Rounding out today's Marvel Studios news splurge from Kevin Feige is an update on Ant-Man, Daredevil, Punisher and Blade. First, the quotes on Edgar Wright's Ant-Man. Said Feige, acknowledging the long wait for Ant-Man, which was at one time meant to be released after the first Iron Man film, “Frankly, now we have to re-write it to put it a little bit more into the [Marvel Cinematic Universe] because it was written before it existed. We’ve talked about various names [to play the lead] over the past eight years but as you can imagine they keep changing as time goes by. But towards the end of this year, we’ll buckle down and start casting and start refining the script, which is great and which is very Edgar. He has done a great job being incredibly true to the comics but is putting his own spin on it, so we’ll be drawing on multiple mythologies for this one."

The conversation turns to characters that have recently returned to the Marvel fold, like Daredevil,Punisher, Blade and....Ghost Rider?!!!! Said Feige,
“Whenever a character comes back to us, it's usually because the other studios don't want to make the movies anymore - and that usually means the [previous] movies may not have been particularly well received. They all have potential, but we're not going to say, 'We got it back - make it!'" The report from Entertainment Weekly goes on to state that Marvel Studios has not mapped out its full Phase 3 slate yet but they're gravitating towards heroes that haven't received stand-alone features yet.
Update: I've reached out to EW and they've reaffirmed that Feige confirmed Ghost Rider is back at Marvel Studios.
Edgar Wright Talks About The Process Of Bringing ANT-MAN To The Silver Screen
Nathan Fillion DOES NOT Want To Play ANT-MAN
Kevin Feige On IRON MAN 3 And The Task Of Following THE AVENGERS