ODIN : Asgardian All-Father

ODIN : Asgardian All-Father

"As thou art Bringer of Death, so 'tis ODIN a God of Life. I bid ye rise, flower and leaf...rise and be restored. Let thy parlor games cease, Hela. Thou hast stolen Valhalla from me -- twisting it to thy vile intent. But no longer. Prepare thee now for the judgement of ODIN." --ODIN Borson

Feature Opinion
By PollMaster - May 10, 2011 06:05 PM EST
Filed Under: Marvel Comics
Source: DCMU

Who is ODIN?
ODIN is the ruler of Asgard the All-Father of the Norse gods. He is the father of Thor, Vidar, Balder and adoptive father of Loki.

Marvel Comics' ODIN first appeared in Journey into Mystery #85 (October 1962), and was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.

He was based on the god of the same name from Norse mythology, ODIN claims to have created humans as he felt the world was lonely. But his father was angry and created things to plague humanity. He is a warrior, like many of his kin they thrive in battle, a young ODIN had battled and defeated the fire demon Surtur.

Many millenia later, ODIN becomes the ruler of Asgard.

In his early appearances, ODIN has gone through several outfits. Typical for a character who appears sparingly in the comics, this leaves different artists to do their own interpretation on the character's look.

Birth of Thor
ODIN approached Gaea, in the form of Jord, the Norse Mother-Earth, and suggested they concieve a child who would be a worthy heir to ODIN. Thus, Thor was born, who grew up thinkingg ODIN's wife, Frigga, as his mother.

ODIN also adopted a young Loki, from Laufey, a frost giant he defeated.

Despite ODIN's best intentions, his sons grew up to become bitter enemies, with the feuding often requiring ODIN's mediation.

Thor's Banishment
Thor's preoccupation with Midgard (the Asgardian term for Earth) is a constant annoyance for ODIN, who as punishment has disempowered his son on several occasions. Thor's acceptance of the sanctions along with his willingness to atone for his transgressions, and his continued noble intentions and bravery, however, convinces the All-Father to relent and thereby restore Thor's original powers and identity.

ODIN's Deaths
ODIN has also died several times in defense of Asgard. On the first occasion, ODIN is killed by Mangog, but later revived by the goddess of Death Hela to prevent Pluto from claiming him. On the second occasion, the Celestials melt the Destroyer to slag, which at the time holds the life force of ODIN and all Asgardians with the exception of Thor. Thor, however, collects a portion of godly energy from each pantheon and uses it to revive ODIN, who in turn resurrects the Asgardians. And another death involving the Fire Demon Surtur, which actully was planned by ODIN to stop the cycle of the Ragnarok.

ODIN's Return
ODIN returns from the dead after Asgard is invaded by the World-Eaters.

ODIN King of Asgard again
Returning from the dead, ODIN took his place again as King of the Asgardians.

Live Media Appearance
Anthony Hopkins plays ODIN in the 2011 Marvel Studios' feature film Thor.

Note: Due to the nature of comicbooks being an on-going tale, the character's powers along with his appearance, is in a constant state of flux.

ODIN possessed all the conventional attributes of an Asgardian. However, as the ruler of the Asgardians, many of these attributes were considerably greater than those possessed by the majority of his race.

Superhuman Strength: In spite of his advanced age, ODIN possesses superhuman strength surpassing that of most Asgardians. At his peak, ODIN is capable of lifting up to 75 tons, whereas the average Asgardian male is only able to lift about 30 tons

Superhuman Speed: ODIN, despite his age, is capable of running and moving at speeds greater than even the finest human athlete.

Superhuman Stamina: ODIN's musculature produced considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of a human. As a result, he possessed superhuman stamina in all physical activities. He could exert himself at peak capacity for about 24 hours before fatigue began to impair him at the time of his death.

Superhumanly Dense Tissue: ODIN's skin, muscle, and bone tissues were about 3 times as dense as those of a humans. This contributed, somewhat, to ODIN's superhuman strength and weight.

Superhuman Durability: ODIN's body is considerably more resistant to physical injury than the body of a human being, or even most other Asgardians for that matter. ODIN's body is capable of withstanding great impact forces, exposure to temperature and pressure extremes, falls from great heights, and powerful energy blasts without sustaining injury.

Regenerative Healing Factor: It is possible to injure ODIN, but he recovered from physical injury with superhuman levels of speed and efficiency, like all Asgardians. ODIN is capable of regenerating massive tissue damage or loss to a degree far beyond that of most other Asgardians, even of being able to regenerate missing limbs and organs.

