Guy Ritchie NOT Directing Lobo!

Guy Ritchie NOT Directing Lobo!

Joel Silver made it official a couple days ago that Guy Ritchie is off of the 'Lobo' soap box. So who should direct?

By jman1977 - Jan 29, 2010 08:01 AM EST
Filed Under: Lobo

Guy Ritchie has put our beloved corrupt bounty hunter on the back burner in order to film 'Sherlock Holmes 2' with Robert Downey Junior and my friend (hopefully) Robert Maillot. Who could blame Guy? Guy is taking a successful franchise (Sherlock Holmes) in favor of one (Lobo) that might not be as successful. Let me explain. Sherlock Holmes has earned 400 million world wide, half of that in the USA, making Sherlock Holmes Guy Ritchies most successful film since Snatch, and Snatch was ten years ago.

We know that studios are going to be cranking out ComicBookMovies for the next 20 years or so because of the numbers that 'The Dark Knight' and 'Spider-Man' put up. Besides that, and this is what Hollywood does not want you to know, they will be cranking out ComicBookMovies because that's also the last resource for original material that's left for Hollywood to use and abuse.

For Guy it makes sense to return to the world of 'Sherlock Holmes.' For us it kinda sucks. It's been made clear that Guy Ritchie will not be directing 'Lobo.' So who will?

Here is my list for possible directors:

James Cameron: I know it probably wont happen but it should happen. James has mastered the art of shooting deep space sci fi action flicks and 'Lobo' fits right into that catagory.

Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor: The guys behind the 'Crank' movies and they have ties to DC as they have just done 'Johnah Hex'

Matthew Vaughn: 'Kick Ass' will indeed 'Kick Ass' and with that Vaugnh could do justice for 'Lobo.'

Neil Bloomkamp: Neil teamed up with Peter Jackson to bring us 'District 9' which was a sleeper hit in 2009. No one thought that movie would be any good. It was at least half way good with a solid story and some nice action sequences. The trick he pulled is he made us all care about and relate to an Alien that at first glance was disgusting and nasty. You would just assume shoot it and get it over with. Neil would have to step up the action sequences and bring more of them out for Lobo.

Chances are it wont be any one of these guys. But now looking at Guy Ritchie's track record it probably is not a bad thing that he is off 'Lobo' and onto a 'Sherlock Holmes' sequel.

Dear DC please keep these guys away from Lobo, Ratner, Raimi, Singer. Ratner would douche it up. Raimi would have Lobo crying and trying to figure out why in the hell he does what it is he does. And Singer would quit midway through the franchise to start another unsuccessful franchise leaving Lobo for the likes of Ratner. It's a viscous cycle I tell ya!!!

Here's to hoping that James Cameron wont start driving truck again and bring us a Lobo story that no one will want to miss out on.



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LEEE777 - 1/29/2010, 8:53 AM

[frick] HOLMES 2!!!


LEEE777 - 1/29/2010, 8:55 AM
BruceWayneNewton - 1/29/2010, 8:57 AM
Zack Snyder
LEEE777 - 1/29/2010, 9:01 AM
DRIZ @ Lol, wheres OZY??! : D

JMAN @ Great thought out article man, we need someone like CAMERON, hell why can't LOBO be as big and good as AVATAR, done right LOBO could be made into EPIC cinema, hopefully just like GREEN LANTERN will be!
Banner123 - 1/29/2010, 9:01 AM
I've said it before, while they may not have done anything that superb as of late, I think that The Wachowskis would be absolutely perfect for a live action Lobo film. They also have a standing relationship with Silver. If they decide to(and should) keep the film a hard R rating, they could do wonders with ultra violent, sci-fi, out there material like Lobo. Anyone else?
DogsOfWar - 1/29/2010, 9:03 AM
Cool article Jman. I don't think Richie is completely out of directing Lobo. Silver just said they are doing a Holmes sequel first because it makes sense financially.

As far as other directors, Bloomkamp would be cool, but he has stated he doesn't want to do big budget studio films. Frikkin artists!

I think Guillermo Del Toro would be great but he is working on Hobbitt and I would love for him to return to Hellboy after that.

Michael Bay? Naw, I didn't think so either.
jman1977 - 1/29/2010, 9:06 AM
Lee my bad dude I deleted your last comment because I was trying to delete a dupe comment from Banner. Nice Avatar btw Banner. classic.

@ Lee: thanks dude for your deleted comment. Please repost :P

I don't want the Wakowskis on this. When a director has a stink bomb associated with them (speed racer) and Joel Silver, people remember that and that could be a reason that will keep those people out of the theater seats. Good buzz, not oh shit it might be an ok movie buzz
LEEE777 - 1/29/2010, 9:08 AM
Hey where my [frick]ing comment gone admiring BANNERS tits lol???

Still lovin' the HULK avatar dude! ; D

And again,,, The Wachowskis would be [frick]ing killer!

Great idea @ BANNER!
LEEE777 - 1/29/2010, 9:09 AM
Lol JMAN @ Heh heh!!

