EDITORIAL: Do we really want Marvel holding all the movie rights?

EDITORIAL: Do we really want Marvel holding all the movie rights?

Is Fox, Sony, and Universal really a problem?

Editorial Opinion
By akthunder - Oct 12, 2010 02:10 PM EST
Filed Under: Marvel Comics

Everyone loves to come on here and complain about the movie studios that have rights to Marvel movies, mainly Fox. It has got me thinking, what would it be like if Marvel had the rights to all their characters from the get go?


I will start off with them since they seem to get a lot of heat. First off I will say that I have loved many of the Fox movies, so I may sound a little bias.

X-Men Movies:

X-Men 1

X-Men 2

X-Men 3

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Overall the X-Men movies have been handled very well in my opinion. The exception of X3, I even enjoyed Wolverine more than that. And with rumors of Darren Aronofsky directing the sequel, we should be in for something special.

Fantastic Four:

Fantastic Four

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer

These movies get a bad rep because of the corny and "childish" themes. The Thing is, in the sense of the word, FF movies were the closest to a Comic Book on screen, exception Watchmen.




Daredevil is on most peoples list of movies they would like to forget. Yes Fox screwed it up, but WB has always had the rights to the DC movies, and they managed to make Batman and Robin (which was worse).

Do you honestly think all of these movies would have been made if marvel had the rights? I can tell you one thing, even though there would be cross over, we probably wouldn't have Wolverine (which some of you may like the idea of) or any other X-Men spin offs.


The Hulk:

I really don't need to list this one, but it still is important to mention. Without this movie being made, we would have never seen Ed Norton as the Hulk. Lets face the facts, if this movie didn't suck so much, we could have seen a series done with a piss poor actor that makes a lot of money, but isn't critically successful. Yes in the end Universal gave the rights back. Though is Marvel doing anything like a Hulk sequel? Only time will tell, but when they do, they will have the 3rd Hulk since 03.


Spider-man Movies:


Spider-man 2

Spider-man 3

Just like X-men, the first two were well received, but the third one was not so much. This is another one of the situations where a studio had a good thing going and tried for too much. Though 3 wasn't as great as 1 and 2, it was still better that some other CBM's. Now it is getting a reboot. Though I am not for the idea of rebooting the series, it shows one thing, Sony will keep making the movies at a fairly good pace. Do you think Marvel would have gone and done 4? I am sure they would have stopped after the third one.

Ghost Rider:

GR benefited most from the studios buying film rights. Lets face it, there would be no Ghost Rider movie if a studio hadn't bought the rights. He has never been a big name character, and even though this movie wants accepted as well as others, it still did something for the character. Made his name more recognizable.

So what I am trying to say is with the Marvel characters across the board, we are getting more movies and at a quicker rate than Marvel would do. Look at DC. They have all their characters, but since they are just one studio...Warner Brothers, they don't like to make big risks on smaller characters.
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Paulley - 10/12/2010, 3:52 PM
I will take quality and a connected universe over quantity any day.

and if Marvel even gets tie-in tv shows going that end up being successful i will be a happy bunny
secretasianboy - 10/12/2010, 4:56 PM
i want a connected universe
Gabe - 10/12/2010, 5:08 PM
To answer your question, yes we would like Marvel to have all the rights to their characters.

The only positive I see out of this is Marvel isn't obligated to reintroduce the returning characters through origin pieces. Cover the origins in a quick montage like The Incredible Hulk or provide flashbacks in small intervals throughout the story rather than going through an entire origin. Some heroes are worth making an origin movie about, some aren't, it's really up to Marvel.
BIGBMH - 10/12/2010, 7:52 PM
Yes we do.
Your main point seems to be that because multiple studios have the rights, more movies are coming out and that's a good thing. As fans, we don't just want to see movies of our favorite characters made. We want them done well. If that means taking it a little more slowly, fine. Quality over quantity. Ask yourself, why is another Spider-man being made so soon? It's because Sony needs it to hold on to the franchise. THey're going to rush it and just keep making them without caring if the story has run its course. If Marvel had the rights, they would do what they thought was right with a character and then move to another one. They're not afraid to take risks on lesser known characters. To us Iron Man and Thor are major characters, but to the general public, they're practically no-names This of course, was before Iron Man became a big hit movie. Now he's practically an A-lister. They'd eventually get around to doing something like Ghost Rider.

