Chris Pine Talks Gal Gadot's WONDER WOMAN And Possibility Of A Lynda Carter Cameo

Chris Pine Talks Gal Gadot's WONDER WOMAN And Possibility Of A Lynda Carter Cameo Chris Pine Talks Gal Gadot's WONDER WOMAN And Possibility Of A Lynda Carter Cameo

Will we see original Wonder Woman Lynda Carter in the upcoming movie? Chris Pine addresses that in the following interview and also weighs in on what makes Gal Gadot the right actress for this role and why it's important to tell the story of Diana Prince. Check it out...

By JoshWilding - Jan 16, 2016 03:01 PM EST
Filed Under: Wonder Woman
Source: E! Online

What makes Gal Gadot the right choice to play Wonder Woman? "Gal Gadot is beautiful, so talented, strong and the story is really one I think that needs to be out there," Chris Pine says in the video above. "The simple fact of the matter is it's about a woman who's so strong with such physical ability that she could kick such ass but really at the end of the day leads with an incredible amount of compassion and love and hope for humanity and I think we need a lot of that right now." That sounds pretty much perfect and exactly what pretty much everyone has been hoping this movie will be. The Star Trek actor didn't go into any specifics about the plot of Wonder Woman of course, but when asked about the chances of Lynda Carter showing up, he did drop an intriguing tease about the chances of that happening. "If I could tell you that I wouldn't, but I can't." Yeah, she's totally in the movie! As per usual, let us know your thoughts below...
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TheAcuario - 1/16/2016, 3:32 PM
I am excited for this film
BritishMonkey - 1/16/2016, 3:34 PM
Lynda Carter has to be in it in some manner.
Kyos - 1/16/2016, 3:40 PM
"The simple fact of the matter is it's about a woman who's so strong with such physical ability that she could kick such ass but really at the end of the day leads with an incredible amount of compassion and love and hope for humanity and I think we need a lot of that right now."

Hearing this makes me very happy, because damn, do we ever need a lot of that! <3
LEVITIKUZ - 1/16/2016, 3:43 PM
Would love to see Carter. Part of me hopes that Adam West could be in BvS as a cameo. Pay respect to the past.

It was so [frick]ing cool how Zimmer & Junkie payed respect to Burton & Elfman's Batman theme in that preview to "Their War Here".

Love homage shit like that.
AlaRebeIde - 1/16/2016, 3:51 PM
"...but really at the end of the day leads with an incredible amount of compassion and love and hope for humanity and I think we need a lot of that right now."

Thats the uplifting DCEU that i love. It all start with MoS:

davidcub - 1/16/2016, 3:57 PM
Lynda has said on numerous occasions that she wouldn't do just a cameo, it would have to be a role with some sort of significance. But who knows, maybe she changed her mind. At any rate, she BETTER be there!
Kyos - 1/16/2016, 4:04 PM

Please don't let me down, Diana of Themyscira!
Kyos - 1/16/2016, 4:15 PM
Steelers4190 - 1/16/2016, 4:34 PM
Still not a fan of this being a period piece
DrKinsolving - 1/16/2016, 4:34 PM
Nice. Pine rocks, can't wait for this
Kyos - 1/16/2016, 4:43 PM
JoeMomma29 - 1/16/2016, 4:59 PM
Man this movie is going to be awesome!!!!

And plus it will really give little girls someone to look up to. I mean look how people are eating up Supergirl on CBS.
Kyos - 1/16/2016, 4:59 PM
Kyos - 1/16/2016, 5:04 PM
Retribution13 - 1/16/2016, 5:35 PM
I'm actually somewhat excited for this movie. It doesn't have Hack Snyder at the directors chair so....points for that!
DrThomasWayne - 1/16/2016, 5:38 PM
Sounds like they're doing it right! Can't wait for this!!
Kyos - 1/16/2016, 5:45 PM
JoeMomma29 - 1/16/2016, 5:49 PM
I understand how some people on this site are closed minded about the acting or performance Gal will put out......

But consider this.....The suits and execs have seen BvS.....I am sure if Gal was not good they would have not given the green light for WW.......
JoeMomma29 - 1/16/2016, 5:58 PM

I disagree......

Superman showed love and compassion for his mom and dad......his anger took over when Zod and his cronies where threatening her.

He saved several lives during the battle of Smallville and he risked his life to destroy the world engine for all of mankind.......

I think people keep forgetting he was new to being an actual Superman..........
JoeMomma29 - 1/16/2016, 6:07 PM
I am glad DC/WB is doing some great stuff that is so different than the norm.......SS a villain team up movie.......and solo outing for female hero.

I really hope they announce some solo Superman and Batman movies soon.

And I hoping we get these characters soon




Red Hood

A real Captain Freeze and Scarecrow..........

Kyos - 1/16/2016, 6:12 PM
InvisibleSanji - 1/16/2016, 6:46 PM
I don't know what the rest of you saw in MoS, and maybe I've somehow fallen into the group psychosis of the other fans that support this movie, but this is my POV in regards to MoS Clark Kent:

I saw a boy that was scared.
I saw a boy that was picked on for being different.
I saw a boy looking for acceptance, but only finding it from few.
I saw a boy saving others, even though they bullied him, and performed good acts even though his father didn't want him to.
I saw a boy exhibiting restraint even though he was always pushed.
I saw a boy frustrated that he couldn't do more, but he listened to his father, and made tough decisions, even when it hurt him the most.
I saw a man willing to give up his identity time and time again to help others.
I saw a man willing to stand up to bullies, all the while showing restraint.
I saw a man who found joy in his abilities.
I saw a man willing to talk to others about his point of view before acting.
I saw a man who looked for spiritual advice before making decisions on his own.
I saw a man willing to be humbled and willing to be sacrificed for the greater good.
His first actions were to talk to others and find a solution without violence.
I saw a man cooperating with a government that didn't trust him.
I saw a man concerned for his mother, his lover, and the people of his home town.
I saw a man who knew his weakness, but was willing to act even with the threat of being made most vulnerable.
I saw a man who made the decision to lose the final links to the culture of his origins. He decided to lose what he sought for from the beginning, just to preserve a society that always distrusted him.
I saw a man make a tough decision to kill, his one and only kill, to once again save others.

I saw a man that was conflicted. He was vulnerable. He made tough decisions. He made sacrifices. He made mistakes. Not once did he ask for the thanks of others. He wasn't shown saving the planet in front of cameras and a gawking crowd. He saved the world over the Indian Ocean, with only fish as witness. He did what he had to, for everybody else. Overall, I'm not sure which cinematic super hero has shown greater heroism than Clark Kent of Man of Steel.

You may disagree with my POV, and you can argue with me all you want, but that's what I saw, and that's one of the many reasons why I love that movie. If Wonder Woman tops it, even better.
Kyos - 1/16/2016, 6:56 PM
Yeah, no, I refuse to get drawn into yet another MOS discussion. This is about Wonder Woman, and I hope she will be great!

SuperOne1 - 1/16/2016, 7:04 PM
@InvisibleSanji. I saw so much truth in your comment.
Man of Steel was in my opinion was one of my favorite films of all time.
Thank you for the well written comment.
loki668 - 1/16/2016, 7:20 PM
I can't believe that people are still clinging to the same, disproven, arguments about MoS. Because, if someone threatened YOUR mother and you had god-like power, you'd just sit them down and discuss it over a cup of tea? Get the [frick] out of here! Some of you just want to instigate or you are so blithely unaware of the comics that your "argument" is laughable and worthy of derision.
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