Kevin Feige Confirms CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER Is A Political Thriller
Not much is known about where exactly Captain America's next solo movie will take us. Marvel movie head Kevin Feige was talking about how diverse their films are, and confirmed that The Winter Soldier will be more of a political thriller.

Variety recently caught up with Marvel movie head Kevin Feige to talk a little bit about his schedule, and working to get Phase Two off the ground. He was also asked about the whether or not he thought the superhero movie was just a fad. He said he didn't believe that the genre is a fad, because each one is so different. He then compared the first Captain America movie to the next one, which is about to start shooting. "Our first Captain America film was a World War II picture, and the next is a political thriller. They all have their own textures and patinas, and that's what is exciting about it," Feige explained.
A number of actors have been confirmed to join Cap in his next solo adventure. Anthony Mackie and Emily VanCamp are the new comers to the Marvel world. They will be joined by vets Sebastian Stan, Scarlett Johansson, and Samuel L. Jackson. Haley Atwell will also be a part of the movie, but will only be a cameo/flashback. The film will start filming sometime in April, and is slated for an April 4, 2014 release date.