Casting Rumor for Green Lantern

Casting Rumor for Green Lantern

Guess who it is. Ill give you a hint, the actor that is on the top of the list to Star as Hal Jordan is also staring in a certain prequel to hit theaters in May.

By jman1977 - Mar 20, 2009 12:03 AM EST
Filed Under: Green Lantern

Someone from Warner has been letting casting rumors out of the bag.

"Word out of the Warner Brother's halls that there is a short list of possibles for the casting of the green superhero Hal Jordan. Top of the list is Chris Pine who is currently set to star as Captain Kirk this summer in J.J. Abrams' new Star Trek film.

In the new Green Lantern film, Hal Jordan is a pilot who finds a powerful ring and its lantern-like battery when a spaceship crashes on Earth. Jordan is selected to succeed the craft's dying occupant as the next Green Lantern, a galactic guardian who is a member of an interstellar corps.

Could one man be both Captain Kirk and Hal Jordan? I suppose, after all Bruce Wayne is also John Conner.

Word is WB is looking for a man's man under 30. Names like Jon Hamm and Nathan Fillion have popped up but again they are looking for under 30. I think Hamm would be a fantastic choice but by the time a sequel rolls around he'd be pushing 40 (which I think would only make him sexier and more distinguished). Sam Worthington's name has also been floating around but Chris Pine seems to be the top choice.

IESB has contacted Pine's talent agent Steven Jang who has referred us to his publicist Melissa Kates at PMK who's assistant gave us a "no comment" because Kates is currently on vacation.

It's a rumor for now albeit from a very reliable source inside WB, we'll keep an ear out for developments!"

I need to wait and see Pine as Captain Kirk before I can determine if he has the acting chops to play Hal. If he is successful with Kirk it would be a sure bet Pine would play Hal Jordan just fine. The studio needs an actor under 30 because obviously they are planning on a franchise and they do NOT want Hal to be over 40 in the third installment. This is all rumor of course, we have to wait for an official announcement, until then let the speculation begin!

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Minotauro - 3/19/2009, 12:53 PM
Supermike - 3/19/2009, 1:45 PM
ManOfIron - 3/19/2009, 1:49 PM
i could see it. don't know how he acts though. but looks the part
MarkCassidy - 3/19/2009, 1:50 PM
Cool? Sweet? This guy is an annoying 90210 reject and i dont want him anywere near Green Lantern. He looks about 17 years old for [frick]s sake! Grrrrrrrrr
Gordonious - 3/19/2009, 1:51 PM
Out of all these I really like Sam Worthington by far. He has the perfect look and personality. Hopefully his role in Terminator puts him on top of the list.
theFACE - 3/19/2009, 2:11 PM
i'm still hoping ryan gosling will change his mind, but who knows maybe this guy could do a good job if he were to get the part.
InstigatorGIRL - 3/19/2009, 2:20 PM
I agree Sam Worthington would be good. no on Chris Pine.
InstigatorGIRL - 3/19/2009, 2:21 PM
What about Matthew Fox? Anybody?
CRUSH - 3/19/2009, 2:50 PM
DarkAvengers - 3/19/2009, 2:53 PM
Matthew Fox looks like a scrawny little bitch. Although, no one thought Tobey McGuire could pull off Spider-man. Who knows?
loganoneil - 3/19/2009, 3:23 PM
He doesn't look old enough to be a pilot, let alone possess one of the most powerful artifacts in the universe! What's he gonna' do when he gets the power ring, make a bunch of green-skinned girls who swoon all over him (oops sorry, wrong film!)?
NoobMike - 3/19/2009, 6:20 PM
I agree Hal has to be older, I hope someone more mature gets it.

And loganoenil, you just perverted my view on GL, the first thing after reading your post was...would that be considered masturbation?

Seriously the thought had never crossed my mind before, but now I wont be able to see GL without it crossing my mind.
akthunder - 3/19/2009, 7:25 PM
Why would they use Pine? Hes Kirk, if hes also GL, its just gonna seem a little odd. Then again Christian Bale is Batman and John Connor. Though I would prefer Gosling too.
loganoneil - 3/19/2009, 9:55 PM
Noob- I aim to please ;) (LOL)

...and Mattlask, Tobey McGuire DIDN'T pull off Spiderman! Peter Parker's a bookworm, not a whiney little UBER-DORK!!!! The only time McGuire was semi-believable in the role was when he was in costume (because he wore a MASK!)!
TheSoulEater - 3/19/2009, 11:07 PM
Now use Ralph Fienes as Sinestro!
Betty - 3/20/2009, 10:12 AM
eh, this guy'll work.
JohnnyKrypton - 3/20/2009, 12:40 PM
Absolutely not. Rorschach, you hit the nail on the head. This guy looks like Pieface could take him.
MarkCassidy - 3/20/2009, 12:53 PM
@JohnnyKrypton...Right? I wasnt too pissed when i heard he was gonna be Kirk because im not a huge Trek fan but seriously! I mean im sure hes a capable actor and all but enough with the teeny bopper elfen faced runts! GL needs to be a MAN!

