Batman Reboot – Batman Beyond Fancast

Batman Reboot – Batman Beyond Fancast

Check out my fancasts for a Batman Reboot saga & Batman Beyond!

By UnfriendlySpidey - Oct 02, 2010 10:10 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Wow! Sorry guys, this fancast took me longer to finish than I thought it would…this is what happens when a fanboy gets a full time job, he loses all but the weekends to have free time! This has been 3 weeks in the making, but I wanted to make sure the cast was solid (I've had it done for about 2 weeks) & the film ideas really good. Unfortunately, I got really carried away with the film ideas & synopsis as I went further into it, so there’s no way for me to fit it into the same article as my fancast. Don’t worry, the article w/ my movie ideas & synopsis for each film will be up shortly following this one! Let’s get to it then- We all know that a Justice League movie is on the way. Since we’ve been told by both Chris Nolan & Christian Bale that the Nolanverse Dark Knight will never be in a Justice League film, a Batman reboot is imminent. As much as I love this realistic Batman world Nolan created, a reboot would give us a chance to see a Batman film series true the comics!

...And by true to the comics, I mean I want to see the cape & cowl World’s Greatest Detective version of the Dark Knight; as well as Batgirl, Robin & Nightwing in tow. So without further ado, here’s my fancast, starting with my new teaser posters (thanks to Inspace for this idea!)

First we’ll begin with the Dark Knight and his allies:

Wes Bentley- Bruce Wayne/Batman

A fan favorite to play the Dark Knight. Aside from his uncanny resemblance to the Caped Crusader, Bentley also has the acting chops (American Beauty) to bring the Bruce/Bats that we’ve all been waiting to see be brought to life. What I want to see is Batman finally portrayed as the World’s Greatest Detective on the silver screen and I think Bentley is the man for that job.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt- Dick Grayson/ Nightwing

This idea was born to me from LEEE777 & TANKGIRL (many thanks guys! :D) It’s been rumored he’ll wear the famous green bowler hat in Nolan’s Batman 3, and even though he’d make an awesome Riddler I believe he would make an even more epically amazing Dick Grayson/Nightwing! As to why I skipped right over his Robin persona and would have the reboot open with him already as Nightwing, check out my synopsis/ideas for these movies after the fancast!

Emma Stone- Barbara Gordon/Batgirl

Also another fan fav, Emma Stone is another awesome up and coming actress that would make a fantastic Barbara/Batgirl! From her great acting skills (in movies like Superbad, Zombieland & Easy A) and also her physical resemblance to Ms. Gordon, she’s my #1 pick to bring the sweet & badass persona of Barbara Gordon/Batgirl we’ve been waiting patiently to see justifiably brought to life on the silver screen!

Josh Harnett- Jason Todd/Red Hood

This pick came to me in no time all. I was looking for a great actor who would flawlessly play the role of Dick Grayson’s polar opposite- the Robin who lost his way if you will. I choose Josh Harnett to bring the deeply troubled and dark Jason Todd to life. Another one of my favorite actors, he’s proven his versatility in acting time & time again. From one of my fav movies Lucky # Slevin to 30 Days of Night (he was the best part of that movie) he’s shown he can play the sweet wise-cracking good guy and switch to the serious & dark persona at the turn of a hat. For that reason, I can’t see anyone else take on the role of the tragic anti-hero known as the Red Hood.

Josh Hutcherson- Tim Drake/Robin

Now before you say ‘epic fail’ and tell me to go die in the deepest darkest corner of space, hear me out. Yes, I agree that it would have been an absolute disaster if he got the part of Pete Parker/Spidey in the Sony reboot, but I believe he’d nail the role of Tim Drake/Robin. He’s really trying to shed his rep as a Disney actor & is trying to branch out to bigger things…and I say give ‘em a chance. He really screams Tim Drake to me and I think if he did get the role, we’d all be very pleasantly surprised, because he really is a good actor. I know a lot of people want Logan Lerman to play the 3rd Robin, but I honestly don’t see it as much everyone else does. (Don’t get me wrong, I like Lerman but I just don’t see him as Drake) Anyways, I digress… Hutcherson for Tim Drake/Robin.

John Hurt- Alfred Pennyworth

As much as it pains me to even think of re-casting Alfred Pennyworth after Michael Caine’s fantastic portrayal of Bruce’s beloved butler and confidante, Hurt is the only man I think could even come close as a new Alfred. As Bruce and the Dark Knight family’s voice of compassion and reason, Hurt would make a great Pennyworth…whether it would be anywhere near the caliber of Caine’s is something that I remain unsure of.

