More From Keith Giffen on the Lobo Movie

More From Keith Giffen on the Lobo Movie

The co-creator of Lobo hopes to see an unknown actor cast in the title role.

By bsprecher - Sep 17, 2009 12:09 AM EST
Filed Under: Lobo
Source: CBR

Keith Giffen, co-creator of DC Comics' Lobo (with Roger Slifer), recently told CBR that he is excited about seeing how the Guy Ritchie-directed live-action adaptation of the exploits of "The Main Man" turns out, but that he was not asked to consult on the film:

"Not at all. How rare is it that they come to the comic book guy? Films and comic books are completely different media. I understand that and I’m pretty much in the position of the fans. Very curious about how the whole thing is going to turn out and looking forward to it with my fingers crossed."

Giffen was asked about who he would like to see play Lobo, and he said that he would not choose Jeffrey Dean Morgan, a CBM fan favorite following his turn in Watchmen:

"Were I king--and I’m not, I have no say in this whatsoever--if I were calling the shots, I would go for an unknown. Sort of 'make a star.' Do the George Lucas thing, make a star instead of bringing someone in. If you bring, off the top of my head, Mel Gibson, and say, 'Okay. Mel Gibson is going to play Lobo.' It stops being a Lobo movie and starts being a Mel Gibson movie. Movie stars bring their own baggage."

As for the tone of the film, Giffen says he hopes they go for dark humor:

"I’ve always pictured Lobo would work best as a movie if you played him sort of like, a very attitudey, black humor, Czarnian from outer space. That’s just my opinion. I don’t [know] which direction they’re going with this. I have no idea or what they’re going to do with it. I just hope that I’ll be as pleasantly surprised as everybody else."


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LEEE777 - 9/17/2009, 12:28 AM
Me too! Same goes for CAPTAIN AMERICA!! ; )

Hey, KEVIN DURAND is sorta an UNKNOWN!

Heh heh.
Bijous - 9/17/2009, 12:30 AM
Isn't that always the way? The guy who created the character is left in the dust...

Yeah, I think an unknown is the way to go! Too bad there's no new Arnold Schwarzenegger wandering around in Hollywood...
LEEE777 - 9/17/2009, 12:36 AM
There's an old ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER though lol, he'll be back!!! ; D
Bijous - 9/17/2009, 12:54 AM
@LEEE: You know what I mean, though? Arnie came out of nowhere (body building) to become this mega star. We need somebody with the charisma and the body to pull off Lobo!
DDD - 9/17/2009, 12:58 AM
Kevin Durand HAS the body and charisma to pull it off! And he's a relative unknown. He doesn't have very many main-man rolls.
Bijous - 9/17/2009, 1:04 AM
Hmm...I'm actually...okay with The Rock playing Lobo. Never thought of him. He's huge (or used to be) and was hilarious in The Rundown!
LEEE777 - 9/17/2009, 1:06 AM
Access @ NO [frick]ING WAY!!!

Only DC character ROCK is is BLACK ADAM, he'd suck as LOBO!!! ; D
DDD - 9/17/2009, 1:15 AM
Dwayne to me just doesn't have that Lobo vibe!

And Swharzenegger years ago, maybe?

But in my mind Kevin Durand is just about perfect for Lobo. He's not well known enough to have his persona get in the way of Lobo's character!
Bijous - 9/17/2009, 1:18 AM
Yeah, Rock could be Black Adam too, I suppose. What's Durand done besides play The Blob?

Bijous - 9/17/2009, 1:19 AM
How could a Lobo movie be PG-13?!?

DDD - 9/17/2009, 1:25 AM
Exactly, what has he done? He usually does supporting rolls. He was in Wild Hogs, 3:10 to Yuma, and Smoking Aces. He usually plays big badass bikers or other scary fellows so he's good at playing a big, jokey, vicious badass heavy!
bsprecher - 9/17/2009, 1:29 AM
@DDD: Thanks, I was just going to say the same thing. Durand's done A LOT of TV work, but has popped up in supporting roles in a few movies, as well. Personlly, I'm not sure that he has the charisma to carry a 2-hour movie, though.

@access: I think there are infinitely more story possibilities available with Green Lantern than there are with Flash, so it's not surprising they chose Reynolds for that.

@Bijous: Yes, I agree: Lobo SHOULD be an R-rated movie. But, let's face facts, far fewer people go to see R-rated superhero movies than PG-13, and DC needs to make some $$$ or they won't be making any more C-list comic character movies. Yes, you heard me, Lobo is a C-list character.
DDD - 9/17/2009, 1:31 AM
Kevin Durand--


DDD - 9/17/2009, 1:41 AM
@Brent, you're right! (R) is a hard sell! But I think Kevin could very well pull off Lobo. He was astonishing good as Joshuah the dog-boy on Dark Angel...and that was when he was still way younger.
bobofet - 9/17/2009, 3:16 AM
i always wondered who that actor(kevin durand) he's good, now that i know...i can say KEVIN DURAND for LOBO!!
SkunkApe1 - 9/17/2009, 3:28 AM
The Rock is in good shape but has long gone off the juice. Doesn't have the "Rundown" size anymore.
Ship - 9/17/2009, 6:01 AM
durant is the man, the main man, ;)
darkclaw89 - 9/17/2009, 7:05 AM
Its Guy Ritchie n am sure its gonna be Vinnie Jones not that am complaining,just love his cocky attitude n he's such a bad-ass,Check out Matthew Vaughn's Mean Machine you'l know he has the right charisma to carry off an entire movie on his own
MarkCassidy - 9/17/2009, 7:12 AM
Enough with that silliness darkclaw.

