COMICS: Marvel Announces AVENGERS VS. X-MEN Limited Tie-In Series, "VS"

COMICS: Marvel Announces AVENGERS VS. X-MEN Limited Tie-In Series, "VS"

Marvel has released the first art and details for VS, a sister title to Avengers Vs. X-Men which will focus solely on the fights between the heroes. First up? Magneto vs. Iron Man and Namor vs. The Thing!

By JoshWilding - Jan 06, 2012 12:01 PM EST
Filed Under: Marvel Comics
Source: Marvel

The six-issue limited series will kick off in April with rotating creative teams, the first of which will feature Jason Aaron/Adam Kuber and Kathryn Immonen/Stuart Immonen. The book will expand upon the various battles in Avengers Vs. X-Men and will serve as its only sister title. Here's how Tom Brevoort describes the series. "Not a lot of conversation, introspection or sitting around tables. Page one has somebody punching somebody, the last page has somebody shooting somebody else. his is the ultimate book for the quintessential Marvel fan. There will be fighting in the main AvX series, but there's not enough space to do justice to every conflict. That is the purpose of VS."

The first two battles in #1? Iron Man vs. Magneto and Namor vs. The Thing, and for those of you worrying that the main series will also be nothing more than the Avengers and X-Men knocking seven bells out of each other, Brevoort went on to make it clear that it's not quite that simple. "The positions of both the Avengers and the X-Men in AvX are hopefully presented effectively so that you think either side could be right. There will be moments where some Avengers break ranks and side with the X-Men and vice versa. Wolverine, Beast and Storm are conflicted. Hawkeye, Spider-Woman and Ms. Marvel might be as well." For more details, be sure to click on the link below.

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Mastyrwerk - 1/6/2012, 12:29 PM
Sweet! First?
Destroyer14 - 1/6/2012, 12:29 PM
Sounds fun, will pick up some of these.
Mastyrwerk - 1/6/2012, 12:30 PM
Second and third I guess.
Can't wait to see how Stark figures out how to take out Magneto.
padrejeff - 1/6/2012, 12:31 PM
Magneto should mop the floor with iron man and Namor should beat the tar out of the Thing. Namor is definitely far stronger. Who send a metal armor against eh Master of Magnetism? Should be a no brainer!
marvel72 - 1/6/2012, 12:33 PM
this sounds like its gonna be awesome.
BackwardGalaxy - 1/6/2012, 12:47 PM
I don't follow Marvel, so maybe they've come up with some convoluted reason for why Stark would ever have the most remote chance against Magneto... but... seriously? That's basically the worst matchup in history.
HelaGood - 1/6/2012, 1:01 PM
i am sooooo looking forward to this!
superotherside - 1/6/2012, 1:01 PM
Cool, looking forward to reading these. :)
jeffncarrie4234 - 1/6/2012, 1:07 PM
Love the pic. I am hoping this will be a great series.
AlcoholicA - 1/6/2012, 1:15 PM
It was made clear a while back that Iron Man's armor is some advanced Non-metal that Magneto can not control. How it's strong enough still to take the beatings he takes? I don't know, but Magneto cannot control it.
shadow314 - 1/6/2012, 1:16 PM
So wait, is Thor gonna be back by this event?

And who the hell can match Thor on the X-men side?
Mechagino - 1/6/2012, 1:16 PM
Remove spider-man and place hulk there.
AlcoholicA - 1/6/2012, 1:19 PM

Since there's technically WAY more X-Men than Avengers, all they would have to do is double team him. Colossanaut knocks him down/distracts him, any strong telepath takes over. done.
AlcoholicA - 1/6/2012, 1:20 PM

And I"m guessing that Thor being there means that his little resurrection story is just right around the corner.
chasesuperremey - 1/6/2012, 1:20 PM
This isnt a fight X-Men lose bad! and I like the X-Men alot but Mags would have IronMan crushed like a soda can.
RyRy85 - 1/6/2012, 1:31 PM
So which side is wolverine on??
Tankpjh - 1/6/2012, 1:35 PM
I want to see the new colossus/Juggernaut take on Thor or Hulk. In the past Juggernaut has given both of these a run for their money and IF Colossus has got the Juggernauts strength combined with his own then he will make one very powerful mutant who should not be over looked.

