RUMOR: The Skrulls Will Reportedly Make Their Live-Action Debut In X-MEN: DARK PHOENIX

RUMOR: The Skrulls Will Reportedly Make Their Live-Action Debut In X-MEN: DARK PHOENIX

Got that pinch of salt ready? A rumor is doing the rounds which claims that Xavier and his mutants will actually be going up against The Skrulls in X-Men: Dark Phoenix. Find out more after the jump...

By MarkCassidy - Oct 18, 2017 09:10 AM EST
Filed Under: Dark Phoenix
Fan site Universo X-Men is reporting that X-Men: Dark Phoenix will feature the warlike, shape-shifting alien race known as The Skrulls.

According to their sources, a scene takes place at the United Nations building with the likes of Professor Xavier, Magneto, Jean Grey and Cyclops in attendance to discuss mutant rights. At some point, alien ships launch an attack, taking everyone by surprise.

So, that'll be the Shi’ar Empire.. right? Well, although the actors spotted on set were wearing motion-capture suits, apparently they were clearly identified as Skrulls.

Obviously it's best not to read too much into this yet - although it is worth noting that this same site did previously get some Days of Future Past and Apocalypse details correct. Plus, Jessica Chastain recently revealed that she wasn't actually playing Shi’ar empress Lilandra after all. The Skrull Queen, perhaps?

All just speculation at this point, but let us know what you think in the usual place.
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joppida - 10/18/2017, 9:02 AM
Boy this is a saucy one
JonC - 10/18/2017, 11:34 AM
Hopefully Skrulls will be pulled off better than mind control that has been shown so far. I hate it when a hero is put on screen and that hero is mind controlled and a douchebag as a result. Hawkeye in Avengers 1 is an example. Let us at least really get to know the character before you take over his mind so we know the loss of him being turned. Hulk in Avengers 2 is another case. I want Banner fighting Stark, not mind controlled Banner. I want Hulk being the best Hulk, not being stupid mind controlled Hulk.
You wait and wait for your hero to appear on screen after years and then they are mind controlled and you feel like your money was stolen from you.
If you are going to do Skrulls mimicking heroes then make sure we get to know the characters and care about them first. Let the heroes be presented on screen (what people have waited for) before you water them down.
JonC - 10/18/2017, 11:42 AM
to continue.. this really applies to Scarlet Witch.

She did the mind control thing in Ultron and that is what is still unclear... did she mind control and put images in each's head, were these things already in their heads, what exactly was done?

There was no definition of what she was doing in advance of it happening so when we saw the results on screen we did not know if we should believe what we were seeing.

Did Tony see the future or just his fears?
Same for Thor, Cap and Black Widow...
How much should we as an audience invest in these scenes when we don't know why they are being generated.
Is she bringing our their worst fears?

Is she connecting them to other things that exist in the universe?
Example: clearly what Thor saw did not seem to be based on anything we had been introduced to prior.

Please just do it right.
BloodyBed - 10/18/2017, 6:32 PM
@JonC - I agree, mind control is [frick]ing cheap and I'm tired of it littering our stories.

I mean, I know, part of what makes comicbooks so great is the tropes, but this one has been overused in a cheap way too many times.
MarkCassidy - 10/18/2017, 9:04 AM
For those wondering about the rights issue.. last we heard Marvel and Fox share them, but things may have changed.
PBIRD - 10/18/2017, 9:13 AM
@RorMachine - bwhahahahahahahahahaha... didnt they do the same thing with QUICK SILVER? I mean, honestly, if anyone thinks Marvel FOX and MARVEL DISNEY are making deals behind the scenes... this pretty much proves that aint even close to reality.
mastakilla39 - 10/18/2017, 9:17 AM
@RorMachine - Fox and Marvel share the "race of skrulls" but not the "famous villains or heroes (skrulls that actually have a name)" like Veranke (from secret invasion) or Klrt (skrull who has all the F4's powers)
mastakilla39 - 10/18/2017, 9:24 AM
@PBIRD - Quicksilver and Scarlett witch is differ because Marvel and Fox share the character name rights only. Marvel does not share their race, origin, or any mutant related characteristics. They cheated fox by making their powers ambigious as super speed and magic is not owned by any1.

