GOTG Star Chris Pratt On Chances Of Returning As Star-Lord AND Joining The DCU: I Think It's 100% Both

GOTG Star Chris Pratt On Chances Of Returning As Star-Lord AND Joining The DCU: "I Think It's 100% Both"

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HeavyMetal4Life - 2/6/2019, 7:41 AM
Some great concept art.

With Rocket getting his comic accurate outfit in Endgame, I wonder if the rest of the Guardians will get a different look going forward.

L0RDbuckethead - 2/6/2019, 7:53 AM
@HeavyMetal4Life - I really hope Quill get his old school blue/red costume and classic helmet when he gets "un-snapped"...

HeavyMetal4Life - 2/6/2019, 7:55 AM
@L0RDbuckethead -
Vocloz - 2/6/2019, 7:54 AM
oh that's so funny! I remember seeing all these is 2014! 5 YEARS AGO JOSH
Vigor - 2/6/2019, 8:31 AM
@MODOKsRise - I wish Josh interacted with us more. There may be a method to his madness but he seldom communicates with his readers. He can seem a lot more human and less robotic/by-the-numbers if he just interacted with us. For instance, I've corrected something factually wrong about his articles half a dozen times but he keeps making the exact same errors in future articles. This implies he either doesn't care (which I kinda doubt because I've seen him be defensive), or he simply doesn't read comments
Jackal - 2/6/2019, 8:00 AM
Honestly I think after most heroes Resurrection they will get more accurate costumes so they have their kind of "rebirth"
Ryos - 2/7/2019, 2:22 AM
@Jackal - ew that word
aflynn - 2/6/2019, 8:05 AM
Some incredible concept art I love the Cosmic side of the MCU and there is so much potential for stories to explore you wouldn't get anywhere else, very hopeful and excited to see Captain Marvel open up the door for more cosmic storylines.
EZBeast - 2/6/2019, 8:07 AM
That first pic gets me hard!

Just like it did 5 years ago when you first posted this Josh...

What is wrong with you man?
JoshWilding - 2/6/2019, 8:39 AM
@MrNegative - Huh. Can you share the link to the article from 2014 when this artwork which I came across *yesterday* was shared on the site, please? While some of these pieces have been shared on social media by Marvel Studios' concept artists, the vast majority have never been featured online.
EZBeast - 2/6/2019, 9:52 AM
@JoshWilding - yeah I’m not wasting my time going back to find it but seeing as this is the only comic book site that I use that posts articles of concept art of movies I know it came from here.

Perhaps it wasn’t you who originally posted it so if it wasn’t I apologize but seriously dude you’re making an article out of something released years ago. Wouldn’t you say that’s milking it a bit there?

I’ll come on here and all of a sudden there will be 5 articles about random speculation, past stuff that was brought up ages ago, or even a top 10 list that has been adjusted slightly so it can be its “own” article all from you. You need to tone it back. Your comment section shows people feeling the same way.just saying.
Highball - 2/6/2019, 8:12 AM
Slow news day when you dig up some concept art for a 2014 movie huh?
Still, that's some nice art.
Fritzthecat - 2/6/2019, 8:13 AM
When I saw this post...
HeavyMetal4Life - 2/6/2019, 8:17 AM
@Fritzthecat - you win!
Spock0Clock - 2/6/2019, 8:30 AM
Beautiful art, honestly.

And the swag is out of control in this pic.

knocturnalzen10 - 2/6/2019, 8:34 AM
@Spock0Clock - on the catwalk
Spock0Clock - 2/6/2019, 8:37 AM
@knocturnalzen10 - Vogue One: A Guardians of the Glamorous Story.

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