Fancast By Ager: X-MEN: Descension Circa 1993

Fancast By Ager: X-MEN: Descension Circa 1993

My very first fancast was a no explanation list of actors as characters. This is a-well thought out story with sensible characters to fit-fancast.

By ager - Aug 11, 2013 05:08 PM EST
Filed Under: X-Men

Starring Kris Kristofferson, Demi Moore, James Purefoy and Anthony Heald with Ethan Hawke, Robin Tunney, Chelcie Ross and Robin Givens

X-Men: Descent

The movie begins with the X-Men mourning the loss of Jean Grey. Beast, Iceman, Banshee and Sunfire have all resigned. Everyone is depressed. Quickly following the intro of the broken team, a dapper, well dressed man offers a scruffy Cajun in a trench coat more money than he's ever seen.

He is told to contact Jason Wyngarde on the island once he steals the birth certificate of the mayor of Muir Island, Graydon Creed, so that he may collect the other half.

Once there, Wyngarde, actually the Shadow Thief, double crosses the thief, possesses his body, and unleashes the full force of Gambit on the nation.

When hysteria breaks, Mayor Creed declares a war against mutants. Mutants are then enslaved. Shadow Thief seemingly leaves Gambit's body when the destruction is met with opposition. The notion catches on across the globe with preachers even calling it God's will.

The X-Men, drowning in self-pity, do nothing. The Brotherhood, however, forcibly break the captive Magneto from his prison and aim to go to Muir Island to free the mutants and kill the humans. Magneto asks the X-Men to go with him and Xavier agrees, assuring Magneto that, although they will end slavery, the Brotherhood will not kill needlessly. If they must fight after their shared victory, the X-Men stand ready and willing.

When the X-Men and Brotherhood arrive, Professor X tries, unsuccessfully, to ration with Creed. The presence of Destiny and Professor X causes a surge of energy in Shadow Thief, having never left the enslaved Gambit. Feeding off of the psychic powers of the 2 and the anger of the enslaved, the war is reignited.

It's important to note how knowledgeable Creed is of his birth parents and that is why he hates mutants so much.

In the ensuing battle, the death toll is huge. Of the X-Men, Angel, Thunderbird and Cannonball are killed. Colossus is forced to kill when Kitty's life is in danger. From the Brotherhood, Magneto is mortally wounded when Mystique double-crosses him and, aside from him, only Mystique and Rogue survive. Destiny's death is a heavy burden on both Mystique and Rogue. The 2 escape the island on a jet.

It is up to Xavier to defeat Shadow Thief. They allude to having met before. The 2 fight on the astral plain and, although Xavier returns, he is badly hurt. The victory is bitter-sweet.

Gambit, free of Shadow Thief, asks to join the X-Men, paying his debt to society. Nightcrawler and Shadowcat convince the team to let him enlist.

Mayor Creed is laying dead in a pool of blood, slashes and gashes cover his body.

In the end, an unconscious Xavier is put in the care of Moira MacTaggert and Banshee. Magneto, suffering from injuries himself, is taken to the institute on Storm's orders. Cyclops, p' oed' that they would even consider taking him in, walks away from the team; he sees it as an insult to the professor and disrespectful to those that died. He cuts ties with the team, leaving Storm in charge.

In the final scene, Mystique and Rogue walk up to the same gentleman that hired Gambit back in Louisiana. She says "The Cajun is with the X-Men but both Xavier and Magneto are no longer a problem as per your plans. Thunderbird and Angel are dead as well."

"We've already retrieved Worthington's body. Welcome, ladies, to the Marauders."

"Thank you, Mr Sinister."

NEXT: X-Men 2: Genesis



Professor X
The mutant mentor of the X-Men proves that, in order to save the lives of innocent mutants, the stakes are never to high.

The fact that Xavier is the end-all-be-all as far as powerful mutants go, as far as anyone to this point knows, or speaks of, needs to be stressed. Even as a great an opponent as Magneto is, even he succumbs to the abilities of Xavier. That is why, when Shadow Thief is an equal match for Xavier, it is more stunning than anything else.

Played by
Chelcie Ross
Age: 51
Untouchables, The Last Boy Scout, Basic Instinct and Rudy were not ground breaking roles for Ross, but he is a fine actor. The reality is that not every actor need be an A-lister in this movie. Originally I had Patrick Stewart as X as it was ideal 7 years before he was actually cast, but for the sake of originality, I went different.

The stars should be those actors that, when you see their names attached to the project you either let out a sigh of relief or turn to your friend and say "Opening night, We're there." However, you'll go bankrupt if you fill your entire cast with the box office mega stars.

