The penultimate episode of Creature Commandos, titled "Priyatel Skelet," opens with Task Force M still separated in Pokolistan after being sent by Amanda Walker to kill Princess Ilana Rostovic.
Weasel wanders into the woods where he befriends some wolves before leaving them behind to find the Princess (she reminds him of the little girl who befriended him years earlier). As for The Bride and Nina Mazursky, they take refuge in a local brothel.
The establishment's madame protects them from the Princess' soldiers while held at gunpoint. However, when a metahuman tourist and his brother mistreat one of the girls, The Bride brutally kills them as her friendship with Nina continues to develop.
Meanwhile, Eric forces a pilot to fly him to Pokolistan, and Rick Flag Sr. is taken to the hospital after the monster left him there. Amanda Waller and John Economos arrive, only to be told that Flag is in a coma, his back is broken, and he has internal injuries (he'd best recover quickly with Superman on the horizon).
Waller frets that Eric's interference will jeopardise the mission to kill the Princess; we see a new side of Ilana, though, as she assembles her army to kill Task Force M and protect her people.
The main focus of Creature Commandos this week is Doctor Phosphorus. In the present, he's hiding in a dumpster and later breaks into a house where he's confronted by a little girl. While it initially appears as if he'll have to kill her, he instead has breakfast with the kid and plays with her in the garden before leaving.
A flashback reveals that Phosphorus was once Alexander Sartorius, a scientist working on a nuclear fusion machine that could destroy cancer without harming the patient. To fund his experiments, he borrowed money from Gotham City gangster Rupert Thorn. However, after hiding his findings from the villain at his wife's insistence, Alexander is rumbled by Thorn and his wife and son are brutally murdered.
Thorn and his men take the scientist home where they force him to touch their bodies and the murder weapon. It breaks him and, back at his lab, he confesses to changing his results despite being close to a breakthrough. The gangster doesn't care, though, and throws Alexander inside his own nuclear chamber, burning him alive and creating Doctor Phosphorus.
Now completely unhinged, he murders Thorn, his wife, and kids along with everyone who was there the night his wife died. Phosphorus takes over his empire and becomes Gotham City's new crimelord...until a certain Caped Crusader shows up and puts an end to it.
As "Priyatel Skelet" concludes, Eric arrives, the Princess observes her army, and Task Force M reunites outside the castle, vowing to kill Ilana...