William H. Macy- Commissioner Jim Gordon

I honestly came across this idea by accident. After watching Happy, Texas a couple weekends ago and seeing Macy with that epic ‘stache, this golden epiphany came to me to have him portray Commish Gordon! His impeccable acting abilities need no introduction; he’d be amazing as Jim hands down. I love Gary Oldman as the Dark Knight’s ally and hate the thought of re-casting Gordon as well, but I believe William H. Macy as Jim Gordon would easily have me overcome that sadness.

Now that we’ve covered the good guys, let’s delve into the Caped Crusader’s Rogues Gallery & other major villains:

Crispin Glover- The Joker

Yes, George McFly for the Clown Prince of Crime. (Have you ever seen Willard?? If not, go rent/buy/stream or whatever and watch it! Dude will make you run for your brown pants in that flick!!) Aside from his unbelievable resemblance to the infamous Mr. J, Glover has a great acting ability to be quirky/ funny and switch to the darkest depths of dark in a heartbeat. If ever there was a man born to play a role, Glover was indefinitely born to play the Joker. From Nicholson’s unforgettable portrayal as J-man to the amazing and original Nolan/Ledger creation of the Joker as ‘an agent of chaos’, Glover could bring us the perfect balance of dark comedy, homicidal madness and absolute anarchy of epic proportions that IS the Joker and at the same time, make it all his own like Nicholson & Ledger did.

Anna Faris -Harley Quinzel/Harley Quinn

As the devoted and bubbly counterpart to the love of her life, who else is better equipped to play the fanatical villainess that is Harley Quinn than Anna Faris? She’s proved she can play the sweet ditz & the absolutely crazy and possessive BEE-YAHTCH (Just Friends- she is EPICLY CRAZY) like nobody’s business. I choose her to be Harley not only because she’s got the look, ;) but also because she’d play the part flawlessly.

Michael C. Hall- Harvey Dent/Two-Face

Hard to believe I haven’t seen his name tossed around to play Dent yet! He already plays as a man with a homicidal split-personality beautifully (Dexter) and would be a shoe-in as Gotham’s DA who fell from grace. If ever there was another man who could play as Two-Face like Aaron Eckhardt did and be amazing, that man would be Michael C. Hall.

Sir Patrick Stewart- Victor Fries/Mr. Freeze

Mr. Freeze: one of my top 3 all time favorite villains of Batman’s. After the disaster that was ‘Batman & Robin’ (don’t blame Ahnuld, at least he tried…) we need to see Victor redeemed on the big screen & I think Sir Patrick Stewart is just the man for the job. From his iconic roles as Enterprise Captain Jean Luc-Picard to Professor Charles Xavier, I think he’d be amazing as the tragic ice-man Victor Fries.

Jason Isaacs -Ra’s Al Ghul

A lot of CBM’ers want him for Norman Osborn in the Spidey reboot or some other super-villains he’d rock as. From the very beginning, after seeing Liam Neeson’s spectacular role as a very different but awesome Ra’s Al Ghul than we’ve ever seen, I began thinking of who could play the immortal Ra’s from the comics in a Batman reboot. Immediately who came to my mind was none other than Jason Isaacs. He plays the bad guy phenomenally and has an unbelievable physical likeness to the immortal Al Ghul. (Dude, that face and those eyes…he just looks like Ra’s incarnate) I promise you I came up with the idea of Isaacs for Ra’s long before I even knew he voiced the immortal in the latest Batman animated movie: Batman- Under the Red Hood, which further strengthened my belief that he could pull off the role and in turn made him a shoe-in in my eyes. I mean come on; can’t you just see Isaacs as Ra’s walking up to the Dark Knight in the traditional garb and saying: ‘We meet again, Detective’??

Emily Blunt- Talia Al Ghul

As every fanboy knows, Talia is urrmm…well endowed…and an absolutely stunning beauty. As the daughter of Ra’s Al Ghul and the love of Bruce Wayne’s life, Talia is a woman torn between loyalty & love. Trained by her father in the League of Assassins, she’s as beautiful as she is deadly. For these reasons, I think the woman for the job from both an acting and physical standpoint is the gorgeous Emily Blunt. An absolute enchantress both on and off the screen, I believe she’s the woman to play the Dark Knight’s ‘Beloved’. (You’re a lucky man John Krasinki…well done sir. Well done.)

Guy Pearce- Edward Nigma/the Riddler

Yes I know he has been rumored to be Mr. E Nigma in Nolan’s upcoming Batman 3 and no this isn’t me being lazy, so don’t ask ;D I think this would be brilliant casting. Like the other actors & actresses respectively, his acting ability needs no introduction. With great roles in movies such as The Count of Monte Cristo, L.A. Confidential & Memento, Pearce would be perfect as the Puzzler of puzzles.

