POLL: Which Was Your Favourite Mainstream Superhero Movie Of 2012?

POLL: Which Was Your Favourite Mainstream Superhero Movie Of 2012? POLL: Which Was Your Favourite Mainstream Superhero Movie Of 2012?

There are still a few blockbusters to look forward to this year, but the four big superhero movies of 2012 have now been released and that's it until 2013's Iron Man 3. Marvel had three films out this year, and DC just the one. Who came out on top? Here's your chance to decide!

Feature Opinion
By JoshWilding - Jul 23, 2012 11:07 AM EST
Filed Under: Avengers

2012 has been quite a year for comic book movie lovers. We may have kicked things off with the disappointing Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, but we were then blown away by Joss Whedon's incredible finale to Marvel's "Phase One" plans with The Avengers. This summer also saw Spider-Man's return to the big screen in the reboot, The Amazing Spider-Man, and while "The Untold Story" seemingly ended up on the cutting room floor, it impressed most fans. To top it off, we had Christopher Nolan's latest Batman film as he broke the threequel curse and delivered a stunning conclusion to his trilogy in the form of The Dark Knight Rises. There have been other "heroes" on the big screen this year (John Carter, Katniss Everdeen, Abraham Lincoln) and there are few more to come (Aaron Cross, Judge Dredd, Bilbo Baggins) but these are mainstream superheroes, so the question now is which film impressed you most of all. Here's your chance to decide...

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GUNSMITH - 7/23/2012, 11:22 AM
Xandera - 7/23/2012, 11:23 AM
The Avengers...

TDKR was good, but Avengers blew my mind!
HelaGood - 7/23/2012, 11:23 AM
without question, Marvel pulled off the most incredible feat this year. unprecedented.

and ive seen all 4 of the movies above... GR sucked ass. the other three were good... the avengers was my favorite!
Kingdork - 7/23/2012, 11:23 AM
I voted for Ghost Rider. Coz TDKR and The Avengers are sooo mainstream and sooo overrated.
Tony93 - 7/23/2012, 11:23 AM
Batman for being the way Nolan directed it.. it was great..
Avengers but I felt something was missing from the Avengers..
Its really hard to please a comicbook fan..
Tony93 - 7/23/2012, 11:25 AM
Disappointed in Spiderman.. in a few scenes during the movie I had a..meh :/ face..But the beginning and end to it was great.. besides the Lizard tho
JDUKE25 - 7/23/2012, 11:25 AM
Favorite movie: The Dark Knight Rises

Studio more impressed with: Marvel Studios
webheaded - 7/23/2012, 11:26 AM
I LOVED them all, apart from Ghost Rider, of course. Avengers was insane. TDKR was even more insane, i'm seeing it for the second time in a few hours! But I'm a Spider-Man guy at heart, so I obviously got the most enjoyment out of Amazing Spider-Man.
A great year for not only comic book fans, but to continue the cause to gain world-wide respect for the superhero movie genre
Varunn1602 - 7/23/2012, 11:26 AM
I agree with JDUKE25
Stumblin - 7/23/2012, 11:26 AM
Best to worst - Avengers, Amazing Spider-Man, Dark Knight Rises, Ghost Rider.
AsianVersionOfET - 7/23/2012, 11:26 AM
Most definitely The Dark Knight Rises for me. Didn't enjoy Avengers at all.
Greengo - 7/23/2012, 11:26 AM
I loved them both.

Avengers gave me more moments where I was like "WOW" O_O

TDKR gave me more moments where I had a more of an emotional reaction... so for that TDKR wins.

