Joe Johnston Hugo Weaving and Chris Evans sat down with for a video interview. Unfortunately, I am unable to embed the video for you to view. What I have done instead, is transcribe portions of the interview. I left out the questions and answers from Johnston and Evans that we have all heard over and over.
This from
You guys are just beginning to shoot this movie. Correct?
Johnston: Correct.
EW: How far along are you into it?
Johnston, Evans and Weaving:(In Harmony)
Two weeks.
EW: What has it been like to play Captain America?
Evans: It's been fantastic. It's a little, you know it's intimidating. You know, coming to the set and seeing the magnitude of everything and remembering who you're working with, the caliber of the director and actors that you have around you, it's, it can be daunting at times. But I'm trying to just look at it as another job.
EW: You're playing sort of the embodiment of all that is great about the country.
Evans: Sure.
Weaving:(talking to Evans and smiling)
We don't want to pressure you or anything.
EW: And your playing Red Skull.
Weaving:Johann Shmidt is an ex SS officer who has his own branch of the German Army under his command. He's a scientist who is interested in developing armaments and also developing and harnessing the power of a, of a, sort of unusual energy source which has spiritual connections.
Johnston: And whats the name of his branch?
Hawksblueyes: This sounds interesting. Was Weaving refering to The Cosmic Cube before mentioning HYDRA?
Follow the link below to view the video and hear the rest of the interview.