When MTV caught up with Silver on the Sherlock Holmes red carpet, he had this to say...
"I'm not really doing anything with Wonder Woman at the moment, Once the studio knows what they want to do, and makes a decision, they'll probably let us know."
The articles not all humbug however, Silver also had updates about Lobo, Sgt Rock and Swamp Thing (sort of!)
Silver confirmed that IF a Swamp Thing movie happens, it will be in 3D..
"Yeah, if we pull it together and if the script works, that's our intention,"
He also indicated that Guy Ritchie's departure from the
Sgt Rock movie hasn't impeded plans to bring DC's war hero to theaters. While he wouldn't comment on rumors that the movie would be set in the future rather than its World War II roots, he did sound positive about progress on the film thus far.
"We're working on
Sgt Rock now," he said. "There's a real possibility on that. There's a good shot on that one."
And finally, Silver revealed that
Lobo would be the next movie he focuses on after
The Losers hits theaters..
"I want to try and make
Lobo very soon," he said.
Do try dude..do.