This trilogy gives top billing to Cyclops. This is his journey as you will see when reading the plots.

Played by
James Purefoy
Age: 29
Starring in a few TV episodes and one TV movie it would be a risk that pays off in dividends if Purefoy was cast as the '93 Cyclops. Originally I had Patrick Dempsey but he just wasn't tough enough for me. Cyclops deserves to be treated with respect.

If Cyclops is the epicenter of the trilogy, then Storm is the hub of the team itself.

Played by
Robin Givens
Age: 28
Most significantly, Givens starred in the Comedy Boomerang. Her beauty and command of the scream made her the best choice to play the X-Men's co-leader turned leader in this trilogy.

Hey look! It's an X-Men movie that knows how cool a character Wolverine is but doesn't shove that concept down our throats.

Played by
Russell Crowe
Age: 29
Originally I was using Mel Gibson, but he's less useful in a trilogy format being of an age where he's going to show it after a few years. Even though Wolverine fights like a mad man in each movie he's going to progressively get more wild in each. Crowe, in The Crossing and Proof, proved he was lead actor material in Australian cinema. This could've propelled his American career. Not as short as I'd like (neither was Gibson) but then who is. Crowe is more than capable of bringing the ferocity of Wolverine to the big screen.

The deepest character of the bunch, he is the soul of the team. Not everyone's story can develop in the 1st movie. His story comes later.

Played by
Sean Penn
Age: 32
Most notably, Carlito's way would be his ticket to X-Men. At this point, like Crowe, he's not quite a leading man but rather on the cusp of greatness. Personally, I can't stand him as a person, the hypocritical bastard, but his talent as an actor is undeniable.

The most powerful is also the most gentle. Piotr does not have a relationship with Kitty but they do have a strong bond that borders on love.

Played by
Clancy Brown
Age: 34
He built a reputation as a formidable, battle torn fighter in Highlander. His height (6'4"), his brow and his booming voice equal Colossus if you ask me. I know there is a huge age difference in the age between Peter and Kitty but they are the best actors for the parts.

Kitty may be the youngest member but she's by no means naive or out of place. She tough and smart and has a crush on Colossus that becomes less about love and more 'wow he's so dreamy and awesome.' It's more like if you worked with the athlete you crush on. For me, it's like if I worked with Trish Stratus. She's as talented and amazing in that ring as she is beautiful.

Angelina Jolie
Age: 18
If you are a hater of one of our generation's most talented actresses you are crazy. At this point, like so many others in this movie, this is before she hit it huge.

Right now, he appears to be nothing more than casualty. Realistically, an actor with his presence should have a larger role. In time...

Brad Pitt
Age: 29
A River Runs Through It was his to own. Instantly, from Thelma and Louise, Pitt was destined to headline.

Truth be told, I needed a disposable X-Man. I dug into the pike of New Mutants and picked my favorite of them. I wanted a mutant that was likable and had a visually fantastic power so that you assume, when watching, that he was going to be a part of the ongoing series, perhaps as a love interest for Kitty. Instead, your jaw drops and you curse Marvel for pulling a dirty trick.

Leonardo DiCaprio
Age: 18
What's Eating Gilbert Grape? That's the 1st time u saw Leo and I really thought he was handicapped. The guy is incredible and would only further the notion that Cannonball was part of something greater.

Let's be honest, he was only a part of Giant-Sized X-Men so that he can die. The good news is that he is just as important here. His other purpose was to propel Warpath. To check out my Warpath fancast go here

Eric Schweig
Age : 26
In Th Last of the Mohicans, Shweig showed he has what it takes to be more than just an extra. The few lines he has have to be relevant.

Muir Islanders:

The sweet-talking Cajun thief has bitten off more than he could chew, or so you would think. Never underestimate the Cajun.

Ethan Hawke
Age: 22
My 1st choice was actually Vincent Cassel. At 26 years old the French actor is perfect. The original Gambit was not the Abercrombie model he is today. He was actually modeled off of John Malkovich. It was his charisma and his grunge appeal that made him a ladies man. Cassel would be PERFECT if I knew that he spoke English. I can assume so as it is likely but that's not playing fare. If he is out of the question, then without a doubt my go to actor is Ethan Hawke. White Fang and Alive were 2 of my favorite movies when I was young. Truly, White Fang was one of my top 5 childhood favorites.

Jason Wyngarde
The man referred to as Mastermind in the comics is nothing more than a vessel in this movie. The body that holds Shadow King is the slick and slimy illusionist.

Michael Wincott
Age: 35
It's not proven, but I think he became an actor so that he may 1 day play Wyngarde. He is that eerie kind of swashbuckling cool that is equally terrifying. He is Mastermind.

