THE WITCHER Season 4 Set Photos Reveal First Look Laurence Fishburne's Regis In Key Scene - Possible SPOILERS

THE WITCHER Season 4 Set Photos Reveal First Look Laurence Fishburne's Regis In Key Scene - Possible SPOILERS

THE WITCHER Season 4 Set Photos Reveal A Spoilery First Look At Freya Allan's Ciri And The Rats
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THE WITCHER Season 4 Set Photos Reveal A Spoilery First Look At Freya Allan's Ciri And The Rats

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IronGenesis - 12/20/2019, 7:47 PM
RT 58%

Cavill and his projects just seems to always find themselves on the rotten or divisive side of critics (Minus his MI:6 one and done).

Some say he’s just a pretty face with little talent
Others that he hs the talent but critics can’t see past the buff.

Either Way...he just seems stuck.

But at least he will get a second season to turn this around critically anyway. Fans seem to like it.
BeyondtheFuture - 12/20/2019, 7:50 PM
I love it, I'm just past episode 3 and I'd binge all night if I didn't have to drive tomorrow.

The monotone Cavil uses takes a little while to get used to but I'm told this is based on the character and the book. They've gone an interesting way to tell the story which leads to quite a twist in one episode.

It reminds me more of an R rated Merlin rather than Game of Thrones.
Vegetaray123 - 12/20/2019, 8:00 PM
@BeyondtheFuture - Merlin is certainly the better comparison...

I really liked it myself...Episode 4 was where it started to pick up for me...But by the end, whew boy! Things were firing on all cylinders by that point...Can’t wait for season 2...
Supes17 - 12/21/2019, 11:36 AM
@BeyondtheFuture - yeah the trials he went through were supposed to have eliminated most of his emotions. It turned his hair white. And he’s also an old man who ages very slowly, so he’s seen a lot of shit. However, the book takes the time to develop the character more and it’s revealed that he actually does have a lot of emotion but chooses to suppress it.
GhostDog - 12/20/2019, 8:14 PM
It’s a little rough around the edges, so I get why it’s a little low on the RT. However, the tone is great and the acting is mostly very the intensity of it. Some of the dialogue is a bit rough though at times. I’m almost done.

The Yennefer actress is amazing. She’s INCREDIBLY GOOD.
KINGPEN266FBA - 12/20/2019, 8:19 PM
ElJefe - 12/21/2019, 4:00 AM

LadiesmanBumble - 12/20/2019, 8:40 PM
I haven’t seen The Witcher, but I do know that even Game of Thrones wasn’t Game of Thrones when it started. Give The Witcher some time, it’ll hopefully get there.
Polaris - 12/20/2019, 8:47 PM
@LadiesmanBumble - I think GoT season 1 was one of its strongest tbh
Spock0Clock - 12/20/2019, 9:12 PM
@Polaris - Game of Thrones definitely took 5 or 7 episodes to really get going, so I think giving the Witcher some room to grow makes sense.

On the other hand, I'm not sure how well this series can handle going off-book. That's when Game of Thrones really started to fall apart. In the first two episodes, the most directly adapted parts have felt like the weakest segments, while the more original material has more life to it.
Polaris - 12/20/2019, 9:26 PM
@Spock0Clock - hmmm that wasn't the case for me, but I had read the books and I was already invested, so maybe it's that. As for the Witcher I can't tell, but if I'm not mistaken they're not at risk of running out of books to adapt

I do agree it's not fair to judge a show after just a few episodes tho, and anyway what I've seen of the Witcher so far has been pretty good
Spock0Clock - 12/20/2019, 9:35 PM
@Polaris - While there are several books, there's not a huge amount of material to pull from, I feel. The first few books are collections of short stories and then the later ones follow the mostly singular thread of the Ciri story. In the two episodes I've seen, they've already burned through two of the better short stories and a chunk of the first Ciri-heavy novel.

It is a short season, of course, but even so at this pace I can't imagine they'd have much of a literary source to draw on if they went past three seasons. (But it is Netflix, so that's probably not a problem.) And if by some miracle they are pushing past that, the games do offer at least an interesting road map (if they're allowed to adapt that).
Spock0Clock - 12/20/2019, 10:10 PM
Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, I never got through the Tower of Swallows when I read the books and they hadn't released Lady of the Lake in English at that point, so there's maybe a bit more material to adapt than I was thinking.
Polaris - 12/21/2019, 12:10 AM
@Spock0Clock - Interesting. I didn't think they would go so fast, but I believe the showrunner said she has 7 season mapped out. Maybe she's rushing to the point were the main characters meet and then things will slow down from there Idk
Spock0Clock - 12/21/2019, 12:23 AM
@Polaris - That's possible, though to be honest that's where I feel like the books started to falter. As I said, though, maybe they're aiming to go off-book (and maybe they'll be good at it).
Polaris - 12/21/2019, 12:46 AM
@Spock0Clock - Yeah, could be. We'll see how it goes
Kyos - 12/21/2019, 3:05 AM
@LadiesmanBumble - I do know that even Game of Thrones wasn’t Game of Thrones when it started

There are people who might argue that that's the only time it was truly that.
Supes17 - 12/21/2019, 11:38 AM
@Polaris - at the time the Metacritic scores didnt hit 70% and it wasn’t really taken seriously by critics and audiences until season 2 or 3. When the Red Wedding episode aired is when the show truly exploded.
Polaris - 12/21/2019, 10:45 PM
@Supes17 - Regardless of when the show got popular, it was good from the start and season 1 is still one of its best, way better than seasons 5-8
Kucakingkai1991 - 12/20/2019, 8:44 PM
Unthoughtly the hottest girl on the show Ma aka Visenna mother of Geralt.

Polaris - 12/20/2019, 8:48 PM
I was a bit lost the first episode and the second was just ok imo (I really dislike the bard, it took me out of the story) but the third was amazing! and the non-linear plot is really not that complicated once you realize things aren't happening at the same time. It keeps getting better and I'm loving it. It's no GoT, true, but that's a good thing. Other than the fantasy element, it's too different to be comparable, and at the end GoT was just a (bad) political drama disguised as a fantasy show, so I'm glad it's not like that
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