Plus, just imagine how great a universe with all of the movie versions of these characters would be!
sweetre15 - 10/12/2010, 8:42 PM
@MovieTheaterLad: Especially when it's the same Marvel that's guilty of [frick]ing up 616 Spider-Man since 2007 and have yet to actually try to fix it. What's to stop them from making mistakes in their movies when they do it in the comics to this day?
LEEE777 - 10/13/2010, 12:32 AM
AkThunder @ LOL!
LEEE777 - 10/13/2010, 1:31 AM
Bk lol... Dude your actually bagging DAREDEVIL & HULK... wtf lol????

They are actually some of the better ones up there...

I can see you have a love affair well FOX by the way you wrote your article, congrats lol!


Funny how you leave WH@REZONE out lol. (?)

And btw your arguement doesn't stand, WB has just made THE LOSERS & JONAH HEX and also RED?

GREEN LANTERN isn't really one of their bigger characters too when it comes to the average Joe = Joe public!

I might have my issues with certain Marvel Studio movies [frick]ing them up with blatant Ultimate crap in them...but I'd take MARVEL over FOX anyday! : P

Its a interesting read and talking point but all in all such franchises (especially X-MEN & SPIDER-MAN) need to be back at Marvel Studios!

Quality first and hey I'm sure MARVEL would make 'em just as fast anyways if they had the rights!

All I can say is... I'm so glad FOX never thought about getting the rights to THOR, CAPTAIN AMERICA etc!
Sparrowsabre7 - 10/13/2010, 1:57 AM
Marvel only has 3 movies on its books at the moment so it's impossible to judge the quality from those. Iron Man was the best received, Hulk did well and Iron Man two split fans in the middle (frankly while it wasn't as good as 1 I still think it was a solid film and people bash it way more than it deserves)
comicbookjerk - 10/13/2010, 2:10 AM
UNIVERSAL just Doesn't know whats going on In the Comic Book World
AND Marvel Studios well They don't spend a whole Lot of time on there movies there just Rushing them out one by one and people will sooner or later get tired of it, or it could great a GENRE of its own!

Im telling you Sony is Dying to Turn the Punisher into a Power Ranger Like they Did the green Goblins!
comicbookjerk - 10/13/2010, 2:18 AM

jazzman - 10/13/2010, 2:26 AM
these comic book characters should go back to Marvel Studio since the other studios dont know how to handle them.

@LEEE777 -"WB has just made THE LOSERS & JONAH HEX and also RED"

sorry bro only RED is not done by WB its been done by Summit Entertainment.

DetBullock - 10/13/2010, 2:32 AM
The X-men trilogy was very good, Wolverine was just an average action movie, the Director's Cut of Daredevil is a good film and I love Ang Lee's Hulk.
Marvel is going too much toward the politically correct in its films, the same fact they mutilated the "alcholist subplot" in Iron Man 2 and the attempted suicide scene in Hulk is proof of that.
I even wonder if Captain America will kick some Nazi's ass in the next film or will just fight some generic secret organization...

@ArrionShadow: better that than dressing him like a green dressed Fethry Duck. And the third movie is actually as good as the second one in my opinion, the plot it's just a bit too rushed, that's it, but nothing more than that.
IrfonW - 10/13/2010, 2:34 AM
Here's the thing. the company that owns 'and loves' their characters don't always know what best to do with them. Also I think more want the characters to share the universe rather than be owned one studio.

on a unrelated note:

A thought popped in to my mind. Will we even see she hulk on the big screen?
Paulley - 10/13/2010, 3:43 AM
There was suppose to be a Bill Bixby Hulk TV Movie featuring her, like the ones featuring Dardevil and Thor, but he died and the plans fell through.. there is some production shots somewhere of that she-hulk
marvel72 - 10/13/2010, 4:11 AM

first off,X-MEN & X-MEN 2,had their moments i.e MAGNETO as a child & the NIGHTCRAWLER scene in the white house.

but everything else since could of been handled better,i.e how about some proper villains like the SENTINELS or MR.SINISTER,the original five in first class.


how can anyone like these movies,the f*cking mistreatment of classic charactors i.e GALACTUS a f*cking cloud,SILVER SURFER is more powerful than what was shown in this movie,DAREDEVIL,BULLSEYE & ELEKTRA why could they have their proper costumes.

all the while these charactors are at fox we are gonna get watered down versions of the comics we love.

let MARVEL have all the charactors under one roof,so we can have epic storylines like THE INFINITY GAUNTLET,CIVIL WAR & SECRET INVASION.