Carla Gugino- Selena Kyle/Catwoman

Mee-wow!!....yes I just said a corny line, but in this case, it’s acceptable. Another fan favorite, Gugino would be known best to many of you with her portrayal as Sally Jupiter/Silk Spectre in Watchmen, (which she played beautifully as) and Lucille in Sin City. As Batman’s complicated woman of interest (in more ways than one) Gugino would absolutely be puuurrrrfect as the sensuous leather-clad cat-burgular Selena Kyle.

Andy Serkis- Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow

Known most famously for his epic portrayal of Smegol/Gollum from awesomely EPIC The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Serkis would be absolutely amazing as the embodiment of fear itself- Scarecrow. I know we’ve seen Crane in the Nolanverse Batman, but I want to see the dark demented Scarecrow- not just a mask, but costume & all. I believe that Serkis would be the man to bring the physician of fear to life.

Bob Hoskins- Oswald Cobblepot/the Penguin

I absolutely love Hoskins as an actor. As a man who’s played his fair-share of gangsters,(The Long Good Friday & Mona Lisa)who’d be better to play Oswald than good ol’ Bob? As the birdman of the crime underworld, Hoskins would give us the more traditional version of the Penguin (like Burgess Meredith’s EPICLY legendary role as the Penguin in the 1960’s TV show Batman and unlike Danny DeVito’s epic performance in Batman Returns) where he’s a gentleman aviary enthusiast, who happens to be a crime lord that emulates a certain flightless arctic bird. I can see Hoskins having an absolute blast portraying the ‘Gentleman of Crime’ on the silver screen & absolutely blow us away as Cobblepot.

Christina Hendricks- Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy

This dazzling beauty steams up the screen alongside her equally hot co-actress January Jones on the AMC’s TV hit Mad Men as Joan Holloway. I believe she’d be absolutely fantastic as Pamela Isley. We need to see Poison Ivy done right (I like Uma Thurman, but as Poison Ivy…just, meh) on the silver screen & the lovely Ms. Hendicks is the woman for the job. She just screams the strong, beautiful, but deadly type and that’s what this character needs to be brought to life.

Javier Bardem- Bane

The fan favorite to play the ‘Man Who Broke the Bat’. Javier Bardem is most widely known for his role as the weaponised compressor wielding Anton Chigurh from No Country for Old Men. His acting ability is impeccably fantastic and as his role as Anton proved, he can play the brilliant bad guy to the T. Unlike the mindless brute portrayed in the god-awful film Batman & Robin, Bane is one of Batman’s most formidable opponents- both from a physical and mental standpoint (he deduced Bruce’s secret identity on his own AND broke his back.) With Bardem and a little CGI, you have the absolute perfect Bane we all need/want to see on the big screen.

Viggo Mortensen- Roman Sionis/Black Mask

I don’t know who originally came up with this idea, but it is brilliant! After seeing Mortensen outside of his Aragorn role in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and seeing him in A History of Violence & Eastern Promises, he would be amazing as Roman Sionis/Black Mask. As the spurned son of Gotham, Sionis becomes the Black Mask out of sheer hatred towards Bruce Wayne. Realizing he has quite the aptitude/appetite for crime, he begins his aggressive move to power as Gotham’s Lord of the crime underworld. Mortensen has shown us that he can play the dark deceptive and powerful type beautifully, and for this I choose him to wear the Black Mask.

Tom Hardy- Thomas Elliot/Hush

I had to have Handsome Bob in this fancast. I know some of you really want him as Bruce/Batman, but I think he would be much more epic as Bruce’s childhood friend- Thomas Elliot. From Rock N Rolla to Inception, Hardy has shown how great and versatile he is as an actor. Honestly something tells me that if he did in fact ever don the Hush persona in a Batman movie, he would absolutely own the role with his performance.

CGI Voiced by Carl Weathers -Waylon Jones/Killer Croc

Yup. I chose Apollo Creed to bring Killer Croc to life. I’ve seen a lot of people cast Kevin Grevioux to be Croc, which I respect and can see, but honestly, the only way Croc can be done right is go the way of the Hulk- complete CGI. Now as to the voice casting, you gotta go with a voice that’s really prominent, and for some reason when I was watching the Rocky movies last week it hit me that Weathers with some minor raspy/preditorial noise distortion would make the perfect voice of the Killer Croc. Take what you will with this choice, but I’m stickin’ with it.