Ah loganoneil, another "Agree to disagree!" I thought Maguire was a great Parker. True he did overdo the geek elements a tad but not by that much and it worked for the movies. I even liked him as "Mean" Peter in the 3rd movie..and yes, even thought the emo dance was kinda funny!
Juicerules - 3/20/2009, 12:56 PM
cool. Pine is going to be Green Lantern and Captain Kirk. It looks like the Tremor Brother is here to stay
DVargas802 - 3/20/2009, 1:04 PM
NO! NO! NO! So AGREE with the majority here! Fanboys are so tired of the "bubblegum" appeal to he teenie boppers b.s. to get more of a draw, thus screwing the loyal fans! I thought this guy was ridiculous for Star Trek & Green Lantern is worse! BEST rumor I heard was David Borianus. Granted he's to old at this point to play Hal-BUT it'd been better. No more KIDS-get SOLID MATURE actors/actresses that CAN act and come off as heros! It shows the film industry STILL doesn't respect the comic book genre & its fans. All they're doing is if grabbing what they can since NO ONE has an orginal idea anymore-so they grap a comic-commercialize it, make it "attractive" for the teens & twen-teens, make it PG-13 to make the fast cash & DESTROY the source material!
Gordonious - 3/20/2009, 1:15 PM
Yo InstigatorGIRL! That's so funny you say that. Cause I was watching Lost last night & I said to myself this guy(Matthew Fox) wouldn't be a bad Green Lantern. I still like Sam Worthington better but I could defenitely see Matthew Fox to.
ElBeaster - 3/20/2009, 1:18 PM
I agree with loganiel that Tobey McGuire sucked as Spider-man. I also think that Kirsten Dunst sucked as Mary-Jane. They were like the characters in the first one, but by the time the third one came around they lost all semblence to their comic book counterparts. Recast!

But this guy looks like he could pull it off if he buffs up A LOT! I'll save judgement until Star Trek comes out, but from the trailers he seems like he'd be a good actor. I mean since they're lookin for a young actor no matter what, I say give him a chance. But like I said, I've gotta see him act first.
Jetsaholic - 3/20/2009, 1:18 PM
I think it's good casting.
greenlanternsector2814 - 3/20/2009, 1:25 PM
I think Pine would make a better Kyle Rayner GL.
ElBeaster - 3/20/2009, 1:30 PM
I think they should cast Common as John Stewart and maybe Ben Foster as Kyle Rayner if they're gonna do multiple GL's.

But I think the best pic is Jackie Earle Haley(Rorscach) as Sinestro.
ngclarkiv0880 - 3/20/2009, 1:44 PM
Frick no to Chris Pine. They keep giving out multiple roles to the same people. Let somebody else have a try that's worthy enough. Jon Hamm looks just like him. Patrick Wilson would be excellent. Nathan Fillion would be awesome. Young actors can't do this junk. Since when have they had a young actor be a superhero? Sky High? Terrible movie. They should at least shoot for thirties. Jon Hamm is older but he's my vote hands down.
joob234 - 3/20/2009, 2:22 PM
no offense but didnt i mention pine playing green lantern in an earlier article! haha
shibazz - 3/20/2009, 2:28 PM
ahhhhh [frick] balls are you serious , dammit!
BillyBlack - 3/20/2009, 3:34 PM
You did joob234

I didn't think it would happen with his gig on Star Trek, I'm still not sure that this is gonna happen. It could be worse tho fellas. I don't really know his work, but he was pretty good in Smokin Aces. That part where he's workin Affleck's jaw like a ventriloquist dummy, I almost pissed my pants. There is someone else out there that we're all missing. Let's hope they find him.
LastSon1027 - 3/20/2009, 3:38 PM
Shaman is not going to be happy about this! No sir ree bob!
Ans instigator I think Matthew Fox is a pretty good choice I would rather see him as Barry Allen but Jordan works too.
Minotauro - 3/20/2009, 3:41 PM
@ Rorschach01 - Yea its cool because its an opinion?..

Whats annoying is the fact that your name says Rorschach01 and you got the [frick]ing Joker on your avatar?!.. :)
MarkCassidy - 3/20/2009, 3:44 PM
Ok..emm, why?? Do we all need to sink up with our usernames? Are the Avatar police on patrol or something!
ryanallen - 3/20/2009, 3:46 PM
you might as well cast a 17 year old as Gl
loganoneil - 3/20/2009, 3:49 PM
Ror - agreed to disagree... IF the SM series continues with the same cast (McGuire), how are they going to reconcile between 'eternal-geek' Tobey and what Peter 'grows up' to become? Eventually they're gonna' have to recast the role to make the two meet (that is IF the series survives that long...)

'Disco Stu' Peter Parker was purely EVIL (a sign of the oncoming apocalypse!!!), and you LIKED IT?!!!

"You need many years of therapy.... Many... many... #@!$-in' years of therapy!"

- 'Bad Santa'

Minotauro - who the #!@$ cares what someone has as their avatar?! It's HIS avatar and HIS username - deal with it!
dbzfan - 3/20/2009, 3:57 PM
NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I don't want him being Hal! This guy looks like a [frick]ing teenager for crying out loud! Plus he is wwwaaayyyy to small to be the Green Lantern
BrunoDJ - 3/20/2009, 4:07 PM
I dont want abercrombie-looking people in any comic film period.
Betty - 3/20/2009, 4:15 PM
look at this old pic of gregory peck. this is the face i think of when i think of hal jordan. find a guy that looks even remotely like peck and youve got good ol GL.
BillyBlack - 3/20/2009, 4:21 PM
Shit! the avatar nazis again?!

My name says BillyBlack.... and I'm a white guy.

Anyone have a good Sam Jackson I could borrow? I had a good one of him I was gonna use... but a FKN SHARK ATE IT!!
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