MARVEL STUDIOS is the future of comic movies,we all boycott these movie the rights should end up back at MARVEL.

do the charactor properly or don't bother.
LEEE777 - 10/13/2010, 4:30 AM
JAZZ @ Oh well lol! : P

Paulley @ I thought Bridget was getting her own TV pilot dude for SHE-HULK, nothing to do with them Bixby TV movies??

Well as far as I can remember when it was in MARVEL AGE? : D

Still, you could be right an me wrong, if thats true, could've been cool!

DP @ Heck yeah!!
Layperson - 10/13/2010, 4:54 AM
Yeah, man we'd be much better off with one studio. If you offered me a choice between seeing quickly produced crap and slowly produced quality, I'll take the quality.

I'd take quality in a heartbeat.
Flagg - 10/13/2010, 4:56 AM
Yes, we do.
StuckInPanels - 10/13/2010, 5:05 AM
did you all forget that if it wasn't for these studios buying the rights to these licenses Marvel would have been bankrupt. So now that they recovered and have hits on their hands, it seems they want it all back...also the fact that they are now apart of the Disney family, so with that kind of power and money, I'm sure they will get them all back
IronClad - 10/13/2010, 5:14 AM
been a LONG time since i've felt the need to comment here... but, i've just got to say this editorial piece is one of the most -- if not THE MOST -- incoherent pieces of $hit i've read on here in a long, LONG while.
Paulley - 10/13/2010, 5:37 AM

This third Hulk telefilm was initially announced to feature the Marvel Comics character She-Hulk, just as the previous two had featured Thor and Daredevil. As of early July 1989, it was still firmly expected to do so, and to air that autumn, with Iron Man under consideration for a follow-up.[4]

Despite the Hulk's apparent death in the 1990 film, the program's makers had always intended for him to return in The Revenge of the Incredible Hulk, in which he would be revived in a state in which the Hulk had Banner's mind.[1] As of July 10, 1990, a script was being written.[5] However, all such projects were cancelled when Bill Bixby's health declined. He died of cancer in November 1993.
-- wiki Death of Incredible Hulk
ManThing - 10/13/2010, 5:55 AM
I agree with Ironclad.

And the answer to the question is absolutely yes.

I am not going to go into detail about what I think of the garbage other studios have made with Marvel properties. That's done ad nauseum here every single day. Suffice to say I have been highly displeased with much of what these other studios have done, and I do believe that Marvel could have done it better.

And this is not to say that everything Marvel does is perfect. Far from it, but I will take an Iron Man 2 or an Incredible Hulk over horrible bullshit like Elektra, SM3 and FF2 ANY DAY
Hawksblueyes - 10/13/2010, 5:55 AM
Looking at that pic ArrionShadow posted above has made me realize something. He wasn't any version of the Goblin in SM3. Look at him. He is Paladin on a Goblin glider.
Insomnia101 - 10/13/2010, 6:01 AM
In the end Marvel will spit these movies out as fast as possible just to fill the theaters and ultimately appease close minded FANBOYS. The most disturbing pattern about Marvel, Fox, Sony,and Universal CMB’s is the fact that they are just Okay in the theaters when they are originally released, but I cant watch them again when they are released to DVD. Those movies lack inspiration and they are very forgettable in the end…………………………………………I pray that WB and DC don’t follow Marvels example and I hope that they learn from thier past mistakes. DC does not need a CMB for every character that they own because it just isn’t necessary. As I stated before, just because they can, do we really need to see an Antman, or a Magneto CMB?
Tymminator - 10/13/2010, 6:24 AM
I am in the camp of Marvel having the rights.

Its there stuff and let them have the rights to screw up their own stuff if need be, but in my opinion, I think they would do better.