Now that we've covered the Dark Knight, let's get to the Dark Knight of the future- Batman Beyond! Starting with my new teaser for the film:

First we'll start with Terry himself & his allies/important people:

Thomas Dekker- Terry McGinnis

I know like with Tim Drake, a lot of people want Logan Lerman for the role of Terry. Like I said before, I like Lerman as an actor, but not enough to pick him as the Dark Knight of the future. Lerman has more of a softer face & Dekker has more that serious depth in his appearance that just screams Terry to me. I know he doesn’t have the trademark black hair, but that’s what hair-dye is for! Aside from his role as the future savior of the world and troubled teen (very similar to the character of Terry McGinnis) John Connor in the TV show Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Dekker has had mainly minor roles in both television & film. However something tell me that if a Batman Beyond movie is ever made & Dekker got the role, we would all be blown away at his performance.

Old Bruce- Clint Eastwood

The Eastwood would absolutely be the dream cast as Old Bruce. This choice needs no further explanation. There are two things you don’t do in life: Never cheat on your woman and NEVER question the Eastwood. But unfortunately, he has since retired from acting. So the only logical choice for the sake of continuity would be…

Wes Bentley - Old Bruce

Please excuse my sad attempt to make Bentley look older; I am by no means good with photo shop… :/ Bruce is now a bitter old hermit who secluded himself to Wayne Manor. He retired from crime-fighting after his heart condition caused him to raise a gun on a thug to protect himself. With only memories and his guard dog Ace to keep him company, Bruce takes Terry reluctantly under his wing and trains him as the new Dark Knight.

Meryl Streep- Commissioner Barbara Gordon

I can’t believe no one has thought of her for the hardened former Batgirl!! She’s an amazing actress who has proven she can be sweet and lovely and then turn into a manifestation of absolute bitch-dom in a snap. Although she’d probably never do it, Meryl Streep would be amazing as Commissioner Barbara Gordon in both looks and acting ability!

Bryan Cranston- Warren McGinnis

I know I casted him as Norman Osborn in my Spidey Reboot fancast, but he’s a great actor and I think he’d be amazing as this very minor, but also very important role of Terry’s dad. Again, please don’t think me as lazy- I just think this is great casting.

Geena Davis- Mary McGinnis

Another great actress that fits the bill of Terry’s worry-wart mother both from a physical & acting standpoint. She plays the ideal mom in all the movies I’ve seen her in and I think she’s perfect to be Mrs. Mary McGinnis.

John De Vito- Matt McGinnis

He played a younger version of Thomas Dekker’s John Connor in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and I think he did a great job. The role of Matt, like the rest of Terry’s family, is minor but still important. Not to mention that the resemblance between Dekker and De Vito is uncanny- they could easily be mistaken for brothers in real life.

Shay Mitchell- Dana Tan

The long-term on and off girlfriend then future wife of Terry McGinnis. Not so well known to most us guys (the only way I know her is from my sister) she is relatively an unknown. Best known for her role as Emily Fields in TV’s Pretty Little Liars (no I don’t watch it ye smahrtarses!) I immediately saw her and said ‘that’s Dana!’ Apparently she’s a very good actress & according to my sister, fits the bill of Dana perfectly. So in short, she’s my pick for Ms. Dana Tan.

Lauren London- Maxine “Max” Gibson

The pseudo-Alfred to Terry, Max is the only person who knows Terry’s secret identity (except Bruce of course) She helps him get in (mostly in) and out of trouble both when he’s on the job or in his civilian life. Megan Good is my choice to be Terry’s trusty side-kick. Yes, she’s almost 30, but she looks deceptively way younger than she actually is. Mainly having minor roles in both TV & movies, Good is a more under-rated actress in some of the stuff I’ve seen her in- and from that knowledge, I think she’d be perfect as Max Gibson, both in looks and ability.

Brittany Snow- Melanie Walker/10

Yet again, I can’t believe I haven’t seen her picked by anyone to be Ten! Uh hello, did you ever get the play-on words with her alter-ego?? Bruce Timm is a wee bit of a dirty boy, and that’s why we love ‘em! Snow is insanely hot, and honestly she looks like Melanie if she jumped straight out of the cartoon! As Terry’s ‘Batman-Catwoman’ love interest, Brittany would be perfect as the reluctant member of the latest incarnation of the Royal Flush Gang, both in acting ability and looks!

Louis Gosett Jr- DA Sam Young

This one speaks for itself- a special thanks to axelbratoski for the pic! Well done dude, you convinced me on this one! You would honestly think that the creators of Batman Beyond modeled the husband of Barbara Gordon after Gossett Jr; it’s uncanny!