Marvel Studios wins over WB cause they really surprised me with Avengers.
TheDetectiveComicRises - 7/23/2012, 11:27 AM
The Dark Knight Rises for me...I really enjoyed the storyline & Christian Bale proved why he is a great actor not only from a acting standpoint but physically & why I feel he is the best Batman/Bruce Wayne to date & also he did not get comfortable with playing Batman/Bruce Wayne he actually had displayed he had something to prove each time & didn't really have to but I respect because he did it for the character & the fans. One of my favorite trilogies of all time along with Star Wars & Lord of the Rings I have seem TDKR twice I waz gonna see it in IMAX but it sold out but I will see it in IMAX next time :)
AsianVersionOfET - 7/23/2012, 11:27 AM
Nor Spiderman for that matter.
BooYah - 7/23/2012, 11:27 AM
Haven't seen TDKR yet. Avengers was amazing. Spiderman was disappointing.
ksommer - 7/23/2012, 11:28 AM
Seriously how can TDKR be the best movie of all time? It's not even the best in the series. One could argue it's the worst of the series.
RidiculousFanBoyDemands - 7/23/2012, 11:28 AM
Marvel was the more impressive studio, but I liked The Dark Knight Rises more. It's one of the few movies in my mind that improves with every viewing. The Avengers was an excellent movie, however, I enjoyed TDKR a little more. The Amazing Spider-man I put below both those movies as far as quality, and narrative.
Tony93 - 7/23/2012, 11:28 AM
next year its gonna be MAN OF STEEL :,)
Tainted87 - 7/23/2012, 11:28 AM
Avengers. TDKR was just a spit-balling mess.
Greengo - 7/23/2012, 11:29 AM
@Nomis: weren't you a little skeptical of TDKR going in?

Glad you enjoyed it so much!! : )
AtomicChipmunk - 7/23/2012, 11:29 AM
Voted for TASM. Haven't seen DKR yet but I am not a big fan of Nolan.
Avengers bored me once they started fighting in NY.
HelaGood - 7/23/2012, 11:29 AM
and while everyone is free to vote for their favorite movie, no one can possibly say Warner Bros. impressed them. Nolan, yes, but not WB. WB sucks ass and its because of their controlling/interfering that more DC characters are not dominating the movies.
Madmex93 - 7/23/2012, 11:29 AM
Both the Avengers and TDKR were amazing, but I personally enjoyed TDKR a bit more. Nonetheless if some one were to say they like the Avengers more I wouldn't hold it against them.
NerdyGeek - 7/23/2012, 11:31 AM
1.) The Avengers (5/5)

2.)The Dark Knight Rises (4/5)

3.) The Amazing Spider-Man (3.5/5)

1.) Marvel Studios

2.) Warner Bros.

3.) [frick] Sony, they butchered TASM and released SOV!

Madmex93 - 7/23/2012, 11:31 AM
@RFBD I agree with that. I just enjoyed TDKR when i first saw it (most likely because it was midnight and i was excited and had to take a lot in) but with each viewing its been better (most likely because I could actually absorb what was happening).
PreparationH - 7/23/2012, 11:32 AM
Avengers had better Cgi & dialogue, TDKR simply had everything else.
Ha1frican - 7/23/2012, 11:32 AM
Avengers > TASM > TDKR... the ending to TDKR was just bad in ever way. Sad because TDK is one of my favorite superhero movie just behind Avengers
marvel72 - 7/23/2012, 11:33 AM
1st the avengers
2nd the amazing spider-man
3rd ghost rider 2

haven't seen the dark knight rises yet,but i'm pretty sure it'll be my second favorite comic book movie of 2012.

marvel studios is the studio i'm most impressed with in 2012.
Insomnium - 7/23/2012, 11:34 AM
TDKR shits on everything so far.
AsianVersionOfET - 7/23/2012, 11:35 AM
And for me, I've seen TDKR twice now, and it was SO much better the second time. Every Christopher Nolan movie seems to be like that for me, and I love it.
HelaGood - 7/23/2012, 11:35 AM
i confirm SaintSpidey67Re's comment.

Ghost Rider 2 was so incredibly bad... it shouldnt even be in the poll
AutobotCommander84 - 7/23/2012, 11:36 AM
The Amazing Spider-Man was my favorite.
Greengo - 7/23/2012, 11:36 AM
GR2 was unbearable.

It made my eyeballs bleed.
AutobotCommander84 - 7/23/2012, 11:36 AM
Well, I think TASM and TDKR are tied actually.
LAXtremest - 7/23/2012, 11:37 AM
Hmmm... Created to start a war??? Just kidding. I voted Avengers. Nothing compares to me. Then DKR, followed by Spider-Man. Why is Ghost Rider even on here lol!
CaptainObvious - 7/23/2012, 11:37 AM
I'll laugh if anybody votes for Ghost Rider 2.
AutobotCommander84 - 7/23/2012, 11:37 AM
For me at least.
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