First off if by some miracle any of you have not read Watchmen and want to remain spoiler free dont read on.
At the comic con in New York, Gibbons addressed the much maligned changes that Director Zach Snyder has made to Watchmens finale.
Those that have read the graphic novel will know that it contains an extremely OTT and fan dividing moment at the end when Adrian Veidts plan to force world piece features a huge, fake alien squid. Recently, web whispers indicated that Snyder has changed what Veidt uses, though, as Gibbons says, not the means or the result:
“The outcome is exactly the same as the novel. But the gimmick is different. I think it has to stand as a good movie,” he told the crowd. “The reality is you have to make changes, and I think it's been done very well.
“Why is the squid so important? In the comic book it's a huge special effect that Adrien Veidt pulls, it's a special effect. I don't think it would have worked as well in the movie. Sorry...”

I tend to agree with him, although i also get the fanboys point that such a large deviation from the source material is quite a liberty.
This article is dedicated to Noobmike and Hyson;)