X-men 3 would have been totally different under Marvel direction, I doubt they would have killed off the Prof and Cyke like that, and perhaps the Phoenix story would have been closer to original storyline in some concepts (I know there is know why they could have done a straight adaption, but several elements really could have been closer).
eleven59 - 10/13/2010, 6:25 AM
why shouldnt marvel have all there properties? DC/WB sure aren't jobbing their stuff out, so why is that ok, but marvel its a bad idea??

at least with marvel you would see crossovers and cameos...
LEEE777 - 10/13/2010, 6:26 AM
IRONCLAD @ Welcome back buddy!!! ; D

Paulley @ Ohhhh my bad, cheers man! ; )
BenRielly - 10/13/2010, 7:16 AM
marvel should have their rights back! only beef i'd have with it is if they chose to water down their characters in order to appeal to a mass audience... ie Tony Stark has a drinking problem and they chose to leave that out of Iron Man 2.

I just watched that movie again the other day and in my oppinion it Feels like a much better movie when i just imagined tony as being slightly hammered in many of the scenes.

It would have been so epic to have seen him drinking before the senate scene as well as do more to justify his over the top behavior during the hearing lol. I know im going off on a tangent but in general i think marvel should have the rights back and they would be the lesser of the studio evils as far as staying the most true to the charcters. Just imagine if fox had made iron man 1... doesnt it just make you sick to your stomach. ill
BIGBMH - 10/13/2010, 7:18 AM
@MovieTheaterLad, I didn't say that Marvel was going to make incredible movies 100% of the time. Iron Man 2 was weak, partly because it substituted a good story for continuity and a lead-up to Avengers. X-men 1 and 2 were much better even though they were made by the hated Fox. What I'm saying is, with Marvel, they don't have to worry about making a movie just to hold on to the rights. Sony has to rush this Spider-man out just so they can keep making money off of the character. Marvel will likely milk succesful franchises, but they can take more time and once they feel like something is done, they can move on to something else before revisiting it.
People like you need to stop acting as if you somehow know how I think.
SmokinIndo - 10/13/2010, 7:26 AM

Where are you pulling that crap out of? From your ass?


The fact that Marvel even depicted an alcoholic Tony Stark shows that they're not making these for kids. And as for the Incredible Hulk, they cut the attempted suicide opening because they needed to fit a specific run-time and it wasn't an important scene. Your proof is non-existent. Sorry.

And to the author of this article, how is the Fantastic Four the closest to a comic book we'll ever get on-screen? Yeah, cause in the comic books, Galactus was a frikkin' cloud. As long as these crap studios are making crap comic book movies, Marvel will continue to get bad rep from them. Imagine a quality Marvel film where the X-men actually have their costumes, Spider-Man cracks jokes, and Galactus is a monster, not a cloud. That's what's in store for us if Marvel buys back the rights.

Not to mention the connected universe is probably the most innovative idea I've seen on film. I'm SO grateful that they're pulling it off. What comic book fan wouldn't want that?
Matowar - 10/13/2010, 7:50 AM
I agree that I want Marvel to have all the rights to make the characters into movies but that is by no means a guarantee that we will see a crossover movie or cameos. Anyone remember Batman and Superman? We have already been told that they wont crossover. Why are we so sure that Spiderman and Wolverine would? Now don't get me wrong I would love one big Marvel universe with all the characters running around beating up bad guys, but the truth is I want Marvel to make their own movies because in my heart I believe that they would stick closer to the source material then any other movie studio and in my opinion that would make a better movie, for me at-least.
CPBuff22 - 10/13/2010, 8:59 AM
Before we go any further with the talk about the current generation (90's and beyond) of Marvel Movies lets make it clear that Marvel Studios and New Line are the reasons you ever had X-Men or Spider-man. So lets not give Fox or Sony too much credit there. If Blade (obscure hero much like GhostRider) had not done so well the X-Men and Spider-man movies would not have been made. Blade was to Marvel Movies what Batman Begins & Dark Knight may prove to be to DC Movies if they don't screw things up. Every one was waiting to see if a Comic Book Movie could be done well AND make money. Blade proved that, only then did Fox & Sony jump on board.
CorndogBurglar - 10/13/2010, 9:16 AM
even though i've liked SOME of the fox and Sony movies, I have no doubt that they would be worlds better in Marvel's hands. Also, in Marvel's hands, they would be able to be part of the connected universe of Marvel movies.

so this is a no brainer, yes Marvel should own all the rights...
GUNSMITH - 10/13/2010, 9:20 AM
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