Going way back to world war Hulk, the Hulk did say that Colossus was powerful enougth to go against any of his other incarnations.

I hope that this dose not burn out after issue 2.
padrejeff - 1/6/2012, 1:36 PM
Colossusnaut should be able to go toe to toe with Thor.
padrejeff - 1/6/2012, 1:38 PM
This should be really dramatic, like have someone die or a few of them die, like in the Ultimate series. But no, they will just bring them back and render it all dull and mundane like usual. LIke Bucky...
MasterApoc81 - 1/6/2012, 1:40 PM
shadow314 - 1/6/2012, 1:16 PM

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So wait, is Thor gonna be back by this event?

And who the hell can match Thor on the X-men side?

well if they are using all x-men...theres phoenix ..she could give thor all the hell he wants and then some ....the fight as i said would be a lop sided affair depending on how they use the teams .....if it was the main teams against each other ...then yeah avengers win .....thor is the thrumph card.......but if u allow certain memebers to tag on x men side then u have a problem ...xmen could win ...if xman, phoenix, magneto, wolverine, and rogue.......i mean magneto could wipe out ironman, captain america, hawkeye in a blink of an eye ...crush iron man alive, run the shield through capts head and turn all the arrows into hawkeyes heart......thor wouldnt be able to help due to fight phoenix.....that leaves who .....thor ...and anyone u want to throw with the exception of the silver surfer ...and avengers are done...the hulk mind could be crushed by xman ...hes dead thor and whoever ..even spiderman are left to face ....xman, phoenix, wolverine , magneto, and way thor could get through all that and spiderman would be creamed by any of those xmen...and they all gang bang although the original teams against each other look in favor of avengers....the over all teams ...lean in xmen favor
MasterApoc81 - 1/6/2012, 1:42 PM
padrejeff - 1/6/2012, 1:36 PM

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Colossusnaut should be able to go toe to toe with Thor.

no thor would win ...if for no other reason .....stamina
padrejeff - 1/6/2012, 1:43 PM
They should have left Jean grey dead way back in the Xmen vs Imperial guard thing. her sacrificing herself and all to stop Dark Phoenix. Dude, I loved that issue. I stated collecting Xmen just before that. That was an emotional death that actually meant something. many year later when they found that egg in Fantastic Four with jean in it, I'm like... what? hell no. I love Marvel, but man they can be annoying, undermining what they have done in the past. Reminiscent of what DC has just done retconning everything. makes all those years before useless. Where's the creativity anymore?
MasterApoc81 - 1/6/2012, 1:45 PM
AlcoholicA - 1/6/2012, 1:15 PM

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It was made clear a while back that Iron Man's armor is some advanced Non-metal that Magneto can not control. How it's strong enough still to take the beatings he takes? I don't know, but Magneto cannot control it.

even so.....magneto could use wolverine to cut it and shield him from ironmans blasts .....or prof x or xman could easy crush his mind .....iron man wont be the fact if avengers were to win ....definately thor is ur factor on avengers side
padrejeff - 1/6/2012, 1:46 PM
@ Master - If I remember correctly, and I might not, but doesn't Juggernaut have basically unlimited stamina because his power is magical? Not sure.
MasterApoc81 - 1/6/2012, 1:47 PM
yeah padrejeff ...but the phoniex is so powerful it is hard to imagine her diing since one of its abilities is resurrection
Jefferys - 1/6/2012, 1:47 PM
Hopefully it's more about story than pointless fighting. As much as I love the destruction, I'd rather know why they're going at each other and should have my head turned cause I don't know who to pick.
padrejeff - 1/6/2012, 1:49 PM
I'm pretty certain that Colossus could just punch right through Iron Man. End of fight.
padrejeff - 1/6/2012, 1:51 PM
I hope Xmen win.
@ master - yeah, ok I can see Phoenix doing that, but why bring Jean back? It would have been better if the Phoenix and the host have that relationship and if the host dies, its dead, but Phoenix comes back for another host.
padrejeff - 1/6/2012, 1:56 PM
I like the idea of Magneto using Wolverine as a flying scissors just cutting everything up he is flown at. Reminds me of when the Dark Phoenix did that to Wolverine against Colossus back in the What If issue. Let's see Thor try do something with his head lopped off. of just have White Queen mess with Wolverines mind and have him go beserk on all the Avengers like what happened in Old Man Logan.
AlcoholicA - 1/6/2012, 2:07 PM

