I just saw the first Friday morning showing in IMAX 3D. As I much as I detest how most 3D movies are done in 3D for money purposes, I think this film deserved the 3D treatment. It will play perfectly fine in 2D however, so if you are looking to go on the cheap, you won't be disapointed.
The studio has pushed this as the "Alien" prequel. That is exactly what this is. If you didn't know that...SPOILER ALERT.
The acting is this film is quite good. "David" Played by Fassbender has this dark edge to him. Clearly, he's an android, but you get the feeling that is has become more "human" than anyone thinks or gives him credit for.
the other actors do a fine job as well. I love Nooemi Rapace. There is something about her the draws you in. She is primal yet likeable, and you feel what she feels. She was perfectly cast.
Guy Peirce plays an elderly Waylon...and I don't exactly know why. I don't understand the need to have a used to be big name actor in makeup play and elderly man.
Prometheus is more than the actors however, the setting is enough like earth to feel recognizable yet still alien, so you still get the feeling of being far from home. The opening see's a humanoid alien apparently killing himself or one would think...I'm sure this will be debated. Was he killing himself or spreading genetic material, or something else? The idea of god and searching the reason for life and or the origins of our life is strong in this movie. This theme is strong enough to carry the film for the most part and keep you hooked as the question start as inquisitory and then turn to accusatory, and defiant.
For all of the Special effect, and there were many, and they were very very good; the film felt flat to me.
There are a lot of good things to say about this movie and I thought it was great. However, it was cliched in parts, and didn't offer the sense of mystery or discovery of the unknown that one would have hoped for. With exception for a few scenes the movie was lackluster in the action department. Instead it wanted to rely on the unfolding of an broader story that was really just too broad. However, Prometheus manages to keep your attention and keep you engaged. I will say though, that it will be a fine line for some.
The Alien tie-ins are many and overt. It's not even a tie in...this IS AN ALIEN movie. initially it was teased to be in the Alien "universe" and losely based etc...NO this is ALIEN. On it's own honestly this is a 3 out of 5 movie or a "B". Because of the tie-in and possibility for a "Prometheus" sequal or 2 this movie will garner more attention and praise. If something like this was doen before Alien, I don't think Alien gets made. That's really how flat this story is...if not for the acting and visuals, this movie could have tanked.
This is a film the more I write and the more I think about it the less I can say good things. I liked it enough and would recommend it, especially to fans of Alien and Aliens...bt to new viewers of the series, you will also have to see the other films...AFTER this one as it truely does a good job of starting the series.
OVERALL I'll give it 4 out of 5 - the acting and visuals were great. The story was a bit flat, and some of the action felt pushed and cliche'. The execution of an Alien prequel with possibility of more was done very well.