LEGO Daily Bugle Review; The Most Amazing Spider-Man LEGO Set Ever Created

LEGO Daily Bugle Review; "The Most Amazing Spider-Man LEGO Set Ever Created"

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TheWolverine08 - 7/16/2013, 7:50 AM
Marvel's killing it as usual.
LEVITIKUZ - 7/16/2013, 7:52 AM
Man I would love to buy these figures.

But I have no money.

I would probably get a Keaton Batman if I could get one.

I need money.
thewonderer - 7/16/2013, 7:54 AM
Of course, only Levi would get the murdering stumpy Batman.

Cool design and interesting figures. Still, these creatures were so forgettable. What was especially disappointing was the "phantom menace mother base kills all" convenient wrap up.

Thought you were better than that Joss
r3negade - 7/16/2013, 7:55 AM
@thewonderer I would too, but same here @levi, no money.
ATrueHero1987 - 7/16/2013, 7:56 AM
OMG we get it @wonderer you don't like The Avengers(yet you can't stop talking about what you don't like).
LEVITIKUZ - 7/16/2013, 7:59 AM
Didnt your Momma ever they you to respect your elders WonderFilledOreo?

Keaton was Batman, Reeve was Superman, Tobey was Spider-Man. I'm fine with the new cats (even Garfield) but you don't go disrespecting the OG's of the CBM genre.

How bout this since you love Fox and DC, call me up when Ryan's Green Lantern or Kelsey's Beast figures get made.
r3negade - 7/16/2013, 8:02 AM
@Levi. I don't care for Macguire too much, but other than that I agree with you! (for once.)
LEVITIKUZ - 7/16/2013, 8:07 AM
Also Lou was Hulk. Sure he was Hulk only on TV but he's still respected as Hulk. He cameo in TIH and was Hulk's voice in Avengers.
marvel72 - 7/16/2013, 8:08 AM
hot toys = hotter price
RHd2 - 7/16/2013, 8:14 AM
Hot Toys does make the most realistic looking, and expensive "toys" ever- but it's always bothered me that their logo looks like a Harley Davidson sticker that an 8 year old drew. Guess that's the graphic artist in me coming out though.
RHd2 - 7/16/2013, 8:29 AM
@Levi. There were actors that played Batman and Superman before Keaton and Reeve (so they may not be the true OGs) but they were definitely the best up until that point for sure. And the Keaton hot toy is pretty sweet. So is the Nicholson Joker
Fogs - 7/16/2013, 8:30 AM
I want to see one without the mask.
Fogs - 7/16/2013, 8:34 AM
Wonderer - Keaton was a better Bruce AND Batman. Too bad he's short. Keaton is a better actor than Bale all around BTW.

About the Chitauri defeat I still think it has something to do with the mind gem and could be explained in the future.
marcel - 7/16/2013, 8:51 AM
This was really my only gripe with the Avengers. The Chitauri looked and moved like shit.
TheAbomination - 7/16/2013, 9:11 AM
Looks awesome. Might have to get one.
thebearjew - 7/16/2013, 9:15 AM
i dnt care for keaton batman but i agree with LEVI credit where its due n all that
LEVITIKUZ - 7/16/2013, 9:18 AM

Yea but Reeve and Keaton where the first on the big screen. Adam West's Batman film was mainly to tie-in to his show. I respect Adam and George Reeves but I meant in the first live action appearance, Reeve and Keaton were first.

And yea the Keaton Batman looks awesome:

thewonderer - 7/16/2013, 9:18 AM
Keaton was a shitty Bruce and Batman. First of all, there was no difference in the portrayal. That's what you get for hiring a comedic actor for a serious role. Second of all, he WANTS to murder the Joker. Hell, JOKER IS IN LOVE WITH VICKY VALE IN THE MOVIE. Can you get more wrong than that? Joker kills Bruces Parents. That isn't right. They made it into this cliche revenge story.

If you don't like Bale, fine, but calling Keaton a great Bruce or Batman is an insult to Batman mythology. THE ONLY complaints I've heard from Bale are the raspy voice and the lack of some detective skills. What else is wrong? Keaton, EVERYTHING is wrong.

And Keaton is a better actor than Bale? Elaborate on the number of films Keaton is even in nowadays?

Oh yeah, I remember, Keaton is doing BIRDMAN and he did that shitty horror movie, White Noise.

What a joke.
third3ye - 7/16/2013, 9:19 AM
Not much of a tease, HT has been working on the Chitauri soldier for a while now. Show us something completely new goddamnit!
DudeGuy - 7/16/2013, 9:26 AM
He was also Ken in Toy Story 3! :p
In all seriousness though that Keaton toy is badass
LEVITIKUZ - 7/16/2013, 9:27 AM

lucio7lopez - 7/16/2013, 9:49 AM
Chitauri: Worst villain ever... 100% lame.
Thank god for Loki in Avengers!
NeoBaggins - 7/16/2013, 10:16 AM
Very expensive Battle Droid.
kadetra - 7/16/2013, 10:24 AM
Haters gonna hate.
kadetra - 7/16/2013, 10:30 AM
Cavill doesn't look anything like superman from the comics, same with andrew garfield.Bale is highly underrated in my opinion.
Equivocal - 7/16/2013, 1:00 PM

you know what's dissapointing ???

in tdkr Talia KNEW all along that bruce was bats and she could kill him at any given time she wanted.

biggest plot hole in tdkr, I thought nolan was better than that !
figuresmaniac - 7/16/2013, 5:32 PM
Yes! Can't wait!

LiveActionMan - 7/16/2013, 6:19 PM
@RHd2 I see where your line of thinking is about tying into their TV show, but the 1966 Batman movie was made before the series. The studio decided to produce the series instead and shelved the movie until a later date.

Basically, not including the serials since they're not currently considered "motion pictures" (why, I have no idea. If we're specifying "full length", then true... but I digress.) George Reeves was the first actor to play Superman in a motion picture as well.

Staying on topic, the figure teaser looks great! I'm looking forward to seeing the final product!
BANEofExistence - 7/17/2013, 5:56 AM

Give us General Zod, Faora, A new Wolverine, Michelles Catwoman, Devitos Penguin, some x-men (Fassbender/mcKellen Magneto), Professor X, Cyclops (Marsden), Mystique (Either film version), Beast (probably the dofp will lead to some x-men releases)
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