When asked about the future of The Batman Bale had this to say:
"I'm none the wiser about whether we'll ever be revisiting Gotham or not," he told the assembled hacks. "I really cannot tell you if there will be another Batman movie." This chimes with recent reports that Christopher Nolan is reluctant to continue with the caped crusader's exploits, although the series is such a cash cow for Warners it would be incredible if there weren't further installments in some form."
I understand studios do this sort of thing to build hype. But guess what? Money talks and Bullshit walks. So if Nolan does not want to get on board and do another Batman film the WB will. The WB will hire somebody else to direct and try to assemble the other original cast and crew members. I do not blame Nolan for taking a break. After Heath died he got the rug pulled out from under him and lost his direction for the third film. The Joker was going to be a big part of that third film, so it is only natural that Nolan take some time and properly figure out his next move. I say Johnny Depp for The Joker. Heath knew that he wasn't bigger then the role of The Joker. I believe that Heath would want another talented actor to attempt to fill his shoes. Even if The Joker is not the main villain in the third Nolan helmed Batman film, he still has to have some sort of presence. The Joker is the Ying to Batman's Yang. With out one the other would not exist.
When asked about the next Terminator movie Bale states:
"Really, no. No conversation has been had about that at all..."
If the third Batman film needs 3 years I would say the second Baleized Terminator film needs twice that time to figure out what direction they are headed for in that one. Terminator was good but TDK killed it and any other movie out the last 3 years or so.