Durand usually plays kinda big but dim hard men,and Lobo is hardy dim. But if you saw him as Mr Keamy is Lost you would see how great he is at playing a cold, calculating, smart assed hard man too.
Shaman - 9/17/2009, 7:21 AM
Sorry guys, i totally agree with Brent. Durand is a great supporting actor but has little to no charisma. If you think Lobo is just a brute that massacres anything in his path well... you missed out on about a whole HALF of the character. Lobo's all about the deep voice, facial expressions and needs a dominant screen presence. In Durand's case, no matter how big he actually is or how muscular, Jeffrey Dean Morgan looks like he can make him his bitch any day of the week just from shear presence. Durand is a badass but Morgan DOMINATES him. Plus Morgan is pretty much unknown aside from his Watchmen role. He's not a big star yet and won't bring any bagage. But Lobo is not a big enough franchise to bring in someone we haven't seen yet and make a star out of him from that very film. Lobo is DC's Punisher. It doesn't sell on it's own. We need a very charismatic actor to sell the franchise and Morgan is the best for it!!!

Jeffrey Dean Morgan for Lobo!!!

darkclaw89 - 9/17/2009, 7:26 AM
@Ror-With all respect,I dont find any sillyness with my opinion.Even if Vin jones has'nt played a smart,cold,calculative character does not necessarily mean he wont be able to play one!He's a professional actor he can play one for the first time can't he??I meant he has the right build and the right attitude to play Lobo.
Shaman - 9/17/2009, 8:00 AM
Vinnie would be as good of a choice as Durand. Morgan is the best choice!
shibazz - 9/17/2009, 9:34 AM
This is one movie i dont want to have made cuz if its ruined i will absolutely lose it... the pg rating is atrocious! Just as those pics up there show.... i mean in one pic which i loved during its print.... Lobo was booty butt naked and still kickin ass ... I actually would really see that on screen too
Swiftsword777 - 9/17/2009, 12:19 PM
WulfComicFan - 9/17/2009, 1:02 PM
Durand is a good actor, by the way he was in Walking Tall with Dwayne Johnson, but if he were to be Lobo, I feel he would NEED to beef up more than he is presently. Lobo is fraggin HUGE, and I'm tired of our characters not being even close to the toned up people we all know an love.
Shaman - 9/17/2009, 1:52 PM
But you do realise that no one has an arm like in BmanHall's picture there...
bsprecher - 9/17/2009, 2:11 PM
Hey, Shaman, I think I smell your next drawing...
WulfComicFan - 9/17/2009, 4:15 PM
@ Shaman, well I hate to bring in a wrester here, but Scott Steiner's arms are gigantic, yes I know steroids, but my point is there are some huge ass arms out there, like Michael Clarke Duncan in The Green Mile...he was gargantuan!
Sab - 9/17/2009, 7:56 PM
Should James Preston Rogers be LOBO?

Lobo is a fictional character that appears in the comic books published by DC Comics. The character first appears in Omega Men #3 (June 1983), and was created by Roger Slifer and Keith Giffen. An alien, Lobo works as an interstellar mercenary and bounty hunter. Although introduced as a hardened, rarely-used noir villain in the 1980s, he languished in limbo until his revival as an anti-hero biker in the early 1990s. The character enjoyed a short run as one of DC’s most popular characters throughout the 1990s. This version of Lobo was intended to be an over-the-top parody of Marvel Comics superhero Wolverine (in issue #41 of Deadpool, another Marvel series, Lobo himself was parodied in the likeness of Dirty Wolff, a large blue skinned man who drove a demonic motorcycle).

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AvengingAngel1022 - 9/17/2009, 9:12 PM
jeffrey dean morgan all the way
Ghola - 9/17/2009, 9:21 PM
Is there actually anything in between pg13 and R?
Shaman - 9/18/2009, 7:16 AM
Sab- James Preston Rogers should not be Lobo. For the same reasons that no wrestler should be cast in a CBM. FINALY we get to see our childhood dreams come true and it's sure as hell not to see them be made of mockeries at the box office by bumbling half assed retards with big arms. If JPR was that good of an actor, we'd see him left and right in movies cause great actors of gargantuan builds are highly in demand yet he's nowhere to be seen cause he sucks ass.

WulfComicFan- Muscles don't make The Main Man. Yes he is portrayed to have a plethora of them in the comics but there's more to the character than that. Jeffrey Dean Morgan is more than enough built for the role of Lobo. All he would need to do is diet a bit and hit the gym to refine his abs and maybe get a bit more mass. He doesn't need that much work to pull it off. Oh and Steiner's arms are huge but even they don't look as big as that above Lobo pic from BmanHall.

Brent- You damn right it's comin' up!!! And i've been working on it all week!!! I hope to finish it today but it's been giving me a hell of alot of trouble. I really hope to put it up tonight with a full editorial about why JDM is PERFECT for Lobo! I also hope it gets to the main ;) LOL
CaptainDeadpool - 9/18/2009, 7:35 AM
it has to be either: Kevin Durand, Andrew Byrianski (or however you spell it), or Jeffery Dean Morgan.....and the soundtrack should consist of mostly Dethklok and other Heavy Metal bands
thegreek - 9/18/2009, 12:54 PM
I like the Kevin Durand Choice or even this guy....

Shaman - 9/25/2009, 11:13 AM
Jeffrey Dean Morgan for Lobo!!!

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