In a recent MTV interview Morgan freeman discussed the possibility of The Riddler, Penguin and Catwoman showing up in
Batman 3. He also mentions that it is possible we will see more than one villain in the film.
On wether he had doubts about Christopher Nolan doing a 3rd Batman installment...
There was never any doubt in anybody's mind after 'Dark Knight' hit the streets. We know Warner Brothers would say 'Whatever! What do you want? As long as you give us a third.'"
On the timetable for the film...
"No I don't really know anything at all. I've heard what you've heard. Spring."
On which actress he had in mind when he previously hinted at Catwoman..
"Well, yes and no. But I don't know if that [villain] is going to be [Nolan's] choice. There's been talk of the Riddler, the Joker — I don't mean the Joker — the Penguin. Phillip Seymour Hoffman as the Penguin, and that sounds interesting to me."
"So we'll wait and see. And there just may be more than one."
Hawksblueyes: I don't know about you but this sounds interesting. You can never tell when Freeman is pulling your leg or really giving you a piece of information that's usable.