Will *SPOILER* Show Up In WONDER WOMAN?; Heavy New Plot Details Revealed
Only about a year and eight months remain before Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman receives her first solo feature film! A new report has been released revealing with it a ton of very interesting plot details as well as revealing a potentially very intriguing cameo! Come check it out!
Next year, Diana Prince will make her long-awaited big-screen debut in Zack Snyder's Batman v. Superman: Dawn Of Justice and as a follow-up, in 2017, Wonder Woman will become the first female superhero since Elektra to receive her own solo adventure as the DC Extended Universe expands its horizons.
Not much is known about her solo feature yet, outside of some potentially fabricated rumors, but what we do know for sure is that Gal Gadot (Fast Five) will be portraying Princess Diana, Chris Pine (Star Trek) has been cast as Steve Trevor, and Patty Jenkins (Monster) is directing with a script from Jason Fuchs (Pan).
Well, it looks like it's about that time to throw some more kindling onto the fire. A new report, which just to be safe should likely be labeled as a rumor, from JoBlo has revealed a ton of potentially interesting details about Warner Bros.' Wonder Woman film. First off, the film will take place in two key timeframes: World War 1 and then Modern Day. It's said to follow the comic book extremely closely with the report even going as far to describe her as the Thor of the DCEU.
As for adversaries, Circe and Ares will in fact be the villains of the picture with Ares acting more of a "puppet master" and working with Circe behind-the-scenes. Ares will don his classic mythological armor, while Circe will wear a cloth-based purple outfit. No word on casting frontrunners yet, although it's probably still a tad early for that. Additionally, get ready to see a ton of mythological/mystical creatrues throughout the course of the film and to raise things to another level, at one point, Ares will unleash an army of red or green demonic monster beasts with the full horns/wings package to keep Wonder Woman from stopping Circe. Also, Circe, who will primarily be rooted in sorcery, will transform into a Chimera-like monster during her final battle with Wonder Woman. Now, that's pretty heavy.
As for the plot, it sounds like it'll be fairly basic, more or less following the story of Diana & Steve in modern day trying to stop Circe, who with the help of Ares, is in the process of manipulating high-level government officials into starting World War III. The story will shift to the World War I era when Diana shares with Steve details about her first battle with Ares and how she defeated him. It's unclear whether the story will be told at the beginning of the film or whether it will be told as a flashback later on.
The Invisible Jet will be present to some extent, but won't be used too frequently as the film's focus is expected to primarily be on its fight sequences. The Jet's major scene will be when Diana & Steve leave Paradise Island for the first time. Also, for those of you wondering, the Invisible Jet will not show up in Batman v. Superman: Dawn Of Justice.
Okay, are you done digesting all of that? Let's hope you are, because here's where the report gets really heavy. Like Suicide Squad before it, Wonder Woman will also take place a few months before the events of Batman v. Superman: Dawn Of Justice. Why WB/DC is opting for this prequel-esque direction with their universe's solo features is a bit uncertain, but it should be interesting nonetheless.
And on a final note, it sounds like the Batman will have at least some sort of presence in Wonder Woman. This doesn't necessarily mean Ben Affleck (Gone Girl) will show up in the film as the Dark Knight's appearance could simply be a quick obscured shot of him observing from a roof or somewhere similar. He'll witness Wonder Woman in battle against Ares and will also see her rescuing civilians. Following the film's finale, the Batman will approach Wonder Woman, whether this is in a post-credits sequence is yet-to-be seen, but by the end of the film, he will have let her know that he's aware of her existence and will have formed some sort of relationship/alliance with her, which will directly lead into the events of Batman v. Superman: Dawn Of Justice.
So, what do you guys think! Sound off with your thoughts below!