I´m gonna say it straight out, I think the Batman/ Superman movie is not going to be that good. It is too soon, I would have preferred another solo Superman movie before this, establishing this new Superman first. Lets look at the facts, this supposed Worlds Finest Movie is going to be based on Miller's Dark Knight Returns. (Cause that makes sense. A Superman sequel based off a graphic novel primarily about Batman) The TDKR story is set in the future, (which by the way TDKRises was already based on) with Batman an outlawed vigilante and Superman working for the Government. So tell me this, how in the hell has MOS, even set up for a scenario, where that would be the case? Not in any single way is the answer. Which means what? More time displaced, pulp fiction style, time leaping, Flashback based storytelling, covering expansive amounts of time and needing huge expository dialogue to even explain what the hell is going on. Most of the general public aren´t even familiar with TDKR and will be even more confused than we comic geeks will be. Its just not organic storytelling, to jump from Man Of Steel, to that storyline. In fact I would respect DC more if they just adapted that full comic to film as it would make a great separate film. But trying to connect the world of MOS to that universe, with nothing in-between is like trying to get a Rat and a Cockroach to mate and have a baby.
As I stated in another article, I really think the latest Superman movie or MOS was a collection of trailer scenes not a fully fledged movie, and my blame goes directly to the writing team responsible for making the movie. Goyer had it all layed out for him. He had Earth One and Birth Right to work from, to make a really compelling modern day retelling of Superman, instead he just gave us this movie, not reintroducing the character, but rather just assuming we know him and rushing into action scenes. Now I liked the movie, but that was mainly cause of the great acting (Cavill deserved more) and Snyders flair for the visually spectacular. (Although, I do not trust Snyder anymore, I was a fan cause of Watchmen, but for me thats his only outstanding work)
Now you may ask, what has all this got to do with the Flash Movie that has been announced? In spite of the widely popular news that Batman and Superman are combining on screen (which like all comic fans has been a dream of mine for years) I believe that WB/DC know that they have pissed a lot of DC fans off who are interested in seeing either a Justice League Movie or solo movies of their other favorite DC characters. DC fans and movie fans may I add that have been clamoring for such characters as Wonder Woman and Flash to finally make it to the silver screen and who quite frankly are a bit fed-up with Batman dominating DC´s cinematic universe. Sometimes it even seems to me they make Superman more and more ridiculously powerful, just so it looks extra cool when Batman beats him. I actually believe that, I´m not joking.

The truth is as cool as Batman is, how the hell in anyones wildest imagination is Batman and Superman teaming up or fighting in anyway interesting. Superman can do everything Batman can do and even more. He´d wipe the floor with him, and his gadgets. The only way Batman is of assistance to Superman is by de-powering Superman, its just a farse. Batman beats Superman for one reason and one reason only, he´s a superhero rockstar at the box-office, and therefore in comic sales, an opportunity not even remotely being given to his fellow, equally compelling, Justice League colleagues.

Any true comic fan knows this, which is why although I also wanted to see these guys on screen together, 1) I was more looking forward, one to see this new Superman fleshed out more; yes Man Of Steel wasn´t the best, but the character and especially Cavill had the charisma and screen presence to evolve into their own, before having to deal with pesky rodants eating up their screen time in the sequel to their movie. and 2) before Batman and Supes had yet another turn at the box-office, I wanted clear and definite news or announcements of one of DCs many other great properties i.e. script written, approved, in development, pre-production.

I know, I feel it in my stomach, once again DC/WB is saying "support me, please support me, make me feel less insecure, by making a mediocre Superman/Batman film a box office smash. Then I swear on my fathers grave, I´ll finally give you what you want. You want A Flash movie? Got it. Want a wonder woman movie? Yessirry. A Justice League movie? Its yours. I´ll even give you a cadalac, a whining baby in a bottle, if you make, Batman/Superman a bigger success than The Avengers." Then what will happen? Batman Superman will make over a billion dollars, and you know what WB execs will say to each other: "See told you only Batman will make us the big bucks. Lets put a hault on all Non-Batman related products." We´ll have Worlds Finest 2, 3 even, then straight back to the formula of more Batman movies." Call me cynical, say I´m a hater, I know I´m gonna get all the evil comments in the world for this article but I know you guys know I´m telling the truth.
Enough is enough is enough; I love Batman, but this characters intrusion into everything is just getting on my nerves now. Hey great, he´s got growly voice, is a bit upset about something that happened to him when he was 9, is a billionaire, and, has a penchant for rocking cool Bat themed sports cars; but really guys is that so bloody interesting we need to see him a mere two years after his last movie? Why can´t we have just one more Superman film, introducing maybe Supes villains we´ve wanted to see on screen for ages, like Brainiac, or, Darkseid, before giving up and going straight back to WB/DCs comfort zone. Its just not cool any more DC. Please grow some balls and actually make The Flash movie happen. Take care of it as well, not just some pile of crap like Green Lantern. So for any excited about the Flash announcement, trust me, take it with a pinch of salt, if they were serious about it, it would have the 2015 release date Bats/Supes has. Trust me they are not.