Clancy Brown- Tim Drake

The veteran actor and voice actor that has brought to life so many classic comic book characters; such as Lex Luthor in Superman: The Animated Series, as well as Justice League & Justice League Unlimited, and George Stacy in The Spectacular Spiderman. In movies, you know him best as Kurgan from the epic of epicness movie, Highlander or Byron Hadley in The Shawshank Redemption, Brown is nothing short of a great actor. As the tragic all grown-up Tim Drake, Clancy would rock as the tormented former Robin.

Now that we've covered the supporting cast & allies of Terry world, here's the Batman Beyond Rogues Gallery:

Jay Karnes- Derek Powers/Blight

Known best from his role as Detective Holland “Dutch” Wagenbach on the FX TV hit The Shield, and a small but important reoccurring character as ATF Josh Kohn from another FX hit Sons of Anarchy, Karnes has shown he can play the bad guy/ stuck up prick flawlessly- characteristics that make up Terry’s arch-nemesis, Derek Powers/Blight. Blinded by arrogance, pride and later an uncontrollable temper, Powers goes on a one-way meltdown after Terry accidentally exposes him to his very own nerve gas. Combined with mass amounts of radiation to keep the nerve gas from killing him, the combination mutates his DNA into a monster that ‘Now everyone can see what he really is. Even in the dark.’ As the man who now controls the merged super co. known As Wayne-Powers (he absorbed Bruce’s company, Wayne Enterprises in a hostile takeover) and was responsible for Warren McGinnis’ death, Karnes would be absolutely perfect both in looks & character as the rage filled power mogul known as Blight.

Michael Clarke Duncan- Mr. Fixx

As the bodyguard and go-to man of Derek Powers, Mr. Fixx is the man who kills Warren McGinnis on his boss’ orders. This pick goes without explaining- Michael Clarke Duncan is amazing in everything he’s ever been in and would be perfect in all aspects as the very minor but important role of the notorious Mr. Fixx.

Moon Bloodgood- Inque

Again, my hat is off to the person who came up with this idea. Mainly having somewhat minor roles in movies & TV until her role as Lt Blair Williams in Terminator: Salvation, Bloodgood would be perfect as the super-powered femme fatal for hire- Inque. One of Terry’s most powerful villains (she’s almost killed him several times and captured him once) Inque has proven she’s a force to be reckoned with; she’s even drawn the former Dark Knight out one last time to save Terry in Disappearing Inque (which has the most EPIC 10 secs in any superhero cartoon EVER!) As Inque, Bloodgood would nail the role both in looks & talent. Also, her liquid half would need to be entirely CGI in order to look right- just wanted to put that out there.

Eric Bana- Walter Shreeve/Shriek

The amazingly talented Mr. Bana as the insanely brilliant man of sound, Mr. Shreeve- aka Shriek. As his as Nero role in Star Trek clearly proved, he can play the bad guy flawlessly. As a man who is brought to the other side by Derek Powers, Shreeve becomes Shriek- one of Batman’s most formidable opponents. With Bana as Shriek, I think it would be a performance of epic proportions.

David Tennant- Ira Billings/Spellbinder

Yes, the 10th Doctor Who as the ‘psycho doctor of psychosis’. Spellbinder is born after the disgruntled psychologist becomes tired of not getting his money’s worth from listening to people’s childish problems. Besides bearing an eerie resemblance to Billings, Tennant would be absolutely brilliant as Spellbinder.

Djimon Hounsou-Stalker

Hounsou was born for this role, plain and simple. Stalker is a pseudo –futuristic type of Kraven the Hunter, who comes to hunt Batman upon learning of the Dark Knight’s return. Believing he’s a bat-spirit that inhabits the generation’s best warrior, Stalker sees this as the ultimate hunt/challenge. Hounsou would absolutely rock this role both in appearance & acting ability.

Milla Jovovich- Curare’

This one took some serious thinking on my part- I wanted my pick for her to be original. After serious debate, my friend suggested Jovovich as my choice. Most widely known as Alice from the Resident Evil film series, Leeloo Dallas in The Fifth Element and as Violet Song jat Shariff (she was the best part of that movie) in the far less popular film Ultraviolet, Jovovich has proven she is a woman of bad-arsery in films. As Curare’, Jovovich would take on the role of the Society of Assassins’ top assassin. Wielding an incredibly sharp Scimitar, this veiled super killer makes her entrance into Terry’s Gotham while trying to kill DA Sam Young. With her past films and acting ability (and has already trained w/ a sword!) I think Jovovich would have a blast playing Curare’ and blow us away with her performance.

