X-Men: First Class - Access Hollywood's Week-in-Geek

X-Men: First Class - Access Hollywood's Week-in-Geek

Each week Access Hollywood looks at the Week-in-Geek, and this week part of the focus is on X-Men: First Class, tracing news over the past seven days.

By EdGross - Jan 21, 2011 08:01 PM EST
Filed Under: X-Men: First Class
Source: Access Hollywood

Of the film, Access Hollywood says, "It’s been a banner week of online buzz for 20th Century Fox’s “X-Men: First Class,” the 1960’s-set prequel to the blockbuster “X-Men” film franchise.

On Tuesday, a low-res first look of the cast surfaced and spread like wildfire across fan sites. The montage image in question (which was later posted in a higher quality version on other sites including MSN.com), provided a peek at James McAvoy (Charles Xavier), Michael Fassbender (Magneto), January Jones (Emma Frost), Rose Byrne (Dr. Moira MacTaggert), and Jennifer Lawrence (Mystique) – amongst others — as they might appear in costume in the film.

However, 20th Century Fox told Access Hollywood that the picture was not an approved image from the studio.

In an interview with Slash Film, “First Class” director Michael Vaughn (“Kick-Ass,” “Layer Cake”) was quite vocal and made no bones about his ill feelings over the picture’s online appearance.

“I don’t know where the hell that came from. I don’t think it’s a Fox image. It’s not a pre-approved image,” Vaughn stated. “It’s like a bad Photoshop, which maybe it was by someone. It didn’t reflect the movie. I was shocked when I saw it.”

Two official images were subsequently released to Slashfilm, with one depicting Fassbender using his mutant abilities in his Magento costume. Still, three others images were revealed on the LA Times’ Hero Complex blog including a group shot of X-Men’s entire First Class in their ’60s era clothes, and another picture featuring January Jones and Kevin Bacon as Hellfire Club villains Emma Frost and Sebastian Shaw (the eventual White Queen and Black King).

Bacon talked to Moviefone about the film and what he liked about playing his mutant character.

“He’s a very powerful billionaire and also, as it turns out, a mutant,” he revealed. “He’s the leader of the Hellfire Club, which is a nightclub for the rich and extremely powerful. And he has a plot to take over the world, so that’s really fun.”

The retro setting of the film was also something about which Kevin was rather fond.

“The set design is fantastic. I’ve only seen the sets that I’ve been on and they are really interesting and very ‘60s modern and super cool, and beautiful. I have one set that’s kind of like an inner sanctum and then I also have a submarine,” he said.

Bryan Singer, who directed first two “X-Men” films for 20th and is also producing “First Class,” provided Ain’t It Cool News with a teaser poster for the film, which depicts the familiar logo for Xavier’s School For Gifted Youngsters.

“X-Men: First Class” is set for a June 3 release.

For other subjects covered in the report, just follow the link.

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TheGambitFreak - 1/21/2011, 8:54 PM
@Guason HECK YEAH! Hope Gambit makes an apearance in the film, even though this will most likely suck.
Drykilllogic22 - 1/21/2011, 9:04 PM
I think this Movie May surprise us all..
croniccris - 1/21/2011, 9:30 PM
i keep hearing that the film is being rushed so i dont know what to think...
LEEE777 - 1/22/2011, 2:21 AM
I think theres too much X-Men: Fist A$$ News! : p
xinstituto - 1/22/2011, 3:00 AM
Sebastian Shaw w/ powers of Prodigy =[
gambgel - 1/22/2011, 5:11 AM
Good words from Bacon about the movie.

but of course, the haters cant believe it, right?
flames809 - 1/22/2011, 6:29 PM
inturder- but then ya believe everything marvel says.
first class will be awesome
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