AHSOKA's Hayden Christensen Addresses Possible Season 2 Return As New Rumor Teases Anakin Skywalker's Future

AHSOKA's Hayden Christensen Addresses Possible Season 2 Return As New Rumor Teases Anakin Skywalker's Future

Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka star Hayden Christensen has addressed the possibility of returning as Anakin Skywalker in the latter series, though a new rumour may have already spoiled Lucasfilm's plans...

By JoshWilding - Jun 03, 2024 11:06 AM EST
Filed Under: Star Wars
Source: SFFGazette.com

Ahsoka included plenty of surprises for Star Wars fans, including Hayden Christensen's return as Anakin Skywalker. He appeared in the World Between Worlds (where we learned the Jedi was as conflicted as ever), as one of his former Padawan's training holograms later in the series, and eventually in the form of a Force Ghost.

In the show's final few minutes, the idea seemed to be that Anakin will serve as Ahsoka Tano and Sabine Wren's guide on Peridea when the show returns. Theories have since swirled about his and Ahsoka Tano's ties to the Mortis Gods. 

As we first reported on SFFGazette.com, a rumour shared by @MyTimeToShineH claims to confirm plans for Anakin to appear in Ahsoka season 2, albeit in a much larger role this time. This news is bound to be welcomed, particularly as Star Wars fans have embraced Christensen since he reprised his role as Darth Vader in Obi-Wan Kenobi

We don't have any details beyond that, but picking up with Anakin after the events of Return of the Jedi promises to be fascinating. His presence on Peridea may also explain why he wasn't guiding his son, Luke, leading into the sequel trilogy. 

Talking to Entertainment Weekly this past weekend, Christensen played coy when asked about his Star Wars future.

"Look, as to whether or not we see Anakin again, I don't know. But as evidenced by that last shot of the series, he’s with her in spirit, and they continue to have this connection," he teased. 

As for what it was like to transform into the version of his character from The Clone Wars animated series, the actor added, "I loved it, man. It was a really exciting version of the character, this kind of post-life Anakin that is this wise master that is an expression of the totality of the character with a sense of everything that has happened to him and that he's gone through and being able to wield both sides of the Force."

"It was a really exciting version of the character that I had a hunger to get to play, and I think audiences had an appetite for as well."

In both Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka, Christensen also suited up as Vader again. Asked how it felt to have all eyes on him on set, he said, "It is a character that people have a lot of affection for, and yeah, you get a sense of that."

"A lot of the people who are working on these projects now grew up on the prequels and were huge fans of those films, and so I think they have a special connection to these characters and to Anakin. Anytime Vader shows up, that's a crowd-pleaser, so that's an easy one. But it's really nice to see the support that Anakin has now."

Ahsoka season 2 is currently in pre-production with Dave Filoni confirmed to return as showrunner.

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AC1 - 6/3/2024, 12:03 PM
I've said it plenty of times, but even as someone who's not a fan of the prequels I'm glad to see actors and characters from those movies being brought back in interesting ways, like Hayden getting a shot to play a more mature and fully-realised Anakin, Ewan getting to reprise his role as Obi-Wan, and even Ahmed Best getting to bring Jedi Master Kelleran Beq into canon in such a pivotal sequence of The Mandalorian; and that's not to mention all the heavy lifting Dave Filoni did prior to that with his work on The Clone Wars.
WhatIfRickJames - 6/3/2024, 12:09 PM
I didn't like him as Anakin in the prequels. I couldn't think of anyone else to play him now.
JackBurton1 - 6/3/2024, 3:23 PM
@WhatIfRickJames - Some of the unlike was because of the writing in Attack of the Clones....he killed it in Revenge of the Sith.
harryba11zack - 6/3/2024, 12:18 PM
I'll never watch it like because phuck marvel but it would be nice to have him and obi back again.
SATW42 - 6/3/2024, 12:53 PM
@harryba11zack - i think you meant Disney. You're so quick to hate post you can't even get who you hate straight.
harryba11zack - 6/3/2024, 1:05 PM
@SATW42 - User Comment Image
SATW42 - 6/3/2024, 2:25 PM
@harryba11zack - that's a shame, It's a broken image for me. I'll never know what fantastic whit "harryBa11zack" bestowed upon the world.
HashTagSwagg - 6/3/2024, 8:14 PM
@SATW42 - You're missing out man.
User Comment Image
RebelCommander - 6/3/2024, 12:19 PM
How about just a Vader in his prime series following the events of Vader right after ep3
VISIONaryNPa1 - 6/3/2024, 12:30 PM
@RebelCommander - that would be epic, but I'd really like to see it played on the big screen. Calls for it. He'll, Disney should have brought these episodes to theaters.
GeneralZod - 6/3/2024, 12:40 PM
@RebelCommander - This. 100%. No more pussy-footing with these ridiculous and under-performing series that fundamentally no one cares about. "Young Vader" starring Hayden Cristensen. Co-starring Ian McDiarmid as The Emperor. THAT is how you get people interested in Star Wars again.
Arthorious - 6/3/2024, 1:15 PM
@RebelCommander - that’s too much of a good idea. They won’t go for it.
GeneralZod - 6/3/2024, 1:33 PM
@RebelCommander - [Second duplicate post as my first one was deleted.]

This. 100%. Time for Disney to stop pussy-footing around with all of these ridiculous and underperforming series. "Lords of the Sith" starring Hayden Christensen follows the development of a 20-something Darth Vader. Co-starring Ian McDiarmid as Emperor Palpatine. THAT is how you get general audiences loving Star Wars again.
TheVisionary25 - 6/3/2024, 12:27 PM
Dude is a prime case of what better direction & writing imo could do for an actor’s portrayal of a character…

Just look at him in the prequels (for the most part) and then in Obi Wan & Ahsoka , he’s just poles apart imo.