Dougray Scott- Dr. Able Cuvier

Known best (by me anyways) as Sean Ambrose from Mission: Impossible 2, in which he plays an amazing villain, Scott would be amazing as the deranged creator of splicing- Dr. Able Cuvier. While trying to foil Cuvier’s true intentions, Terry as Batman is captured and injected with a large dose of Vampire Bat serum- turning him into a Man-Bat (shout out to one of Bruce’s many old opponents) Believing he is the leader of the new world , Cuvier and his followers are driven underground after attempting to kill DA Sam Young (a common occurrence in this show) for trying to outlaw splicing. Batman and Bruce’s trusty guard dog Ace take on a Chimera Cuvier & then a severely mutated abomination of the doctor after Terry injects him with multiple serums. Originally set to play Logan/Wolverine in the X-Men films & the new incarnation of James Bond twice, I believe Scott would be absolutely amazing as Dr. Able Cuvier.

Jake McDorman-Carter Wilson/Terminal

I honestly did not like this villain too much, but he is important in an inadvertent way. Carter Wilson is one of the top students in high school- valedictorian and popular, you’d think that would be enough for him. Unfortunately for Carter, there’s one student who is slightly better; and her name is Max Gibson. A combination of not being the best and a mother who I’d like to lynch, sends Carter over the edge- he becomes Terminal: the leader of a small band of Jokerz. While making a computer program to try and figure out the identity of the new Batman, Max reprograms its parameters to find who the Joker is that has it out for her. However, the parameters of the program only entail the people who would have a double life, and of course Terry is at the top of the list- so Max mistakes Terry as a Joker. Finally at a showdown in Gotham Park, Max figures out that Terminal is Carter Wilson who holds a grudge that she did better on a test & that Terry is not a Joker, but in fact the new Batman. Jake McDorman is best known as Evan Chambers in the TV hit Greek, and I think he looks the part and would do well as Terminal.

Henry Rollins- Mad Stan

This one goes without saying: Henry Rollins IS Mad Stan. No seriously, he is. This epic character from Batman Beyond was both voiced by and modeled after Rollins himself. If ever there was easy & at the same time epic casting, it’s Henry Rollins as Mad Stan.

Sir Patrick Stewart- Mr. Freeze Beyond

Meltdown is one of the best episodes because it brings back one of my favorite villains- Victor Fries, and for contiuity & epicness, you would have to have Sir Stewart reprise his role of Mr. Freeze.

Crispin Glover- The Joker

Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker is seriously an animated movie classic. For the sake of continuity & common sense, I would have Glover reprise his role as the Clown Prince of Crime returned form the dead.

And there ya have it! My complete Batman Reboot-Batman Beyond Fancast! Make sure you check back soon as I will have my ideas & synopsis for each of the films up shortly! Now this fancast took me forever to accomplish, so please share with me your honest opinions & who you like/dislike as well as who you would like to see portray the roles! Let the conversing begin! And as always, thanks for checking out my article!

Til next time!
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GreenHalJordan - 10/2/2010, 10:37 AM
awesome cast!
LEEE777 - 10/2/2010, 10:50 AM
Dude, great stuff and glad you finally put it out in Fan-Fic!!!

Now this is what you call a casting!

Streep for old BarB... very cool and genius, luv ya HARLEY pick too, got a few like you too (Catwoman, Ivy, Penguin etc), but damn man kudos for bringing out pure quality buddy, some awesome other picks too!

GR8 stuff!

Thumbs up and YES....

AlexDeLarge87 - 10/2/2010, 11:00 AM
Cool cast!:)... But in your Reboot cast i think Batman should be played by someone little bit older cause Wes is almost same age with Joseph. I would choose Josh Brolin. His got charisma and darkness in him. And he is great actor.
Dynamo - 10/2/2010, 11:01 AM
AWESOME CAST. Except for one. [frick] Wes Bently!
Unreal2k9 - 10/2/2010, 11:16 AM
I love this cast. Perfectly done. Please do more!
The4thWall - 10/2/2010, 11:39 AM
Awesome man, really well done ;)
InSpace - 10/2/2010, 12:18 PM

And thanks for using my idea , it looks beautiful .
UnfriendlySpidey - 10/2/2010, 12:18 PM
@GreenHalJordan thanks!

@LEEE many thanks to ya man! took me alot longer to put up than I thought it would haha I'm glad you like the fancast!

@AlexDeLarge666 hey thanks! yeah...I was kinda thinking that too. Brolin would be cool! Thanks for your input!

@Dynamo haha thank you very much! who would you like to see play the Dark Knight?

@Unreal2k9 thank you very much!

@The4thWall thanks alot! I really appreciate it!

