Peter Sarsgaard Favored the Green Lantern Movie Script Over the Comics

Peter Sarsgaard Favored the Green Lantern Movie Script Over the Comics

When asked whether his research into the immense Green Lantern comics mythology helped his portrayal of Hector Hammond for the film, Sarsgaard admitted to turning to the script for guidance.

By multipurposeponi - Aug 19, 2010 04:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Green Lantern
Source: MTV Splash Page

In another brief interview with MTV News, actor Peter Sarsgaard talked about his venture to purchase comic book in hopes it would help him portray the villainous Hector Hammond in Martin Campbell's live-action film, Green Lantern:

"I got [comics] from this guy around the corner from me in Brooklyn, who has a store," Sarsgaard told MTV News at this year's San Diego Comic Con. Whether those books were important in his preparation for the role is a different story.

"A little bit," he explained. "Honestly, the most helpful thing is to look to the script, because you know, it's true of anything, I mean, any kind of research for any movie — you're playing a pianist, well you could go and learn the piano, or you could just work on the script. Because you're not really going to be playing the piano anyway."

In the comics world, Hammond was a private contractor and scientist who, when exposed to the power core of Abin Sur's downed ship, experienced exponential growth of his brain. This growth gave his powerful telepathic and telekinetic abilities, in exchange for the use of his body which eventually became atrophied.

To read more about the plot synopsis for Green Lantern, which is scheduled for theatrical release on June 17th, 2011, click HERE.

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LEEE777 - 8/19/2010, 4:22 PM
Lol, love his head, sounds GL's gonna be space EPIC!
RedDevil - 8/19/2010, 4:25 PM
Well I do not think it will be any different from the comics anyway. The script borrows many elements from the comics so no harm done there. Though, it is always more beneficial to read the real source material to have a true understanding of the character. I still believe Peter will do a spectacular job.
RedDevil - 8/19/2010, 4:26 PM
Imagine getting headbutt by that thing, shit I could suffer severe concussion.
LEEE777 - 8/19/2010, 4:29 PM
ChrisDpatriot @ What HOLLYWOOD doesn't understand, if ya keep to the basics, you can't go far wrong, its when they mix it up and turn it into something completely different, thats when they go wrong and [frick] up!

Yeah GREEN LANTERN and I reckon THOR are gonna the best cbm's for a long time, deff will wipe the floor with WEBB's reboot and FIRST CLASS!
Casinoskunk - 8/19/2010, 4:34 PM
To be fair, there is probably more dimensions to Hector Hammond in the script than the Secret Origin story line.
marvel72 - 8/19/2010, 4:35 PM
that head does my f*cking head in.

its so f*cked up.
RedDevil - 8/19/2010, 4:35 PM
I 100% agree! However, I know this film will not deviate too far from the comics at all. Change is necessary to make it believable but minor changes, which I believe Martin Campbell is doing. Plus Geoff Johns is one of the producers or co-producers of this, so no wrong there.
GL,Batman 3,Captain America,THOR, and hopefully Wonder Woman will go unmatched in CBM history and be the greatest examples of comic book film-making in cinema history.
RedDevil - 8/19/2010, 4:37 PM
Wait till you see it on screen in 3D lol!
Angelus - 8/19/2010, 4:40 PM
I cannot fukcing wait for this movie! I am so drunk and so on but this movie... Trust me! It will put one of DC Comics most beloved sons on the rader for everyone! No body can hate Hal Jordan, and this film will show everyone why! I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL NEXT SUMMER!!!

THEHAWK - 8/19/2010, 4:49 PM
I get a head ache looking at his character.
HulkPool - 8/19/2010, 4:56 PM
This trilogy is going to be one of the greatest CBM series of ALL TIME!
Anthony3 - 8/19/2010, 5:25 PM
I hope so John. I was let down with First Flight.
HulkPool - 8/19/2010, 5:38 PM
I was let down as well, but getting to see over an hour of a Green Lantern animated film no matter the story is worth watching!!
Colton - 8/19/2010, 7:23 PM
first flight was fun for kids. i wasnt impressed. i hope this movie isnt for kids but there aint much chance of that happenin
skidz - 8/19/2010, 8:36 PM
Despite Geoff Johns skill with Green Lantern, he did leave Hammond pretty one dimensional in Secret Origin.
npatil - 8/19/2010, 9:27 PM
cant wait for the flash ww and aquaman!

aquaman could be like avatar except much better!!

lets hope the future is bright for all of our favorite dc sons and daughters!!!!!!!
rodsvilaca - 8/20/2010, 9:30 AM
Something like a SQUID..
fire59019 - 8/20/2010, 11:59 AM
An aquaman movie would be awesome! and way better that avatar, of course that would not take much, especially when all avatar was, was dances with wolves with blue indians!!!

But aquaman would make for a great movie, The old flash series was great, can't wait to see a new movie.
Nytwng77043 - 8/20/2010, 1:50 PM
There is a movie trailer for Aquaman on You-Tube. It stars the guy that plays Green Arrow on "Smallville" along with other big name actors. It looks good with excellent special effects. I don't know why it didn't take off - other than I like the guy that plays Aquaman on Smallville better.

Wasn't there supposed to be a spin-off series for Aquaman? I guess it didn't "test well" with some losers who don't know any better.

IJ - YOU ROCK DUDE!!!! I was just looking through the sneak peek of the other characters preview post. Thank you for posting what I would have missed - other than the lifted shirt photos. I ALWAYS look forward to your input.
superman7 - 8/20/2010, 3:26 PM
I think he will be a good hector hammond, but for some reason, every time i read something this guy says i like him as a person less and less.

@ nyrwng77043:
That's not a movie. It was a pilot episode for a tv series. You can buy it on iTunes if you search for aquaman. I have it on mine. Its not bad.
tricklove187 - 8/21/2010, 5:34 PM
I take this article as if Sarsgaard was to lazy to read the comics.
BatmanDTW - 8/23/2010, 9:54 AM
this kinda makes him sound like a prick, but whatever.

as long as the movie's good i could care less about him as a person.
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