When word hit that Marvel wouldn't be a presence at this years SDCC we were all very disappointed, especially those that were going to be in attendance. But then Marvel suggested that this was premature and that they would be there. Now many assumed they were just talking about comic books, but though they may not be screening anything as part of their Hall H presentation, First Showing have some inside info regarding what we might see there. Apparently the main focus will be S.H.I.E.L.D, with badges, props etc similar to Wondercon. But there is more, Hellicarrier fans read on!..

As was teased with WonderCon, S.H.I.E.L.D. is becoming the main focus of Marvel's viral marketing efforts at comic book conventions, and in San Diego this year they're going all out. More vehicles (sponsored again by Acura, but of course) will be scattered throughout, along with more S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel. We've also heard that the massive Helicarrier bridge is a very important set piece in the actual movie, and might be the centerpiece for Marvel's booth this year, just like Odin's giant throne was the centerpiece last year (but that's not 100% confirmed and won't be until someone gets photos of the showfloor). Oh and apparently there will be footage showing on screens around the showfloor. But we're not exactly sure what footage yet.
The site also reports that cast members Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner and Mark Ruffalo MIGHT show up for signings. They say they should have more info closer to Comic Con, and that a secret Teaser trailer is also a possibility, but that part sounds like a guess to me. Since SDCC and the premier of
Captain America: TFA share the July 22nd weekend, First Showing also reckon there could be some midnight screenings of the movie in store too. Pretty cool eh?
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