@InSpace haha no man thank you! it did turn out beautifully! I'm glad you like the fancast too! like I said before on your fancast, we share 95% of the same pics for a Batman Beyond flick haha
Dynamo - 10/2/2010, 12:22 PM
No offence, i love everyone else but Wes sucked in Ghost Rider and is too young and erm... emo to play the dark knight.
I dunno for sure tbh, I mean I guess Matthew Fox and John Hamm would be good candidates.
If he's not playing Superman than Henry Cavill would also be a good choice.
UnfriendlySpidey - 10/2/2010, 12:42 PM
@Dynamo none taken dude! I agree wholeheartedly he sucked in Ghost Rider and honestly I have been second guessing the pick since before I even posted this fancast...I agree Bruce Wayne needs to be older and stronger in both looks and character. Very good choices for the Dark Knight btw!
Ryden - 10/2/2010, 12:48 PM
Not a bad cast at all, but since when is Wes bentley a fan favourite for Batman? I've only seen him in one other person's casting and I'm pretty sure most people disliked that choice. I think he'd be okay, but Tom Hardy would OWN as Batman. And he fits the description much more than Bentley.

But besides that it's a pretty awesome cast, good job.
BobGarlen - 10/2/2010, 12:57 PM
pretty good fan cast, but personally DKR or Batman Beyond, i'd rather see Michael Keaton as Old Batman, for me personally he evolved the idea that Batman is dominant and that Bruce Wayne is more of a face, i mean the whole movie he was more batman then bruce, and i would love to see him and hamil as batman and joker in a DKR Movie
UnfriendlySpidey - 10/2/2010, 1:08 PM
@Ryden Thanks! I really appreciate it! Yeah, like I said before, I've kinda been if-y on the idea of Bentley to be Bruce/Bats even before I posted this fancast haha I love Hardy as an actor myself, but like I said I think he'd be even more amazing as Hush. I really appreciate your input & that you like my fancast! (minus Bentley of course haha)

@Robert Garlen A DKR flick w/ Michael Keaton reprising his role as Batman would be EPIC! I would also love to see him play Old Bruce in Batman Beyond, but I didn't put him in my fancast because the Batman Beyond films would tie-in to the reboot. Love the idea of Hamill as a live action Joker as well. Thanks for your input!
Dynamo - 10/2/2010, 1:32 PM
I was thinking, wouldn't James Franco make a good Batman? Or even The Joker?
oghalfrican232 - 10/2/2010, 1:41 PM
Batman Beyond-Return of the Joker kinda scared me!
Ryden - 10/2/2010, 1:49 PM
@unfriendlyspidey-No problem man, I do think that Bentley would make a decent Wayne, just not the best. Some really good and original choices up there though...good job (again lol) ;)
AlexDeLarge87 - 10/2/2010, 3:12 PM
UnfriendlySpidey@ No problem

Dynamo@ Franco?... Naaah! Brolin as Batman and Jude Law or Crispin Glover as The Joker. They both are great actors and can play very vicious and scary guys. Glover in Willard and Charlie´s Angels. Law in Road To Perdition.
But Franco is good actor so maybe he wouldnt be bad as The Joker or Bats?
Rock317 - 10/2/2010, 3:37 PM
This really AWWEsome! Love em all! Great job! :)
darque13 - 10/2/2010, 5:06 PM
think everyone that was picked was a great choice...a little bit of the lack of age difference between dick and bruce. and personally for my pick for Ras al Ghul i wld have to go with John Malkovich.
aside from that stellar casting.
Cripin Glover wld blow heath ledgers joker out of the water. ( hes such an underrated actor
AverageCitizen99 - 10/2/2010, 8:20 PM
Awesome fan cast! :)
Wes would make a good Bruce, but like darque13 mentioned, the age thing between him and Joe would be too close to see as mentor and apprentice. Crispin would make an awesome Joker (and I did see Willard and he was fantastic!). I like all of your picks, you brought on some new and familiar ones that I really enjoyed seeing and hearing about, especially Dekker as Terry. Better fit than Logan. He has a more 'heavier' tone to him and edge. Anil also brought up a good choice in Paul Wesley.

I'm glad I logged in today! :)
UnfriendlySpidey - 10/2/2010, 9:34 PM
Wow, thanks guys!

@Dynamo James Franco is an amazing actor, maybe a good Joker?

@soda9 the uncut version is absolutely EPIC

@Ryden thanks man, I really appreciate it!

@Anil thanks! yeah I agree, kinda screwed up on my Bruce pick...haha nice picks for Batman btw! The thing w/ Terry is that he's only 17 when he first becomes make very good points though! I'm very glad to hear you like the fancast overall & thanks for your input!!

