Hot off the heels of the news that
Breaking Bad veteran Michelle MacLaren had left the director's chair for WB/DC's upcoming
Wonder Woman movie, Variety has reported that four actors have been testing for the part of Diana's Marine companion, Steve Trevor. This is odd, given that numerous rumours had suggested that Scott 'son of Clint' Eastwood would be playing the part in David Ayer's upcoming
Suicide Squad film, but Variety says that those rumours were in fact false.
'Sources tell Variety that test offers were set to go out to four actors for one of the male lead's films on Monday,' they said. They mentioned that Scott Eastwood had been speculated to play this part, but
'sources now say that is not true and that the four actors testing would be for the role of Trevor.' They also added that the film was in the middle of pre-production, and that Warner Bros were looking lock down actors for other roles in the film. What do you think guys? Do you believe this report, or do you still want Eastwood to play the part? Thank you for reading!