Mayor Graydon Creed
Creed, here, is generating popularity as a new character created this year while simultaneously debuting in theaters. In his 1st issue his lineage is discovered, therefor, it is safe to follow the same format. I have tweaked his character by making him the mayor of Muir Island and the main proponent in jump starting the plot. His death can be safely surmised, at first, as the work of his daddy, Sabretooth.

Anthony Heald
Age: 48
Heald, as the nemesis of Hannibal Lector in 1991's Silence of the lambs was a natural fit for Creed. He was my immediate answer. I chose to make Creed whatever age he was.

The ex-cop turned X-Man has retired recently to care for his daughter and reside with his lover, Moira.

Nicholas Clay
Age: 47
Outside of his work on Excalibur, I don't know much about him. I do know the Brit would make an ideal, aging Banshee. If the role was bigger, I would've picked Liam Neeson.

Dr Moira MacTaggert
MagTaggert, in Scotland, has taken on the role of mutant guide, mentor and trainer as inspired by her ex-lover, Charles Xavier.

Cherie Lunghi
Age: 41
Truthfully, because of her chemistry with Clay in the aforementioned movie, I chose her. If the role were bigger, I would've picked Helen Mirren.


In an homage to the comics, like it was never imagined before, the X-Men's greatest adversary is taken into the mansion and given time to heal.

For a greater understanding of Magneto, or, at least, from where his inception may have (un)knowingly been inspired, look no further than Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice and pay close attention to Shylock.

Kris Kristofferson
Age: 57
Admittedly, He wasn't in the greatest movies in the late 80's, leading into the early 90's, but that doesn't take away from his natural badassery. In the 70's he won an award for best newcomer and didn't upset by following that up with a Golden Globe for best actor. Kris Kris is almost the picture perfect Magneto in the 90's. Originally, I chose the equally impressive and, slightly more intimidating, Clint Eastwood. He still stands as the best possible choice. If he turned it down, Kristofferson is the best option to take the mantle.

She slowly becomes the nail in this story. I cant help but push Mystique in my fancasts as she is the most intriguing Marvel character in my eyes. She is the most repetitive character, aside from Professor X (who acts as the Nick Fury of the X-Men, recruiting each hero in the last scene of their respective movies) in my Giant-Sized fancasts that depict the origins of each G/S X-Man. She plays huge roles in Forge (who replaces Thunderbird), Wolverine and Nightcrawler.


Wolverine ;

Nightcrawler ;

Demi Moore
Age: 30
Moore was definitely one of the screen queens of the late 80's and 90's. It's only fitting that the seductively tough and equally skilled actress don the blue paint, skull headband and white dress.

The torment of Rogue is, possibly, one of the most fascinating parts of the X-Men stories since her arrival. I would even have her utilize the powers of Ms Marvel to include that inner duality as well.

Robin Tunney
Age: 21
Tunney, most popular as the nasty, b!tch in Encino Man, she hit it big in The Craft and Empire Records years later. Watch them both, great movies. She can nail the role and the proof is in the later 2 movies mentioned.

The mutant who sees the future, and the other foster mother of Rogue could make for a highly interesting character for the little screen time she is given. I'm very disappointed in her absence in the very, very horrid First Class movie.

Frances McDormand
Age: 36
Blood Simple, Raising Arizona, Miller's Crossing, Darkman and Barton Fink are all such great movies. I have been a huge fan of her since the mid 90's and caught the aforementioned movies through renting them. The Cohen brothers are 2 of my favorite directors and she is the reason I got into their movies.

What's important to know about Pyro is equally important in his evil teammates, their menacing mutant abilities and their boys club-esque friendship.

This is the most radically different X-fancast I have created due to the role of the Brotherhood. Usually, as seen in my many X-Casts, I provide deep, enriched roles into which the actors playing each Brotherhood member can dive. I even love to use The Maximoff twins who are noticeably absent. This trilogy is a developing story capturing the mid-careers of these mutants. Some are at the end of their journey, like the Brotherhood, and others are beginning a new chapter, like Rogue and Magneto. This is the deepest story with a completion.

This is not the story of good mutants battling evil ones and because of that we needed to move away from the Brotherhood and begin moving towards something greater.

It does bother me that the story unfolded like this as I love the dynamic of the team. It irked me to know end that we didn't get Mystique's Brotherhood in any, especially the 1st, X-movie.

Christopher Eccleston
Age: 29
Eccleston first came to public attention as Derek Bentley in the 1991 film Let Him Have It and an episode of Inspector Morse, "Second Time Around", also in 1991. A regular role in the television series Cracker(1993–94) brought him recognition in the UK and, after he told TV bosses of his desire to leave the series, they killed off his character in October 1994.