But fox technically shares inhumans and black panther too as they all appeared in F4 1st. So fox can pull a [frick] u to Marvel by making generic rip offs too appear on film.

They also share rogue and wolverine too as those 2 appeared in hulk and captain marvel issues 1st.
JustAChillFan - 10/18/2017, 9:45 AM
@mastakilla39 - No they don't. Black Panther and Inhumans have their own character rights that aren't included with the X-Men/F4. It doesn't matter that they first appeared in those issues as they had their own standalone series for enough time that they were separate entities. Same with Rogue and Wolverine, they are lumped together with the X-men as that is what they are known for being a part of for extended periods of time. With Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch they just cannot mention that they are mutants or any connections they have to the x-men, all of their mutant powers can stay, they just can't be classified as mutants. In reality the only one who can really screw the other is Marvel screwing with Fox as they own the TV rights to almost all of their characters, they only ever sold their merchandising and film rights. If Fox or Marvel just made generic rip offs to appear on film they would get sued out the wazoo.
mastakilla39 - 10/18/2017, 10:00 AM
@JustAChillFan - No they share them. A lawsuit was filed by Fox against Marvel back in 2002 when they tried making generation x without fox's approval. Through that lawsuit it was revealed what characters they shared like black panther, inhumans, rogue, hulk (with universal), etc. It was revealed they share any characters of a "property they own/sold to another" if that character appeared in another comic 1st. they share rogue because she appeared in avengers annual 1st and wolverine as he appeared in incredible hulk comic 1st.

Fox can have black panther appear on film its just they wont be able to use any characteristics MCU owns like Wakanda, his suit, etc. But its legally possible because Marvel did it with Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch.

Will they? Probably not
Can they? yes

Sorry its hard to find the source as it was dated too long ago, but i remember what i read as this was huge news in the comic community.
FormulaOne - 10/18/2017, 10:03 AM
@RorMachine -

So we could look forward to the 2 fan bases arguing who did it better.

I got my guess who will...;)
Unavailable - 10/18/2017, 10:08 AM
@RorMachine - Well, I know that Fox has rights to named Skrulls.
In a way then MCU can make up new characters for the Skrulls. Be interesting what they come up with. How they operate and their motives could be different.
E.g instead of Klrt there could be a Skrull with a mix of Thor, Cap Marvel, Stark, Hulk and Spider-Man. Or some such mashup. They will not be as confined to the named Skrulls like X-Men will be. But we shall see.
WYLEEJAY - 10/18/2017, 10:09 AM
@mastakilla39 - I read that too. But your thinking of Mutant X, not generation X I assume? Generation X was just a miniseries. Fox sued Marvel because they made a gereric MUTANT show. That's what Fox has the rights to.

They do not share Black Panther, Rogue, or Wolverine just because they showed in another's book first however. And rights expire if a company sits on them too long. Unless the contract states otherwise. Example, Marvel shares Namor and Hulk with Universal.
CorndogBurglar - 10/18/2017, 11:03 AM
@mastakilla39 - That isn't true. At all.

Wolverine appeared in a Hulk comic first. Marvel can't use him.

Sabretooth appeared in an Iron Fist comic first. Marvel can't use him.

It doesn't matter where their first appearance happened. Its all about their level of importance to each side.

For instance. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch appeared in X-Men first. But they have a long history being both X-Men AND Avengers. So they aren't really specific to either X-Men OR Avengers. So both can use them.
CorndogBurglar - 10/18/2017, 11:22 AM
@mastakilla39 - Its also wrong that they share Wolverine.

Wolverine was going to be used in a quick cameo in Captain America The First Avenger during a WW2 scene. Just a nameless, long sideburned, cigar smoking soldier who says "bub".

But they couldn't because even if he's recognizable as Logan its rights infringement.

