Captain America: The First Avenger "Behind The Shield"

Captain America: The First Avenger "Behind The Shield"

Hit the jump to check out a cool behind-the-scenes video for Captain America: The First Avenger featuring some cool new concept images and 'making of' styled footage...

By Ozymandias - Jun 18, 2011 10:06 AM EST
Filed Under: Captain America

In 1942, Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) is deemed physically unfit to enlist in the U.S. Army and fight the Nazis in World War II. Volunteering instead for Project: Rebirth, a secret military operation, he is physically transformed into a super-soldier dubbed Captain America. With sidekick Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan), he fights the Red Skull (Hugo Weaving), Hitler's treacherous head of advanced weaponry, whose own plan for world domination involves a seemingly magical object known as the Tesseract.

Thanks to the folks over at Norton we now have this behind-the-scenes video for Joe Johnston's Captain America: The First Avenger giving us looks at some new concept art for the film, interviews with Chris Evans, Joe Johnston, among others, and some cool shots of the filming of the movie.

Thanks to alexandreblade for notifying me about the longer video!

Captain America: The First Avenger will be hitting a theater near you on July 22!
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DaenerysTargaryen - 6/18/2011, 10:26 AM
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! You are fantastic evans :D
Moakynubs - 6/18/2011, 10:27 AM
I'd settle for the rubber one.
Coloso - 6/18/2011, 10:33 AM
To be safe you always gotta use the rubber :p
alexandrematias - 6/18/2011, 10:54 AM
Completed video!!!! See:
MarkJulian - 6/18/2011, 11:04 AM
Peteyparker - 6/18/2011, 11:56 AM
Im very excited for Captain America............AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!!!!
marckos - 6/18/2011, 12:00 PM
D117 - 6/18/2011, 12:04 PM
Awesome lol
nuck82 - 6/18/2011, 12:06 PM
[frick] i cant wait for the movie!! shit almost 30 days till it comes out!!
TheShakeBake - 6/18/2011, 12:08 PM
So we find out how that "shield prototype" ends up in Tony's Workshop, that sounds uber interesting. After seeing this i'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO pumped for this movie it will prolly beat Thor!!
dahamma - 6/18/2011, 12:18 PM
Plz release 2nd trailer!!!
DCwanabe - 6/18/2011, 12:26 PM
Screw Potter I want this movie to win so bad. This movie is gonna own.
Superheromoviefan - 6/18/2011, 12:42 PM
PunkRockMachine - 6/18/2011, 12:56 PM
I think this movie is going to be great! But going against Harry Potter is going to be tough....
thalidomide - 6/18/2011, 12:56 PM
PoPcornDude - 6/18/2011, 1:15 PM
WOW !!!
this one kinda felt like a second 'teaser' for the film
Chris is gonna ROCK that character !!!
Quasimodo - 6/18/2011, 1:17 PM
wow that was sweet. lots of behind the scenes shots of evans in costume
Jennn - 6/18/2011, 1:40 PM
oh [frick] yeah. that looks awesome.
greenlanter13 - 6/18/2011, 2:03 PM
Ah cap u are such a bad ass
NeoBaggins - 6/18/2011, 2:05 PM
Wow, no one excited that he said the shield in Iron Man 1 and 2 would be explained? I guess I'm intrigued by little stuff like that.

I was amazed at how they took Thor's hammer and made a fighting style with it and different uses. There's probably 100 tricks that can be done with the shield too. I'm still pulling for the THOR/CAP throw-off scoring competition. I can see them going at it in battle Legolas and Gimli style.