That was directly from Wiki because, admittedly, back then I didn't know about him; I never heard of him until recently. He would've been a great, Australian-born Pyro if he screen tested.

Abraham Benrubi
Age: 23
The 6'7" actor from Parker Lewis Can't Lose is always perfect for Blob and his age is irrelevant.

Vincent D'Onofrio
Age: 34
The 6'4" actor is often referred to as an actor's actor. His work as a character actor has earned him the nickname "The Human Chameleon". He is known for his role as Private Leonard Lawrence ("Gomer Pyle") in the war film Full Metal Jacket,

John Leguizamo
From Super Mario Bros (what a horrible movie, even though it jump started his career) to Carlito's Way to (later) Romeo & Juliette and (the must see mini) Killpoint, Leguizamo is a tremendous character actor (Vindicator from Spawn) who would make a surprisingly impressive thinner, nastier Toad like the one Jim Lee introduced in the 90's.

Knowing, now, how impressive the Brotherhood actors are, it's a pitty they wouldn't be given the screen time they deserved. Given, however, there calibre at the time, it makes sense.

@ more to come to complete a very deep trilogy. There is a clear connection with everything and everyone, to include the titles and what they mean
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ILoveStargirl - 8/11/2013, 5:51 PM
If X-Men '93 existed in real life, it would rub salt in the wound left by the outrage which Batman Returns suffered by moral guardians' hands which paved the way to, you know...

My favourite of your cast choices is Angelina Jolie as Shadowcat. Her 18 old self it's really REALLY hot.

MrCameron - 8/11/2013, 6:02 PM
Great cast ager.

BTW, Crowe was the original choice for Wolverine before Jackman got the part but he'd only do it under the condition that he played the role bald :P
ager - 8/11/2013, 6:19 PM

Thx. Like I said, almost the complete opposite of the horrible Bat films of the era, this is as well thought out as it can be. Thx again
ager - 8/11/2013, 6:24 PM
You know, I've been sitting on this for almost 2 months and just last week I heard that about Crowe. If that was true, that's odd. Why bald? Maybe his head wasn't so big in '93 and he wasn't all about abnormal demands. In '00, I think he was too old anyway. I cast Wahlberg as Wolverine in my '00 recast/revision but I've recently thought that Jason Statham, rising to the A-list at the time thanks to the movie Snatch. With a wig, he would've been great.
ILoveStargirl - 8/11/2013, 6:28 PM
I like how Ian McShane's roles degrade each X-Men reboot.

Ian Mcshane '64 = Beast (Hero)

Ian McShane '78 = Wolverine (Anti-hero)

Ian McShane '93 = ??? (Anti-villain?)

Ian McShane '05 = Sebastian Shaw (Villain)
ager - 8/11/2013, 7:12 PM
He will show up in the trilogy and thx for noticing
ILoveStargirl - 8/11/2013, 7:19 PM
It seems that you are really fond of the X-Men.
MikeZ - 8/11/2013, 9:42 PM
- I'm not very familiar with Chelcie Ross, so apologies here.
- If Purefoy would be able to play sympathetic as well as tough, I could've seen him as Cyke.
- I'm a little undecided on whether or not Givens would've been a good Storm. If Nicole Ari Parker was working in the early 90's, she would've been great.
- Nightcrawler and Kitty Pryde are miscast, especially the latter (Kitty isn't a bombshell beauty).
- I wouldn't know if Leo would take on such a small role like Cannonball. It would've been interesting, though!
- I think someone European would've made a slightly better Magneto. Kris Kristofferson's southern accent wouldn't be that easily masked.
- Demi as Mystique wouldn't be bad at all!
- Well, Robin Tunney as Rogue, huh? I could get on board with that.
- Yeah, I didn't care too much about First Class either, and people here know why, but I won't rehash it over and over again. Frances McDormand is relative to one of my mom's friends, so it would've been great to see her grace an X-Men movie.
- Pre-Doctor Who Eccleston as Pyro would've been awesome!

Overall, this is a great cast. I can't wait to see the next X-Men cast.

