Gary Oldman has been doing the rounds promoting Red Riding Hood lately, but of course, he has also been asked plenty of questions about Christopher Nolan's upcoming The Dark Knight Rises in which he will once again play Commissioner Gordon.
Oldman has remained pretty tight lipped so far, but he did reveal something very interesting to UK E!Online when questioned about the villains of the movie..
"I think it's a villain from one of the old, old, from way back from the old comics. It is a Batman villian... It's not going to be the Joker."
"If I told you who the villain was, they'd kill me."
This is interesting. Is Oldman speaking about a villain we haven't been made aware of yet? Perhaps one that Joseph Gordon Levitt or the rumored Marion Cotillard will play? Or is he speaking about Bane(who will be played by Tom Hardy) unaware that he has already been made public as one of the movie's villains? Bane couldn't be described as an "old, old" villain anyway.
I can't see Oldman being so in the dark about what has and hasn't been previously disclosed about the movie's plot though. But you never know I guess. Anyway, he also reiterates that he believes the last film in Chris Nolan's trilogy will be a belter..
"I know the story, I just think it's going to be terrific."
Oldman also commented on Anne Hathaway's casting as Selina Kyle/Catwoman
"I think she'll probably wear the cat suit pretty well, don't you?"