:13 AM
Shadowelfz - 3/21/2013, 5:44 AM
Gusto- Naw near 8 mile and Telegraph so I can take a brisk 3 minute walk and end up in Detroit. I work there though so i pretty much spend more time in the D than home.

And yeah that smoking ban is stupid. Not a smoker but even I think its idiotic. This ass clown Snyder is exerting too much power over his position.
Archangel82 - 3/21/2013, 9:19 AM
Hopefully we get an accurate portrayal of Unicorn. Not like the Galactus we got from Fantastic Four 2 rise of the Silver Surfer. If they make it more adult friendly and less kid friendly it should be a good summer popcorn flick.
IwILlBeCaBle - 3/21/2013, 2:15 PM
NeoBaggins - 3/21/2013, 6:09 PM
@Azazel1 We're definitely on the same page with the "downhill" scenario. When I saw the first Transformers at a packed 8pm early screening, there was magic. I was a kid again. The audience was alive and it felt like I was back in the blockbuster age of the 80's with all the wonder and spectacle. It was awesome and it was something no one was providing movie-goers at the time. You had superheroes, action heroes, pirates, martial arts, gun slingers, spies and all these other films. But now, TRANSFORMERS.

Bringing the property to film should be absurd based on the source material, but Bay made it his own. There was cheezy stuff and plot holes, but it was a great blockbuster film.

I was thinking for the sequel, all they had to do for success was to make just a LITTLE better than the first one, tightening up the more obnoxious elements. Instead, Bay ramped them up in the sequel. =(

I still think anyone else would have made considerably worse films. It's not an easy property to convey with it's very little background and prime origin of.... toys.
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