By the way, you have yet to see my Family Guy/American Dad and Deadpool fancasts. Come on over and comment on them!
FlixMentallo21 - 8/11/2013, 9:45 PM
Wowsers, nice assortment! Why did you decide to merge Shadow King (Thief?) and Mastermind?
Kakarot - 8/12/2013, 3:49 PM
I was just saying the other day how Crowe would've been a phenomenal Wolverine! Perfect. I like Hawke but Cassells really does sound spot on for Gambit. Was worried reading Demi Moore's name at the start but as Mystique I think she'd do fine. I love Pitt as Angel.
ager - 8/13/2013, 6:49 PM
I do. They're not my favorite Marvel concept, DD is. It's just that the team has evolved so much and covered every thing from the basic teen-team to space to Darwinism at its most raw and violent, through political views to the Wild, Wild West, ie, Old Man Logan. I thought it'd be great to see how the team could run its course for a decade then reboot in a decade on and on and never get old
ager - 8/13/2013, 7:05 PM

- Chelcie Ross isn't anyone special, but a strong actor nonetheless. As I stated, with such a huge cast, A-listers are reserves for the stars of the series, if which, Xavier is not.
- I completely disagree about Nightcrawler but i appreciate ur honesty. Kitty Pryde, you'll see in sequels, is crucial to the story and choosing one of this eras greatest actresses, was key. No, Kitty is not a bombshell, but that is far less important than the acting ability. That's like saying a certain actress doesn't have the chest to play Rogue. especially the latter
- Leo,keep in mind was nothing more than the kid from Growing Pains and a co-star in Golbert Grape. He would take. He wasn't a big actor at the time.
- Magneto; yup, I knew you'd say that

I did check out the McFarline duet fancast, was having trouble leaving a message so I left it some place else for you to see but I can't remember where.

Ill check out DP again but I recall you doing it before. Betting you used Rosenberg as DP ;)
ager - 8/13/2013, 7:17 PM
To be honest, Mastermind is such a big part of the lure, being a founding member of the Evil Mutants and an important part of the Dark Phoenix Saga, I felt involving him (I never liked Unis, btw) was a great way to show that this X-Men have a past and characters have come and gone. I can't decide if he's useless or wasted and I never know what exactly to do with him. I settled on making him a vessel to kind of say that he is powerful but didnt, himself, know how to use use it. Again, everything is leading to sonething
ager - 8/13/2013, 7:19 PM
Thanks for all the positive feedback please stop by for the rest
MikeZ - 8/13/2013, 10:40 PM
@ ager

I remade the Deadpool cast with different choices. And you still didn't add your comments on that other fancast as well.
DDD - 8/14/2013, 4:45 PM
Great work AGER@!

I loves me some some X-MEN so this Casting is right
up my alley.

Very nice period piece!

Love LEGUIZAMO as TOAD, what a perfect fit!

Great choice for THUNDERBIRD!

I don't see CHRISTOPHERSON doing a British or any
kind of accent convincingly for MAGNETO.

I for one really love your KITTY pick!
Kitty isn't a tall bombshell but she is very cute!
ANGELINA was painfully cute back then.

DEMI MOORE would have made a very volatile MYSTIQUE!
And smoking hot. Especially if she wasn't reptilian
but her usual sexy human-looking self but with blue
skin, like in the comics.
I really hate that SINGER made MYSTIQUE a lizard!

WINCOTT is just frightening in everything he does!
He makes a very scary SHADOW KING-possessed WYNGARDE!

Very handsome Casting, AGER@!
ager - 8/16/2013, 2:20 PM

Glad you like Toad and Kitty, I love those ones.

Looks like KK's not a popular Magneto :( I wont be changing it though, to keep continuity.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Mystique is not a blue lizard, what a disappointment that was.

In small roles, Wyncott is as creepy as they get!

hope to see u in the next one as well
Shadow11 - 8/23/2013, 9:13 AM
Malcolm McDowell would be great as Magneto and as Xavier I would go with Anthony Hopkins

As Cyclops back in the 1990s I would have gone with Tom Cruise

Robin Givens as Storm is perfect

So is Russell Crowe as Wolverine

Sean Penn as Nightcrawler is an interesting choice

Clancy Brown as Colossus screams epic in itself especially in the 1990s way back then

But as for the rest of your cast though great picks all around except Magneto
thatguywhositsbyhim - 9/18/2013, 4:38 PM
Cool story, and a great cast overall. I especially like where you said that not every actor needs to be a big star: totally agree! My philosophy exactly.

For your X-Men, my favorites are Purefoy, Jolie & Pitt. DeCaprio is a pretty cool choice too, actually. My least favorite is Robin Givens, just because I don't personally care for her as an actress.

For your Muir Islanders, I'm digging your first three picks, but I don't actually know who your Banshee or Moira are! My bad.

Not feeling Kristofferson for Magneto, would have gone with your other suggestion, Clint Eastwood. The rest of your Brotherhood is awesome, especially Moore & Leguizamo, because neither is a pick I'd have thought of but I'd love to see them.

I love that your casts are period specific, too. Great stuff!
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