ODINforce: ODIN is capable of manipulating vast amounts of magical energy, referred to as the ODIN Power, or the ODIN Force, for a number of purposes.

AbilitiesGod of Wisdom: Vast knowledge of ancient and arcane wisdom, considered to be his most powerful weapon.

Master Combatant: ODIN is a formidable hand to hand combatant

Master Tactician: His thousands of years of experience resulted in him becoming a master tactician.

Asgardian Mystical Combatant: ODIN is also extremely adept at wielding his vast energy powers during combat situations.

sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odin_(Marvel_Comics) : http://marvel.wikia.com/Odin_Borson_(Earth-616) : http://marvel.wikia.com/Odin_Borson_(Earth-616)/Gallery : http://marvel.wikia.com/Category:Odin_Borson_(Earth-616)/Quotes : http://www.comicvine.com/odin/29-3507/ : http://www.comicvine.com/odin/29-3507/images/ : http://www.comicbookdb.com/character.php?ID=3727 :

This is the 52nd article in my Know Your CBM Character series. Any requests and suggestions for an article for this series write it down in the comment section BELOW.

Now for the supergeeks, identify who this character is and what is his connection to ODIN:

Message to the CBM community:To those who are making requests, check first [here] because I might have done an article on the character already. If I have not please be patient, I will get on it as soon as possible (but consider the fact that I spend hours writing one of these articles). Try to limit your request to characters that already have been adapted to live media, so that the feature will at least be relevant to the site – Comic Book Movie(though I include TV characters). Characters in Manga or Anime’, I am not particularly familiar of, I am not discounting these characters but it will probably take some time before I write a feature on them because I have to read up on these characters. Thank you for reading these articles! If there are errors on the feature article above, blame it on my age, humanity and ignorance. Just be sure to check the comment section for the corrections, any error I made will surely be pointed out and corrected by much bigger geeks (because there will always be a bigger geek out there). -This has been PollMaster inviting you to the geekside. MABUHAY CBM and Godspeed!
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dbapz - 5/10/2011, 7:05 PM
First :)

and another excellent article !
RedeyeJedi - 5/10/2011, 7:06 PM
@Pollmaster- Thank's a lot man, another great article.
Ryden - 5/10/2011, 7:07 PM
Odin is awesome, he'd kick the Christian God in the balls and force Jesus to make him a mighty Asgardian sammich.
dcoctavarium - 5/10/2011, 7:08 PM
LEEE777 - 5/10/2011, 7:09 PM
dbapz @

FISTING is bad 4 u! : P

Sweet read @ POLL!
Wadey09 - 5/10/2011, 7:09 PM
awesome article man!
and btw, i believe that is Bor, Odin's father, Thor's grandfather.

how about a set on the Warrior's Three????
or any other Asgardian ot meet the craze for all the Thor-ness around here.
dbapz - 5/10/2011, 7:11 PM

haha sorry! i had to do it at least once in my life!
THRILLHO - 5/10/2011, 7:19 PM
bfprimetime - 5/10/2011, 7:24 PM
Curious as to how Zeus from Marvel would stack up against Odin.
yankeemanf - 5/10/2011, 7:24 PM
great as usual how bout sinestro next?
ClarkFarley2012 - 5/10/2011, 7:25 PM
@ Pollmaster...thanks for this!! Great article as usual!! I'm happy now lol!
MARVELous - 5/10/2011, 7:34 PM
Odin is freaking awesome!

everyone has to read Fear Itself issue number 1. seeing Odin exercise is power is insanely cool!
cable23 - 5/10/2011, 8:19 PM
@Ryden Chill out with that shit.
thechosenone - 5/10/2011, 8:25 PM
I'd love to see a Dormammu one of these. Ultron would be nice. Or shock the hell out of us and do a weird one like Shuma-Gorath.
Deadpool13 - 5/10/2011, 8:46 PM
Great job on these articles can you do one on Deadpool
Zounds - 5/10/2011, 8:56 PM
@ CBM Supergeek question:

I believe that's BURI who is the Grandfather of ODIN, Great-Grandfather of THOR. The issue was a fill-in I believe during the Simonson run, somewhere between issue 355 - 363 or therein. (Might be an annual actually). Pencils look like Sal Bescema if I recall.

