Star Trek premiers in the USA Thursday at 7pm in 3,800 theaters. The movie will be released in every major market except for Japan and Mexico. Japan will get Star Trek next week sometime although Mexico will not be as lucky due to the flu outbreak.
Paramount has takeing a pretty good beating for trying to relaunce the once successful franchise but this time around they are trying to attract new fans as most of our younger generation knows nothing about the Star Trek universe. Same thing can be said regarding foreign audiences whom never have been big fans of the Star-Trek franchise.
In response to trying to apeal to a broader audience and get more people involved Paramount has launched the biggest international publicity campaign in all of its history for "Star Trek," directed by J.J. Abrams and starring Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto. The script was written by Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman.

There also have been a number of pre-release screening, including Austria, New Zealand, Belgium, Holland and Madrid. Also, Abrams traveled to Kuwait to host a screening for U.S. troops. Cast members have attended many of these pre release screening.
"The publicity campaign is the most sustained and the most in-depth that I can ever remember," Paramount head of international distribution Andrew Cripps said. "We've had incredibly supportive filmmakers who understand that they need to get the word out," Cripps said.
Its pretty hard to nail down the reason for the lack of intrest foreign movie goers have for Star Trek. Some say its because the original TV show only aired in the US, UK, Austraila and Germany.
Of all the original Star Trek movies "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" made $109.7 million domestically, the best in North America of any of the 10 films. "Voyage's" international income was $23.3 million. This time around Paramount is looking to cash in. To be a success the studio is saying the movie needs to gross 100 million overseas and 100 million Domestiacally. This new Star Trek film looks like it is a real life interpretation of Earth having a Star Fleet. This film will hopefully be gritty and have a realistic tone leaving the perfect way we interpret our future in the past.