If you produce this source you are claiming that says these characters are all shared because of their first appearances, and its a good source, then I'll admit I'm totally wrong.

But I've been following the MCU and the rights issue since day one, right alongside Rormachine, and I'm telling you what you are saying is not right.
CorndogBurglar - 10/18/2017, 11:24 AM
@mastakilla39 - Do you honestly think that Marvel would hesitate for a second to use a character like Wolverine if they could?
pesmerga44 - 10/18/2017, 11:38 AM
@mastakilla39 - Super Skrull is the only one I know of that Fox has the complete rights to and that is because he has the powers of the F4. Besides that Marvel and Fox share ownership of the Skrulls.
SageMode - 10/18/2017, 12:17 PM
@CorndogBurglar - correct me if im wrong, but QS and SW were never X-Men members.
CorndogBurglar - 10/18/2017, 12:48 PM
@SageMode - Whats up Sage. To my knowledge Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch were never on the premier X-Men team. They may have been at some point for a short time,but I don't know about if they were.

They debuted on Magneto's Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and kind of rode the line for a while of being full on bad guys and having sympathy for the X-Men. Eventually theynleft Magneto's abusive ways and joined the Avengers.

They were also in X-Factor during the 90's for quite a while.

So they may not have been in the actual X-Men, but they definitely have more than enough ties to the mutant side of the MU to be considered equally important as they are to The Avengers.
CorndogBurglar - 10/18/2017, 12:50 PM
@SageMode - For these movie talks its just easier to group all the X-Teams under the X-Men banner when it comes to rights.

But with New Mutants and X-Force coming out soon that may not be the case for long.
CorndogBurglar - 10/18/2017, 12:58 PM
@SageMode - Let me correct myself. I don't think SW was in X-Factor. But Quicksilver definitely was.
mastakilla39 - 10/18/2017, 4:09 PM
@CorndogBurglar - Can't find the sources anymore as this was news way back. A lot of the news reported back in the 2000s to 2008s have all disappeared. Wasn't trying to start a war or anything but I guess I will admit that I could be wrong since I can't find the sources anymore and contract rights could have changed.

Back then a site called Movieweb and SuperGeo(or something similar) use to report a lot of superhero related news but once their website upgraded they removed all their old articles.

Rogue's role was reduced in Xmen:Last Stand because Marvel filed lawsuit using that logic "where since it appeared 1st in our comics we should own Rogue/Wolverine" so fox fired back with the rights to use "inhuman characters (not the race as they don't own that), black panther, and many other villains that appeared in the properties they bought." But the court ruled in favor of Fox and Marvel was forced to pay fox millions of dollars in damage and that's why they still hate each other. They only reconciled last summer with Legion, Gifted, and Deadpool.
mastakilla39 - 10/18/2017, 4:19 PM
@CorndogBurglar - But apparently that logic was true, that they do get to share characters that appeared in other comics 1st. Just if either 1 was to use the characters they share they will have to negotiate what to use.

Quicksilver's scene was never in DOFP's original script. It was supposed to be Juggernaught who broke out Magneto but Fox used Quicksilver to get back at Marvel because they didn't consult fox 1st and just used him in AOU. The only reason why Quicksilver can use super speed and SW can use "magic/psychic powers" is those powers are "generic powers" that all comics can use. Just SW cannot use "Hex magic or Reality warp" like in the comics.
PBIRD - 10/18/2017, 9:28 PM
@mastakilla39 - you're making shit up and no they dont.
JourneyIntoMystery - 10/18/2017, 9:04 AM
I thought FOX only had the rights to Super Skrull? These timelines are so confusing.
ODanil - 10/18/2017, 9:04 AM
cool, Fox not only ruins their own stuff, they also want to ruin the stuff from people who know what they are doing.
mastakilla39 - 10/18/2017, 9:36 AM
@ODanil - lol fox did quicksilver better so MCU is just hissy fitting by trying to do everything they share 1st even though they cant do much with it.

honestly fox will probably do scarlet witch better too we can actually get a more comic accurate house of m as MCU is too generic
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