Do I get a CBM.com No-Prize? :)

@ Ryden: I addressed your Mithra contention in one of the Hiddleston articles. I understand the exuberance, but insulting something to lift something else, seems misplaced on this thread. And in fact, though the issue (and series) escapes me, I do believe that even Marvel made an indirect reference of the Asgardian respect/awareness for Christianity if not Christ, so as respectful request, can you please stop advocating against...? Cheers, and the invitation stands if you're up for a friendly back and forth on the subject
Zounds - 5/10/2011, 8:57 PM

@Wadey 09, Great guess (you might ne correct), but I think BOR is actually the son of BURI.
Wadey09 - 5/10/2011, 11:18 PM
i never mentioned Buri but i did state that Bor was Odin's dad and Thor's grandpa.

and i also agree with you about disrespecting people's beliefs to build up a fictional character.

the jest may have been made in good fun, but its insulting to somebody (like me.).
NeoBaggins - 5/10/2011, 11:39 PM
Man, what titles are these from? They look awesome! Are these current comic books? Whats the series of the best ones to read?
jondoe297 - 5/10/2011, 11:46 PM
Odin was the manliest of all mythological gods. Nobody even comes close to Odin. Thor? Please. Zeus? Get the f#@k out of my office Zeus was possibly the biggest p*ssy in all of mythology. His specialty was to roll over and take it in the corn hole. Lesser gods such as Ares, Poseidon, and his bitch wife, Hera, were always pushing Zeus around and walking all over him. The only thing Zeus ever did was turn people into rocks or mountains, and he could hurl and occasional lightning bolt. Ooo, a lightning bolt! Oh no, not that, anything but a lightning bolt! Look out, Zeus the all powerful will smite you just as long as you aren't standing next to a long pole.

Unlike Zeus, Odin was a god who could get things done. Odin didn't [frick] around with lightning bolts, he took care of the assailants by smothering them with his giant nuts. Odin was the Norse god of war, wisdom, magic, victory, hunting, and poetry. Yes, poetry. Although poetry is pretty much the unmanliest form of writing, Odin was man enough to make even this most effeminate of written forms rock tits. Here's a haiku written by Odin:

I murdered a man
He had a wife and two kids
I slept peacefully.

Here's a poem Odin wrote one day when he ordered a sandwich, and they were out of wheat (Odin eats a diet high in fiber because cholesterol kills):

Bitch, say what?

That's all he wrote before he stomped his foot up her ass and wore her colon around his ankle.
If there was one word to describe Odin, it would be cocksure. Odin had no character flaws, unless you consider an excessively violent response to minor annoyances a character flaw, and I don't. Case in point: One time some guy went to one of Odin's temples to sacrifice himself in an effort to spare his village from the famine that was scientifically proven to be caused by Odin.

The guy tried to impale himself on a large stake, but he lost his balance and fell awkwardly on the pole, causing him to bleed all over the place. When Odin came down to collect the man's soul, he saw the mess and became furious because Odin hates a sloppy sacrifice. Odin was so pissed that he resurrected the man, ate him, and then poked his own eye out and ate it so he could watch the body as he digested it and sh!t it out.
Zounds - 5/11/2011, 12:03 AM
@Wadey: Oh, no, I didn't mean to say you mentioned Buri, just that you might be correct that the character could be Bor, as you identified. I thought of it as well, but I'm pretty sure it's Buri and that Sal Buscema penciled that issue. Can't remember if it's an annual or not, but I'm pretty sure, its circa Simonson.

On the "jest" - completely. It's offensive to me as well.
MaddMonkk - 5/11/2011, 1:36 AM
I watched Thor 3 times now and I found only one flaw, actually 1 and ahalf. Natalie Portman's acting is horrible. and Ray Stevenson didn't make a believable Volstagg. But Anthony Hopkins and Tom Hiddleston was perfect.
Scholes60 - 5/11/2011, 5:04 AM
Great article!

Odin is a fascinating character. In the early days he was one of Marvel's most powerful entities. Unfortunately after the clash with the Celestials Marvel seemed to progressively de-power Odin (and indeed all the pantheon gods).

As an Aussie science fiction writer:
I’ve written what may be the largest collectio of Odin/ Thor fan fiction on the net. Scroll down below my author profile to see over 40 stories:

DudeGuy - 5/11/2011, 5:34 AM
Thats too far dude. respect peoples beliefs even if they arent that of your own.
vanarkelen - 5/11/2011, 7:13 AM
I dont see the Odin or Loki in the Know your CBM characters from the movie The Mask 2 - The Son of the Mask. I think you forgot this movie!
Ryden - 5/11/2011, 9:17 AM
@Cable23- Um no....Odin would kick Yahweh's ass.

Zounds- I'm sorry but my comment was a joke, nothing serious. If people are offended by jokes on Christianity that's there problem not mine. I can honestly say that I respect the Christian faith, so even if Marvel did, that doesn't mean I'm going to copy. And yes I'd be more than happy to have a convo with you on the subject.