Side note: Wouldn't skinny Rogers be able to lift Mjölnir?
alexandrematias - 6/18/2011, 2:12 PM
Always on the lookout for news of movies! @Ozymandias ;)
rdoughty1 - 6/18/2011, 2:28 PM
I know a lot of you guys are hatin' on Green Lantern, and that's your opinion. My opinion is that if Cap is as good as Iron Man & Thor, then we got 4 solid CBMs this year. Loved Thor, was okay with X-Men FC (I really wanted a traditonal first class, Cyclops, Jean, etc) and I enjoyed GL. GL left me wanting more Corps action, and I think that was intended. I think Cap looks awesome. I almost want to skip the second trailer, and try to go in more spoiler free. GL was way too spoiled with its trailers and footage, nothing in it surprised me. That was my own fault for spending too much time on this website though, lol. I really wonder if we may see a Winter Soldier in the Cap series, I think that would be awesome. Based on the other Marvel Studios films, they appear much closer to the Ultimate versions though. Makes me wonder about how things play out with Bucky. I really hope to see Union Jack in costume too. I really wish we could have had Namor and the original Invaders, but I like what I see.
mk - 6/18/2011, 3:02 PM
saw this yesterday when i watched the muppets trailer lol
soaponapope - 6/18/2011, 4:25 PM
it was awesome until they showed that asshole joe quesada
Craven - 6/18/2011, 5:30 PM
I so want to like this movie but will have to agree with TelaVizion, Chris Evans is a horrible choice for Steve Rogers...the only reason this movie has my attention is Hugo playing Red Skull and hopefully an appearance by Loki...have not seen GL, but there is no way in hell that this will be any better than First Class!!!...

NeoBaggins - 6/18/2011, 5:50 PM
rottencotten Be careful with pointing out Evans as a horrible choice for Captain America. There's a slobbering lynch mob waiting to light their torches at the mere thought that he was miscast. I know this first hand, and I've actually said good things about Evans. So watch out. Opinion-haters are viscous. Viscous as a chihuahua, but hostile nonetheless.

"@Weneedrevelation, people that use CAPSLOCK are a douchebag, [frick]ing moron, crybaby, idiot, bitch.

Your welcome. :)"


werty - 6/18/2011, 7:57 PM
Seriously what the hell. Is Marvel's marketing department run by morons? This is supposed to be a big budget movie and they seem to concentrate their marketing on fanboys. You go for the mainstream audience morons. Here this is how it's done

See what they did there? Put mothereffing Steven Spielberg at the start. Also mother effing Ron Howard and Jon Mother effing Iron Man Favreau showing bad ass actions shots while talking about how cool Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig are. And they also show Olivia Wilde looking amazing. That's how you market a movie to mainstream audiences

And here what do we have here? Half of it is a plug for Norton filled with some pictures from the comics and a bunch of nobodies obsessing over a shield and generally making the entire movie sound like the most boring thing ever.

Seriously. We got WW2. We got badass soldiers. We got mother effing Hugo Weaving and instead of using all these things you are trying to woo the comic book crowd which will see it anyway? What is wrong with you Marvel. Do you want this movie to fail?
werty - 6/18/2011, 9:06 PM
I really hope so but so far with so many things against it I really doubt it. Frankly I would be happy if it even makes a profit. Honestly as if it wasn't bad enough that they put it between freaking Transformers and Cowboys and Aliens which has all the ingredients of a huge hit that will hog the media lights but this crappy marketting as well? It's like they are trying to do everything in their power to sabotage this movie
NeoBaggins - 6/18/2011, 9:11 PM
But werty, Captain America doesn't have Mother effin Stevn Spielberg, Ron Howard, Jon Favreau, Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford, Sam Rockwell and Olivia Wilde. They got Hugo weaving, Chris Evans and... Tommy Lee Jones. So, your argument is completely weak. lol But yeah, you're right. The CBM crowd is in the bag. It's the people that don't know Bruce Banner from Bruce Wayne from Springsteen to Bruce Lee that need to be impressed.

First time I saw the trailer in the theater, there was nothin but frogs and crickets when it was over. It must look weird to people who don't understand what it is. Guy running around in a New England Patriots uniform with a big ass red white and blue frisbee. The GenPub need to know it's related to Iron Man, THOR and the HULK. They might need to put Nick Fury in a CAP TV spot.

On another note, they showed the Cap trailer in 3D with Green Lantern yesterday.
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