WARNING! If your easily offended by coarse language or seriously! Please do not watch or read the review below!
Growing up, the death of Superman was one of those comic books that made me a comic book fan.
I had the action figures, the 418 page novel, the black bag comic with the the wristbands, the cards, and all the comics from the first prints to the last. I even had white bag with his return.
Hell, I even remember playing the game and beating it!
I really followed the death of Superman with a sense of compassion not only for Superman's loved ones but the superheroes who fought with him every day.
The coolest part about the death of Superman is that everyone knew about it! If you were one of the lucky few to get first printings, you got a card, a wristband, and an obituary, it was a serious thing!
The only sad part about it is that there were so many reprintings that this comic book is pretty worthless in value. But what is amazing is it's one of the first things you learned about Superman and it is one of the most historically epic stories in history!
So when I found out Bruce Timm and the crew were doing a Death of Superman animated movie, I literally shit my pants!
Just think of the possibilities!
This could make a 3-film epic covering the death of Superman, the funeral for a friend, and the Reign of Superman!
This could be the greatest superhero animated movie to ever enter my DVD or Bluray player!
One of the most intense moments in Comic books had to be when Doomsday continued to beat his way out of the ground!
Each month we waited to see teaser after teaser of the man who would kill Superman! Until Superman 18 in which he finally escapes!
How do we know this is the Villian! Well this is the sad part! As a deer approaches his he doesn't hesitate to snap its neck!
Pretty Brutal right!
You could tell right off the bat he was here to kick some ass!
As the justice League pass by the battle begins!
But it ends quick as guy garner tries to rush in on Doomsday getting his face smashed into the ground!
And the Blue Beetle gets tossed around like a little school girl!
I can still feel that punch Gold Took From doomsday and how he begged for his life as Doomsday just slammed his head into a car door!
One very emotional part when the story was when you feel like Superman may not be able to save a young boy by the name of Mitchell, while his mother and baby sister almost get burned alive!
It was like when they wrote these books they made it just for the big screen!
It even included a Hulk Hogan Cameo on page 8 of Superman in Action Comics 684!
What I was most excited about with the comic book was the aftermath. I pictured a sequel being made following how all the Justice League members dealt with the death of Superman!
Each person took it their own way, and thats what made the DC universe change in a way that could change everything for the next decade!
Until we realize The Reign of Supermen was at hand! Just the sound of that title screams the end of a trilogy!
This was way before Superboy went from cool and confident to Emo and broody!
This was when we got a chance to be enwrapped in a story that features four Supermen- each with different powers!
Hell, we even got Shaq as a superhero! This was way before the Marvel universe destroyed DC by combining the two,
or Samuel L Jackson became the next Nick Fury!
This is when we are brought to our happy ending. In my opinion the run was over once Supergirl pretended to be Clark Kent. Back in those days we had a big bearded Lex Luthor and Supergirl was a shapeshifter.
It really showed the heart of Superman! This was his final stand and his rebirth as a legend!
So what the [frick] happened?
Did the writers hire a bunch of pot-smoking, , douchebag interns who that beat up people who read comics to write this? Its like their first day on the job they were ordered to pull down their pants and rub their asses across the most historical thing to ever happen to superman!
I love what they did for the whole DC Universe, but this, my friends, this was their DINGLE BERRY! Because it has been a pain in the ass since I first watched it!
I hope it keeps DC up at night to know that this was pure disrespect to the source material!
I mean it was worse than Batman the Animated Series becoming Gotham Knights, or the New Adventures of Batman and Robin!
I know it's necessary to ignore some things like Jason Todd, but why would you sign off to do The Death and Return of Superman without the Justice League?
Even Dean Cain was able to respect the character better than this!
I must say, I really love what DC was trying to do, but god dammit, why take my childhood memories and beat the living shit out of them???
The first thing that pissed me off about this movie happened before it even came out! The [frick]tards that create this piece of shit were making a Superman film where he was the only superhero on earth? Are you [frick]ing kidding me? No Justice League, no cameos or other superheroes at the funeral!
You can argue with me all you want, but the death of Superman was more than just Superman losing a fight. In the comics it spread across many comic series. Watching all the superheroes fighting and failing was what made it so special, because there was only one man on the planet with superpowers strong enough to take on the monster known as Doomsday!

"With this review I will Be giving away 5 Superman Prize Packs Exclusively to members of CBM members!
Grand Prize : Death Of Superman Pack
1. Never Opened White Bag Adventures of Superman #500
2. Action Comics #687
3. Superman Doomsday: Hunter Prey Book 3
4. Superman # 75 with Card
5.Superman: man of Steel 20
6. Superman # 78
7. Superman # 82
8. The Adventures of Superman # 501
9. Death of Superman Graphic Novel
1st Runner up: Superboy Comics Pack
1. The Adventures of Superman # 501
2. Superboy and the Ravers # 2
3 Supervoy and The Raver # 12
4. The New Adventures of Superboy # 5
5. The Adventures of Superman # 506
6. Superman and the Ravers # 11
7. Superboy # 36
2nd Runner Up : Superboy Comics Pack 2
1. The Adventures of Superman # 533 (Yeah I know it doesn't belong :P)
2. Superboy #53
3. Superboy # 39
4. Superboy # 93
5. Superboy and the Ravers # 5
3rd Prize Runner up: Superman Action Comics Pack
1. Superman # 655
2. Action Comics # 820
3. Action Comics # 752
4.Action Comics #750
4th Prize Runner Up : Super Hero 1st Issue Pack
1. Superman: Man of Tomorrow # One Million
2 Steel #1 (elseworlds)
3. Superman Confidential # 1
4. Infinite Crisis # 1
(Bonus Gift: Wrestlemania 2 Hulk Hogan Card:p)
"How To Enter! Entering is easy all you have to do is leave any kind of comment (Negative or positive) on both Comic book Jerk's Superman Doomsday Reviews! Second part will appear on 09/08/2011! And Winners will be announced 09/22/2011.
Remember winners who comment on both pages will be eligible!
Check out my previous video reviews:
Comicbook Jerk's X-Men Origins Wolverine Video Review Part 1
Comicbook Jerk's X-Men Origins Wolverine Video Review Part 2
Comicbook Jerk's Video Review of Generation X