X-Men: The Last Stand was not very good, lets just face it. One has to wonder if Singer stuck around before abandoning the X franchise for Superman, could X3 have been any better? That's a toughy, and it looks like we might get a chance to find out what a Singer style Origins movie can do for the fans and the box office.
It sounds like Singer wishes he had stayed with the X franchise instead of jumping ship. After all the bomb that Superman Returns was almost ruined Singer's career. During an interview with Total Film Singer was asked did you want to stay on the X franchise? To which Singer replied: "before I was watching it, during watching it, after watching it."
Recently Laura Donner Schuler has expressed interest in Singer returning to the franchise to direct X-Men Origins: Magneto. Singer is at least interested in doing it as he explains "I'm eternally intertwined with X-Men now. What takes an audience four hours to watch -- the first two movies -- took six years of my life. So, to not be part of it...It's a shame." The only thing that concerns me about Magneto is that if the prequel were to follow the track I used in X-Men, which is Magneto's history in the concentration camp, then I've lived in that work," states Singer. "I just might need to take a little break before I do something like that."