Ok good call on Mags using Wolverine, but what's all this Phoenix talk? There is no Phoenix. It's hinted at but as we all know that don't mean shït. Atleast not to me until I see it happen. Rachel has no Phoenix right now. And if the full fledged Phoenix comes back in merges with Hope, there is not Avenger that stand a chance unless Scarlett Witch gets her powers back in the last issue of Children's Crusade and is just as powerful as when she was crazy.

Oh and don't forget that X-Man only has a fraction of his power right now, he's damn near useless in the New Mutants book.
tomasocelot - 1/6/2012, 2:14 PM
dont worry the avengers will win, and wolverine will sulk some more because he has too chose a side. blah blah. I wanna see cyke,cable, hope, and magneto rule some ass. I mean come on the x-men are boss. I wanna see capt. america and cyke throw down. Im sure pheonix and quintin will play huge parts in this as well.
OtakuPapi - 1/6/2012, 2:34 PM
Has no one been reading Magneto:Not a Hero! Magneto Was About To Pollystomp Iron and his plastic armor
AlcoholicA - 1/6/2012, 2:53 PM

Yeah but he didn't follow through with the using-cars-as-projectile-weapons thing. So next time Iron Man will be expecting that. I also doubt Mags could throw a bunch of cars at Iron Man without hitting some of his own team, with the explosions and all...
SageMode - 1/6/2012, 3:06 PM

"Magneto should mop the floor with iron man and Namor should beat the tar out of the Thing. Namor is definitely far stronger. Who send a metal armor against eh Master of Magnetism? Should be a no brainer!"

Iron Man modified his armor a while ago with a demagnetizing agent to where he's not affected by magnetism or EMP, and that was after the first time IM and Magneto fought. Namor is only far stronger when he's in contact with water. So he better hope that it's a rainy day or near the ocean when they fight.

"Colossusnaut should be able to go toe to toe with Thor."

Thor would just negate Cyttorak's energies like he did to the Juggernaut before and defeated him.
SageMode - 1/6/2012, 4:22 PM

"So, they have 12 issues to tell this story and decide to bleed out an extra 6 issues for fights?


As long as it's an interesting read, what's wrong with that?
thingrock4 - 1/6/2012, 4:27 PM
THING is as always THE MOST UNDERATED powerhouse of all comic characters-because of writers in the 70's/80's-he was turned into a teddy bear by whom other characters gained their wings by beating on him. When he was supposedly weaker-in Thing vs Namor 1-he was stonger and Namor had to use cheating to win(Thing was struck by lightning and turned back human)so Namor beat plain Ben Grimm. IT'S CLOBBERIN TIME!!!!
JohnTom88 - 1/6/2012, 4:53 PM
Iron Man is the #1 Marvel Studios premiere franchise. Besides Tony Stark is even smarter than Bruce Wayne in terms of science and tech, sans the detective skill & martial arts. Who needs detective skill & kungfu against Magneto?

Namor is a potential Marvel Studios franchise as opposed to Fox locked member of the Fantastic Four. A good showing will confirm the Aquaman is beneath Namor.

Iron Man vs Magneto = Iron Man
Namor vs Thing = Namor
MasterApoc81 - 1/6/2012, 9:56 PM
yeah guys but im putting s hypothetical situation out there not based on current events ...based on these characters at their primes and using the best memebers to ever be in both teams and xmen would win talkin xman at his prime .....but in current story arcs maybe ur right .......and as for JohnTom88 opinion on Iron Man vs Magneto = Iron Man.......thats insane ....think it through....iron man is awesome but is also no match for magneto......mag could kill him with wolverine .....kill him with astroid M .....could use any irons in his blood to form metal dots and send them through his brain .....i mean iron man has no chance against a elemental like that
MasterApoc81 - 1/6/2012, 9:57 PM
0SageMode0 - agreeed thor beats Colossusnaut
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