X2 Writer Responds To Nightcrawler Actor Alan Cumming Saying It's The Gayest X-MEN Movie: I Was Thrilled

X2 Writer Responds To Nightcrawler Actor Alan Cumming Saying It's The "Gayest" X-MEN Movie: "I Was Thrilled"

RUMOR: X-MEN Reboot's Team Reportedly Revealed; THE FANTASTIC FOUR To Feature Several Classic Villains
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RUMOR: X-MEN Reboot's Team Reportedly Revealed; THE FANTASTIC FOUR To Feature Several Classic Villains

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blvdnoise - 2/14/2013, 2:32 PM
DukeAcureds - 2/14/2013, 2:33 PM
So excited. Could be really good.
LordoftheThrones26 - 2/14/2013, 2:38 PM
What character is Peter Dinklage playing?
95 - 2/14/2013, 2:39 PM
Oh, boy do you have a lot of things to correct.
JDUKE25 - 2/14/2013, 2:39 PM
Oh PLEASE just throw out The Last Stand, and about half of the other crap that was filmed.
JDUKE25 - 2/14/2013, 2:41 PM
Cyclops better f***in be back....
Spideyguy94 - 2/14/2013, 2:43 PM
@JDUKE Amen to that. Cyclops is my favourite x-men character and considering he's the f*cking leader of the team, the treatment he's got in live action is appalling.
FirstAvenger - 2/14/2013, 2:44 PM
Well now you have my attention.
Paragon79 - 2/14/2013, 2:44 PM
That's what I figured he'd do. And why would he shut up? Why wouldn't you use the social media outlets to keep a buzz about your future movie? If I was making a movie, I'd be a total media whore.
masterhater - 2/14/2013, 2:45 PM
Of course. First class was awesome and all of his movies sucked so he has to xmen back to sucking.
Skrull - 2/14/2013, 2:47 PM
Will the reset include better costumes, well-staged action set pieces, characters whose powers match the comics and aren't toned down to fit the budget, less of Wolverine monopolizing screen time, decent special effects, real Sentinels....If not, don't even bother.
DukeAcureds - 2/14/2013, 2:54 PM
Scott and Jean better be introduced into the '60s/'70s era X-Men. An it'd be even more of a crowd-pleaser if Scott was older than Havok. No need to throw Bobby and Warren into the First Class tam, just yet. As long as we get Scott and Jean, then it's all gravy, baby.
santoanderson - 2/14/2013, 2:57 PM
Suck it Ratner.
ahhmynuts - 2/14/2013, 2:58 PM
im so damn pumped for this movie
THRILLHO - 2/14/2013, 2:59 PM
marvel72 - 2/14/2013, 2:59 PM
there is a ton of shit to sort out continuity wise,another fault with the x-men movies too much magneto as the main villain.

the x-men have loads of great villains which haven't been used.

-the marauders
-the brood
-savage land mutates
-the phalanx
-the purifiers
-the dark riders
-the reavers
-freedom force
-the original brotherhood of evil mutants
lostrojo - 2/14/2013, 3:03 PM
hope is all i have for this
ATrueHero1987 - 2/14/2013, 3:03 PM
If it corrects the mistakes, then I'm even more interested in this movie!
LFANCH - 2/14/2013, 3:04 PM
introducing cyclops in the first class era would be another continuity error though. He was in high school in Origins, which is in the 80's
MisterMagurlypse - 2/14/2013, 3:05 PM
Let's hope so. The first two X flims are very good. As was Magneto Begins, aka First Class, so I hope he can straighten this clusterfrick up!
MJPETTY7 - 2/14/2013, 3:05 PM
Save Scott and Jean's dignity...
ATrueHero1987 - 2/14/2013, 3:05 PM
Honestly, after X-Men: Origins: Wolverine, they should've rebooted the franchise but oh well....
TheSuperguy - 2/14/2013, 3:10 PM
FIRST CLASS could have worked very well as a reboot
Talon1024 - 2/14/2013, 3:11 PM
Note to Superhero Movie Make writers "Hmm if there were someplace we could Find a story line, with character development?" Read the COMICS you Stupid MutherFrickn SOBs and Stop reinventing our Heros!
Ocelot - 2/14/2013, 3:17 PM
should be excited, but I cant as it's gonna be another wolverine and friends movie, sigh
sparkadv - 2/14/2013, 3:20 PM
I almost never use "CAPS"...But when I do ... It's to say..."JUST SHUT UP AND MAKE A GOOD MOVIE!! Why don't you get a clue from Mr. Snyder and just do your job quietly. Talk is cheap...and I remember you saying the same pumped up things about Superman Returns... no offense but your are much better with drama/thriller than action.
TruBeliever - 2/14/2013, 3:21 PM
Make Apocalypse the main baddie in the future. Have an "older" Logan, Cable, Bishop and the remainging "heroes" making their Last Stand (pun intended) They find out that Apocalypse changed the time stream (past craptastic Xmen films) to ensure that key mutants died so he could rule. Cable goes back in time to set the time stream correct to the continuum we all know and love. Please bearded person that lives in the clouds help Singer fix this hot mess of a franchise.
Space - 2/14/2013, 3:22 PM
X2 and First Class have been the best of the X-Men films, BUT it's still a FOX movie so expect a turd with sprinkles on it
Shadowelfz - 2/14/2013, 3:23 PM
Good. Fix the shit you and the other assholes broke.
Space - 2/14/2013, 3:23 PM
it's not saying much, but it's like the sh!t you took last night is better than the sh!t you took the day before.
marvel72 - 2/14/2013, 3:23 PM
@ marvelpsycho79

of course i just didn't want to take up the whole comment section with my list.

i also wished fox expanded their x-universe with movies of x-factor,x-force & excalibur.
ComicFan1134 - 2/14/2013, 3:24 PM
Kind Of Excited, Kind Of Like, Here's X-3 All Over Again....
Paragon79 - 2/14/2013, 3:26 PM
That Jtroll is still trolling hard eye see.
sparkadv - 2/14/2013, 3:27 PM
By the way...Bigger is not better if it is an elephant inside your room.!
deamon - 2/14/2013, 3:27 PM

This nick explains enough.
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