@Wadey- It's called freedom of speech dude, it was only a joke so I dont understand how everyone's getting so up in arms about it. Besides, it's all fiction anyway, God, Jesus, Thor, Odin none of its real.

@Hells- I'm not disrespecting anyone's beliefs, I'm merley stating my belief that Odin is better than the Christian deity. But come on stop making a mountain out of a mole hole, these are all FICTIONAL characters we're talking about.
DudeGuy - 5/11/2011, 9:35 AM
Not our fault you dont believe. A jackass like yourself certianly isnt going to make me stop my faith in my Lord.
CoolioVids - 5/11/2011, 9:54 AM
Anthony Hopkins was awesome
JackBauer - 5/11/2011, 11:09 AM
@Ryden - If you don't believe in God, that's your problem, but don't be a jerk and make fun of what someone else believes. I personally didn't believe until a few years ago when something very personal happened to me and my wife. I believe in God now. I don't flaunt it in front of other people, but please have respect for those of us who believe as I respect your right not to.
JackBauer - 5/11/2011, 11:10 AM
Did anyone else notice the boobies in the Birth of Thor pic above?
Ryden - 5/11/2011, 11:17 AM
@HellsHammer- He's not your Lord, he's a fictional character. But your choice I guess.

@JackBauer- It's not a problem, I consider it a very good thing that I don't follow a cult...I mean religion. The weird thing is, I never really brought this up, I made a silly off-the cuff joke, nothing serious. You people get so pissed off about this that you're only adding fuel to the flames by bitching and moaning about it.

You don't like what I have to say then by all means challenge my criticisms but dont tell me not to say anything.
alboulder - 5/11/2011, 11:21 AM
That is Buri, Thor's great grandfather, Odin's grand father and Bor's father. They introduced him during the Simonson run after Odin died fighting Surtur. Thor meets him on when he's traveling with Frigga and a bunch of Asgardian kids.

JackBauer - 5/11/2011, 2:40 PM
@Ryden - I don't follow a cult. I haven't been to church in months and I've never read the bible, but I do believe. You may have convinced yourself it was a "silly off-the cuff joke" but some people took great offense, which is what you intended. I personally wasn't offended. You'll be surprised when your time comes and you learn the truth. It doesn't bother me the least bit. I just hate it when the anti-god lefties are the first ones to "preach" against those of us that believe, but they call foul when a believer tries to "preach" to them.

Why do you have to criticize HellsHammer's beliefs? Does that threaten you somehow that he believes and you don't?

Do you not believe because you can't see God? You can't see oxygen yet you are alive because of it.
Ryden - 5/11/2011, 4:38 PM
" I've never read the bible, but I do believe"

Kind of self defeating is it not? You can't technically be a Christian then, if you dont know that much about the Bible. You're just a theist.

" some people took great offense, which is what you intended"

Not what I intended, but if people do take offense to what is a very silly remark then that's their problem not mine.

"You'll be surprised when your time comes and you learn the truth. It doesn't bother me the least bit."

Is that a threat? Sorry but I'm not four and scare tactics don't work on me. See, unlike Christian childrne you can't scare me into believing you. Offer me some proof of your God, hell etc and then MAYBE I'll listen to you.

"I just hate it when the anti-god lefties are the first ones to "preach" against those of us that believe, but they call foul when a believer tries to "preach" to them."

So you're right wing, that explains a lot. I woudn't call myself a "leftie" as you would see it. I'm not American and therefore not Liberal by your standards, I'm probably a lot more left-leaning than most liberal Americans. But frankly when it comes down to it I dont prefer one side ove rthe other politically because they're both the same pretty much.

I'm just a socially liberal person, I support gay rights, women's rights, equality for all, I'm not racist, a bigot, religious etc

And I didn't preach anything, you were the one who turned it into an argument not me, as I've said I made a little joke, you and others have taken it way out of hand.

However I don't call foul when someone tries to tell me their beliefs I merley prove to them why I think they're wrong and that I'm right. That's completley fair. That's called a civilised debate, something most Conservatives know nothing about just look at Bill O'Reilly.

"Do you not believe because you can't see God? You can't see oxygen yet you are alive because of it."

Nope, I don't believe in A God because there's no proof to say there is intelligent design, and most evidence is in opposition to intelligent design. I don't believe in the CHRISTIAN GOD, because he's simply not real. No more real than Odin.