@vRockAWEsome thank you very much!

@darque13 thanks for your input!! Yeah like I've been saying, I kinda Shrute-d up the Bruce/Bats pick haha Malkovich as Ra's...very interesting choice, can't say I see that one though, I think Isaacs is the Demon IMO

@Average hey thanks man!! glad you enjoyed it!! and...yeah the age issue is my bad haha I'll have to find an older Bruce that would be perfect. Glad you dropped in & checked out my fancast!
DDD - 10/2/2010, 11:56 PM
Nice Posters!

Emma Stone for Barbara Gordon/Batgirl is also my
choice, so excellent there!

Actually this cast is excellent all around!

The only two I have a problem with is Wes Bentley
and Josh Hartnet. Hartnet's too old and Wes is too

But as for the rest of this casting, it's well
thought out and well done!

I prefer Clint for Old Bruce Wayne!
But I'm a Clint Eastwood nut! LOL

I also really like Krispin as Joker!

DDD - 10/3/2010, 12:01 AM
BTW, I also loved the use of different lettering
fonts for each mixed things up a
bit and made it more visually interesting! Of
course I would notice that cuz I'm an artist!
;D ;D ;D
LEEE777 - 10/3/2010, 3:36 AM
SPIDEY @ It always does dude, even when you finish all the pics and stuff its still a killer to put up!

AWESOME stuff again man, love it!

DDD @ ; D
whoa123 - 10/3/2010, 5:15 AM
thumbs up!! nice fancast!!
UnfriendlySpidey - 10/3/2010, 7:21 AM
@MrYurMomm thanks man!! I really appreciate it!

@wavehunter thanks! Bentley as Pete...hmmm never thought of that one! Thanks for the input!

@DDD thank you very much for dropping by!! I'm very glad to hear you like it! yeah, I messed up on Bruce w/ making him older... haha and I know Harnett is older, but he just screams Jason to me...if only he was about 5-10 years younger haha who are your picks for Bruce & Todd? let me know! :D also, thanks for taking notice to the different fonts & colors!! took forever to find the perfect ones haha I'm an artist too!(...not a photo-shop/computer artist mind you as my posters are nowhere near the caliber of SamadCBM or Skinnyglasses haha) very cool and again I really appreciate you stopping by & letting me know what you think! thanks!!!
BTW agreed about The Eastwood...he IS the original BA haha it was a sad day when he retired from acting.

@LEEE haha yeah...I still have to post my film ideas to go with this cast...which became more of a script than an outline as I got further into it...once I start on something like that, I get really into it haha! I really appreciate you dropping by! thank you very much!!

@whoa123 Thank you very much!!
AverageCitizen99 - 10/3/2010, 10:43 AM
No problem, I'm just lucky I stopped by on the exact day you posted this! But Wes is a good choice though. He would fit in if the WB is planning on sticking with a younger Bruce. Though the only thing I've seen him in was in Ghost Rider and a trailer for a horror film. I have no clue as to who I would pick for Bruce though. Clint would've made an epic older Batman but he has retired so that puts a damper on the dream. But that doesn't keep us from dreaming about it, right?

If you're interested in checking it out, I posted up a Cloverfield review a week back if you'd like to check it out. School is my main priority right now and I don't think I'll contribute as much as I did this summer. It's for the best as it'll put less pressure on myself.

Let me know when you're planning on posting those film ideas of yours. I'd be interested in hearing them! :)
EyeofHorus - 10/3/2010, 11:20 AM
Overall very good fancast. Especially like the Batman Beyond takes.
Superman8 - 10/9/2010, 9:09 PM
dude that is damn near perfect. you can tell you put alot of thought into these picks. great job. love the harley quinn pick.
George88 - 10/12/2010, 12:57 PM
Hendricks as Ivy = Me drooling :P
Lewis25 - 10/17/2010, 1:12 PM
The only picks I dont like are your batman ones. Wes bentley is too young and doesn't have the right feel for batman, Clive owen is and always has been my number one choice for batman. As for Terry I like thommas Dekker but my choice is Sean Faris.
archistrage - 12/9/2010, 2:28 AM
Dude, you forgot Zeta from BBY: I'm thinking Matt Dallas, Kyle, from Kyle XY.
Love Thomas Dekker as Terry; absolutely fits the role.

Bassman15 - 10/2/2012, 9:58 AM
Wes Bentley would be good as batman but i think Karl Urban would be a better one.
AINTNOTHINTOFOCWIT - 10/27/2012, 7:12 PM
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