Oh yeah, forgot about SPEED RACER lol!

DOGS @ DEL TORO, nice one!
LEEE777 - 1/29/2010, 9:11 AM
superhero9 @ The last DC movies was TDK and WATCHMEN!???

WTF lol!
loganoneil - 1/29/2010, 9:13 AM
I for one am HAPPY that this movie is NOT being made! 'PG-13'...?! A female human companion...?! What the @#$! is this? People, this is LOBO, not 'Doctor Who' for christ's sake! And ANYONE who thinks James Cameron could EVER get Lobo's humor needs therapy... many... many... @#$!-ing years of therapy!

'nuff said!
SuperPowered - 1/29/2010, 9:16 AM
The guys that did Hellboy would be good for Lobo.
LEEE777 - 1/29/2010, 9:17 AM
loganoneil @ Go back to ya GAMBIT movie ya Bastich! : D

Your right though dude, LOBO needs to be R-RATING!

MIKE @ Yeah man DEL TORO would be [frick]ing sweet!!!
jman1977 - 1/29/2010, 9:18 AM
Logan, I know I need therapy,,,,So What:P
DogsOfWar - 1/29/2010, 9:18 AM
How bout Clint Eastwood? He'll make Morgan Freeman as Lobo since he puts him in every one of his movies.
LEEE777 - 1/29/2010, 9:18 AM
Whats Therapy??? ; D
LEEE777 - 1/29/2010, 9:20 AM
superhero9 @ Fricking up is the PUNISHER WAR ZONE and BORIGINS!!

P.S. SUPERMAN RETURNS wasn't bad, he just needed to punch something! : P
MarkCassidy - 1/29/2010, 9:25 AM
I'm glad Ritchie is off this, he's shit, plain and simple. Holmes was only made watchable by Downey's performance and even that couldn't save the last half of the movie from turning into a load of bollocks.

Blomkamp might be good..he would certainly be the hungriest and most determined out of your list. I don't think Cameron would be good, he's good at a certain type of movie, and Lobo isn't it! Raimi would actually be very good. He knows how to make a violent, crazy, humorous film. Spider Man is only one of his projects.
Shaman - 1/29/2010, 9:28 AM
I'm sure Ritchie is still on board though the movie might have been put on the back burner for a little while. But Ror has a good one here, i think Raimi could nail it!!!

All i care about is getting Jeffrey Dean Morgan for Lobo!!!

loganoneil - 1/29/2010, 9:35 AM
Jman - Hope you got the 'Bad Santa' joke... ;)
Spock - 1/29/2010, 9:38 AM
As long they make him Dark & funny Iam all over it! NO PG-13 please!
HannibalSmith - 1/29/2010, 9:38 AM
I think Raimi would be an excellent choice.
Raimi + Scifi = epic!!!
jman1977 - 1/29/2010, 9:40 AM
I did dude. all in good fun bro :)
Saemus13 - 1/29/2010, 9:46 AM
Lobo has never been a stable character....doesn't need a movie....dc needs someone to help them prioritize their character library...I mean aquaman would translate better, and that's saying something
ElBicho - 1/29/2010, 9:49 AM
Ratner. At least then the director can tell us directly that "we're nerds" and we need to "get over it", when the movie isn't good.
statechamp00 - 1/29/2010, 9:57 AM
Guillermo Del Toro for director!
(wishful thinking, I know.)
Shaman - 1/29/2010, 9:57 AM
I dunno, aquaman sucks ass while lobo kicks the ass that aquaman sucks.
A7 - 1/29/2010, 9:58 AM
WTF its friday and theres not one boobie thread.
LEEE777 - 1/29/2010, 10:06 AM
Like JDM, but gotta go wiv KEVIN DURAND!! : P

MarkCassidy - 1/29/2010, 10:06 AM
Oh cmon now Tea, I know you would without the bags! I would anyway:)...might take a drunken rampage...
DDD - 1/29/2010, 10:08 AM
Del Toro is the one for this!
His way of directing Hellboy
is right up Lobo's alley!

I want Kevin Durand 'cause his
giant frame would be awesome for
the LOBO-MAN (or I should say LOBO-
ALIEN LOL) He doesn't need a little
girl companion either! He's a loner!
And having a young girl for his side-
kick is a little on the creepy side!

I want him to kick ass and take names...
loganoneil - 1/29/2010, 10:11 AM
People, people, people! Action / imagery is only part of the equation for a fantastic Lobo movie... the other is the sick, twisted humor! I'm talking 'Lobo's Back' or 'Para-Military Christmas Special' humor, not that panzy-assed series crap that came later on! You've got to find someone who not only has a great eye for detail and pacing, but also gets the JOKE! THAT, my friends, is going to be a TALL order to fill!
DDD - 1/29/2010, 10:12 AM
BTW, I left a new fancast
in Fanfic! Its a New X-FORCE
NECROSHA fancast! If anyone at
all is interested?
loganoneil - 1/29/2010, 10:12 AM
...and someone who's DEFINATELY not afraid to say "#@$! you!" to an 'PG-13' rating!
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