He’s able to effectively play the apprentice Anakin in Obi Wan aswell as the master in his Ahsoka appearances too in terms of confidence etc.

I hope to see more of him in the future if we are getting it , especially in regards to seeing his chemistry with Rosario’s Ahsoka…

Also it doesn’t seem like he’s full time returned to acting but it would be nice to see him in roles outside of the SW franchise now aswell too if he is interested.

Anyway , i found Ahsoka S1 enjoyable especially as a fan of Rebels but I do hope 2 is still better because there was room for improvement.

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LSHF - 6/3/2024, 12:50 PM
@TheVisionary25 - Agree.

I thought he was good in "Jumper".
ModHaterSLADE - 6/3/2024, 12:31 PM
S1 was definitely some of his better material in the role.
HashTagSwagg - 6/3/2024, 12:31 PM
What future? he's dead.
SteelGunZ - 6/3/2024, 12:36 PM
My hat goes off to all the remaining Star Wars fans!
S8R8M - 6/3/2024, 12:55 PM
Some cue Darth Vader shouting 'Noooooooo!'
Izaizaiza - 6/3/2024, 12:57 PM
Was season one any good? This Disney+ star wars universe has gotten away from me. I've only seen the first two seasons of the mandalorian
BIGBMH - 6/3/2024, 2:18 PM
@Izaizaiza - It's decent, but is limited to a degree by what came before and after. It's a much more rewarding series if you've watched The Clone Wars and Rebels. Think of it sort of like the third part in a trilogy of tv series. In spite of what they tried to say when marketing it, naturally you're going to get more out of it if you're already invested in the characters. I fall into that camp, so I can't really give an objective take of how well it gets newcomers invested in the characters and arc.

At the same time, it's also dependent on season 2 and Filoni's planned movie. So it doesn't provide the full payoff either. It occupies kind of an odd place as a transitional story. I enjoyed it since I've been following this arc for more than a decade, but I don't recommend it as a jumping on point for Ahsoka, Sabine, Thrawn, Ezra, etc.
Izaizaiza - 6/3/2024, 2:31 PM
@BIGBMH - Thanks for that reply, man. Really appreciate it. I have not seen those animated shows, so I probably will check this out eventually, but managed expectations
NoAssemblyReqd - 6/3/2024, 1:10 PM
I low-key hope that the World Between Worlds reintroduced in Ahsoka is used to retcon the worst of the sequel trilogy as merely one of many possible outcomes. Although I mostly liked THE LAST JEDI, I and most people would much prefer Luke be alive, so I’d wipe 8 and 9 completely from the record.

How f**** shocking would it be if the new Rey movie began 10 or 15 years after The Force Awakens, with Luke alive and no one ever even mentioning the events of TLJ and TROS?
AnthonyVonGeek - 6/3/2024, 1:38 PM
If Disney made The Force Awakens today….
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JFerguson - 6/3/2024, 1:39 PM
The Acolyte tomorrow. I would be surprised if the chosen one prophecy didn’t get at least a mention in the series somewhere
Timerider - 6/3/2024, 1:40 PM
Not only did he play Anakin twice, but Vader too. If there was a Vader series, Hayden wouldn’t necessarily have to be there. It could just be a large stuntman. However, Ian McDiarmid would definitely have to return. I loved seeing him in Obi-wan Kenobi.
BIGBMH - 6/3/2024, 2:22 PM
I'm not sure I want him back in season 2. I enjoyed what they did with him in season 1, but I felt a sense of closure. He's watching over Ahsoka and will be with her, but he's taught her the last lesson he needed to in order to help her move forward and become a better master to Sabine. I think that last visual of him watching over her silently would be more effective than him popping up every so often on their journey to provide guidance. They don't have to avoid using him, but choose the moments carefully so they can have weight.
SirDuckAlot - 6/3/2024, 2:37 PM
I like Hayden but don't give a rats ass.
AvalonX - 6/3/2024, 2:51 PM

I was happy to see Hayden back in a two mostly bad series. Hes the perfect age to tell some proper Vader stories which Lucas kind of robbed us of. I always through EP 1 and 2 could have been combined and we could have seen almost an entire movie of him turning by EpIII.

Anyway for the post EP3 Anakin, I'm not sure I like this redemption that hes a good guy now. EP3 ended with a bad guy doing the right thing one time to save his son. Then he dies. That should be the end. Anything else makes what he did as Vader without consequence when the reality is ...Anakin/Vader was a power hungry, jealous and petty person. He showed no signs of mercy as Vader which was half his life. I never saw him as redeemed, I saw him as saving his son who he still tried to turn up until the last second. Killing the emporer didnt redeem him. It just fullfilled the prophecy and brought balance. The Jedi just misunderstood this as he would do it as a good guy.
BlackStar25 - 6/3/2024, 3:30 PM
The more the better! Love this dude.
captainireland - 6/3/2024, 4:27 PM
"where we learned the Jedi was as conflicted as ever"

I think you missed the point. His transition to Vader was part of his lesson to Ahsoka to complete her training. He wasn't as conflicted as ever.
BackwardGalaxy - 6/3/2024, 4:28 PM
The prequels suck, but not because of Hayden. Furthermore, his performance as Anakin in Ahsoka was EASILY, by miles, his best performance as the character. It was nuanced, confident, and outright scene-stealing. I'm at the point where I want a What If? show where he's still alive and maybe never fell to the dark side. I bet he'd crush it.
PC04 - 6/4/2024, 12:07 PM
@BackwardGalaxy - That thought of a "What IF?" style series with Anakin at the forefront has crossed my mind many times. I'd like to see Hayden more. He's a likable and dedicated actor.

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