According to Latino Review and their "notorious trusted source" David Goyer, co-writer of Nolan's Batman movies will be writing a script for the new Superman movie entitled: Man Of Steel. Here is the scoop sent to them by said trusted source, the quite annoying Pinche Taco...
Hola Chicos, Pinche Taco here with the latest blatherings de nada de los Ninos de Hollywood!
So you will believe un hombre can fly! Te Juro. The talented David Stephen Goyer, the man who made sure Nolan stuck to the legend of El Dark Knight, has been hired to write the next chapter. Here is what El Taco can tell all you ninos....
1)Thomas Tull, the head of Legendary, got tired of all the discussion and decided chingate, let's do it. So he went to Goyer and Goyer had an idea that actually takes the movies back to the John Byrne incarnation. Modern. Believable. FUN! So Tull got Goyer hired.
2)The film will not be called Superman and will be called THE MAN OF STEEL.
3)Brandon Routh will not star in the film.
4)Nic Cage will NOT star in the fllm (lol)
4)Bryan Singer is not expected to direct.
Conoces como Mark Millar walks around acting like he was going to write it? El Taco discovered that this was always BULLSHIT. Paul Levitz hated the guy and he was never even discussed to write it. He made all that "almost" stuff up.
I can tell you that Goyer's story involves Luthor and Brainiac. It is NOT an origin and assumes audiences already know about Lois, Clark, Jimmy and Perry. I know the Daily Planet is struggling due to the internet. And I know it sets up a huge Kryptonian mythology.

Well. Writer, title, villains, plot...if all of this turns out to be legit i'll be happy. I'm glad its not an origin story after all. Goyer's involvement also dovetails with the rumor that Chris Nolan would be "godfathering" the project. Even though that was cited as internet rumor, Warner Bros never flat out denied it. Anyway, stay tuned for confirmation..just like on Mr Krazinski!
Variety have confirmed the story...
"David Goyer will help Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures get Superman off the ground again.
The writer-director-producer has been tapped to pen the next bigscreen adventure of the Man of Steel, the working title of the next pic."
UPDATE 2: IGN have an exclusive update on this story and claim not only is Goyer on board, but his The Dark Knight co-writer Jonah Nolan will also be scripting Superman: The Man of Steel along with him. Nolan's brother Christopher is expected to only executive-produce, and not direct, the film. That said, he will be "hands-on" as a producer. Since the Superman film is under the gun because of the ongoing legal entanglements involving the property, Warner Bros. wants the pair to get started on their script on the double.
Their sources add that Warners is confident in the early work that Goyer and Jonah Nolan have done so far on Batman 3, and that as a result Superman has now taken on a higher priority status at the studio than it had since Superman Returns was released.
Since Latino Review mentioned Mark Millar in their original scoop..
Conoces como Mark Millar walks around acting like he was going to write it? El Taco discovered that this was always BULLSHIT. Paul Levitz hated the guy and he was never even discussed to write it. He made all that “almost” stuff up.
..the man himself has spoken up about what is rapidly becoming a scramble to find out just what the Hell is really going on.
Awesome for Goyer. He’s a brilliant writer and a mate of mine so feel this could not be in better hands.
But I must stress that the “inside info” on my relationship to the movie is nonsense. I’ve said on record that WB had direct and serious talks with Vaughn and Vaughn was only doing it if we did it together. This didn’t work out and we’re doing something else, but the notion that it’s fiction is insane. I can say on record that Vaughn had meetings with them about our ideas over a year ago.
I can’t stand these massive declarations coming from “unknown sources”. I’ve always liked Latino Review so this is quite uncool.
Despite harry Knowles claiming the news is premature, the story has been confirmed now by several leading trades and Latino Review even claim that Warner's have been on to them demanding they release their source. With all the back and forth it can't be long before DC/Warner Bro's make some sort of statement.