DudeGuy - 5/11/2011, 6:17 PM
You dont have to read the Bible or even go to church to believe dude. Shows how much you really know. Dont criticize what you cant understand.
Ryden - 5/12/2011, 3:37 AM
@HellsHammer- Haha, I really wouldn't try and say that I don't understand Christianity, because I really, really do. And you dont have to do those things to believe in the concept of a God, however not going to church, not reading the Bible. By the Bible's own definition means he's not a Christian.

It's as bad as those people who cherry pick the Bible. It's all or nothing I'm afraid, that means if you don't believe one part of the Bible you are doubting the validty of your own faith...which means you're not really a Christian.
Zounds - 5/12/2011, 3:41 AM
@Ryden - "I can honestly say that I respect the Christian faith, so even if Marvel did, that doesn't mean I'm going to copy."

Do you mean you don't respect the Christian faith (per what opinion you've provided elsewhere on the thread, and in the forum) and that "even if Marvel did" that it wouldnt obligate your belief?

I'm actually not interested in converting you. It's your life, your journey. But my opposition to your comment approaches the idea of remaining civil within the context of the website's subject matter, which doesn't seem to need, advocate or merit insulting another person's worldview, directly or indirectly.

A fraternity of comic book movie enthusiasts need not quarrel about religious conviction, right? So why antagonize under the banner of the right to free speech or worse, personal want at the expense of collective comfort?

You seem like an intelligent likable guy, so wouldnt it seem prudent to indulge on the basis of mutual interest rather than occasion discomfort simply because you can?

I've yet to receive a message on CBM.com (does the feature exist here?), so if you wanted to converse via e-mail I'm more than willing to do so in a civil manner at your direction.

- Zounds
Zounds - 5/12/2011, 3:52 AM
@ Ryden - "It's as bad as those people who cherry pick the Bible. It's all or nothing I'm afraid, that means if you don't believe one part of the Bible you are doubting the validty of your own faith...which means you're not really a Christian."

That's not entirely accurate. There's much more intellectual freedom and room for intelligent investigation in Biblical hermeneutics. It's also important to understand that the concept of Sola Scriptura (which is what your contention implies) is actually not a Christian prescription whatsoever.

That said, I've met like described "believers" in one denomination or another who do in fact, buffet The Bible into compartments that don't make and will never make theological or philosophical sense.

I'd be curious to know where in The Bible, not attending Church and reading Scripture removes a person from Christian affiliation?

Would you agree that there are examples in the Bible where inclusion into the rewards of ultimate salvific ends are given, despite the two criteria you've asserted remove one from inclusion?

Ryden - 5/12/2011, 8:56 AM

"Do you mean you don't respect the Christian faith (per what opinion you've provided elsewhere on the thread, and in the forum) and that "even if Marvel did" that it wouldnt obligate your belief?"

I meant to say CANT not CAN my apologies. And I was trying to say that regardless of Marvel's view of it, it doesn't change the way I feel about the subject.

"A fraternity of comic book movie enthusiasts need not quarrel about religious conviction, right? So why antagonize under the banner of the right to free speech or worse, personal want at the expense of collective comfort?"

You're right I really don't want to talk about it on this site, but people make an issue out of it. My first comment was not an argument against God, Christianity whatever...it was just a kind of offensive joke. Nothing major.

"I'd be curious to know where in The Bible, not attending Church and reading Scripture removes a person from Christian affiliation?"

It most likley doesn't have a passage regarding that, however from a logical point of view does it not make sense that if you follow a religion you're entitled to stick with it, ALL of it.

I don't think you can "accept Jesus or God" if you don't agree with what he has to say all of the time. Because let's face it there's a lot of really disgusting, barbaric stuff in the bible that Jesus and God both think are okay.

And I understand that a lot of modern Christians don't like to think that their ssaviour is a bit sadistic. But the problem they have is both God and Jesus are supposed to be right all the time, and the Bible is supposed to be 100 % correct full proof.

If you consider yourself a Christian and are going against that idea, disagreeing with the Bible, disagreeing with what Jesus and God have to say then you're not technically a Christian. I think that's fair.

It would be like me saying, "this girl is my dream girl, she's exactly what I want...but I don't like her nose" it's defeating the purpose and going against your own principle. That girl cannot be the girl of my dreams if there's something about her I dont like.

Just like you cannot be a God Fearing Christian if you think that the Tower of Babel is story is a bit silly.

Also you cannot send messages (I dont think) on CBM, but if you give me your e-mail I'd gladly debate this with you.
Zounds - 5/12/2011, 9:48 AM
@ Ryden - Sounds good. My addy: [email protected]
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