How DC should line up its movies to lead to JLA UPDATE

How DC should line up its movies to lead to JLA UPDATE

The order of the movies leading up to the first JLA movie. It starts 2014 after MOS. UPDATE: Now with a shorter wait for the JLA movie.

Editorial Opinion
By kong - Aug 21, 2012 01:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Justice League

Green Lantern 2: Sinestro Corps

Alot of people think that they should reboot Green Lantern or do a soft reboot type sequel with a whole new cast and crew. I don't know why we would have to do this? I honestly liked the film, yeah it made Parallax a cloud, but other then that it was good. People always blame Ryan Reynolds. Just because he ends up playing the roles of awesome CBC's that don't have a good script behind them doesn't mean he was the worst portrayal as the character. In this movie the beginning would take place in earth with Green Lantern kind of being his city's superhero that not everyone's to sure about yet. I think this movie would honestly be a perfect time to introduce John Stewart. Think about it. Hal goes to Oa to receive more training form Kilowog and Sinestro, Sinestro starts the Sinestro corps and Hal goes off into space with other GL's. The guardians then need to replace the lanterns that have gone, so they introduce John Stewart. He could be like Hal's sub until he's back. Because they'll need him after the third movie...hint hint.

After Credits Scene: the guardians are sitting discussing the war when Ch'p fly's in.
Ch'p: I am sorry for interrupting
One of the guardians: We do not have time for you at the moment Ch'p
Ch'p: But it's really import-
One of the guardians: We are discussing bigger problems Ch'p
Ch'p: You have to listen to me
Guardians in unison: We are immortal. We are the Guardians of the Universe. We can do whatever we li-


In my Flash movie i would personally try to stay away from the villains like "Captain Cold" and "Mirror Master" until we have enough versions of them we could look off of in the comics and use those versions in the movies. That's why i chose Hunter Zolomon "ZOOM". You might be thinking "WHAT ABOUT EOBARD THAWNE THE ORIGINAL PROFFESOR ZOOM?!?!" I chose Hunter Zolomon because i honestly like him better then Eobard, and he has a WAY cooler name. I also chose Zolomon over Thawne because i want some acknowledgement in the movie to Jay Garrick being the first Flash. I would want Eobard Thawne to be a Jay Garrick villain so that Barry could do research on Eobard before he actually goes up against Zolomon. I would want flash to already have been a hero for about a year. Not because I don't want to show his origin (which would be shown in flashback form), but because if your gonna go up against a guy who can slow down time and you run fast then you might wanna know your full potential.

Mid Credits Scene: Barry Allen picks up a telephone. Conversation:

Barry: Hello?
Chief of Police: Barry?
Barry: Hey chief.
COP: A man claims to have seen a man mauled by his pet gorilla.
Barry: What?
COP: Yeah, he also says he heard it scream at the man "leave me alone" before it attacked him. We want you to look at the body.
Barry: Im on it

After Credits Scene: Lex Luthor picks up a phone Conversation:
Luthor: Yes?
Person on the end of the line: Mr. Luthor?
Luthor: Who is this
POTEOTL: We found something on our gold mine in Africa.
Luthor: What?
POTEOTL: A city...full of apes, who talk.


Alot of people don't want a Aquaman movie. I understand why. He has never actually been a bada*s in the comics before the new 52. I got the graphic novel form of the first JL arc of the new 52 in July and when Aquaman popped out of the water with that ... thing (i forget their names) i said "It just got real." I like how in the new 52 the public actually mock him. Like when Green Lantern says he only thought that Aquaman was a skit on Conan or Jay Leno whatever he said i thought "It just got real". Aquaman is a true bada*s. People also think he has no powers unless he's near water. He has a huge trident, you don't need water with that. There's also water in the air and in people's bodies. If he wanted he could stair at a human and suck all the water in there body out o them reducing them to a shriveled up piece of skin. I would want Ocean Master as the villain in this movie. I would also have ALOT of scenes underwater and showcase alot of weird deep sea creatures. Aquaman would be like a save the ocean kind of guy and protest against whale hunting and pollution like Thor in the ultimate universe. One crew wouldn't listen to his orders to stop whale hunting and he tips their ship over in anger. Everyone supposedly dies except for a 14 year old African american boy who is experiencing amnesia because he hits his head on the ship as it is being destroyed. The Atlanteans name Kaldur'ahm.

Mid Credits Scene: The captain of the ship mentioned above is talking to himself about how he'll get revenge on the Atlanteans for destroying his ship and taking his son. He walks out of the room and camera pans over and you see the Black Manta mask.

After Credits Scene: Lex Luthor is on a phone call and is talking about Atlantis. He acknowledges that Ocean Master is being kept in a prison on land miles away from water. Luthor says "Break him free"

Worlds Finest

Every two years there would be a team up movie (the two years starting in 2013). The first one would be worlds finest. This is an oppurtuinty to take probably the two most famous superhero's and make a movie using both of them. It would make TONS of money and with the write script and direction could be an awesome movie. It would also be a great way to introduce the new Batman/Bruce Wayne to the general audience and make Batman less realistic yet still dark. My rule is before the first JLA movie every hero needs two movies. Worlds finest could serve as Man of Steel 2 and Batman reboot 1. I would follow the same type of storyline of the original animated movie of Lex hiring Red Hood (Jack Napier) to kill Superman. I think that Krpytonite would play a big role in this movie. The thing that i hate about Krpytonite is that it makes Superman really weak. Shouldn't it just only take away his powers? Think about it. If Krpytonite makes Superman pass out and really weak wouldn't all Krpytonians be very weak on Krypton? I think that Batman in a fight scene against Superman should have Krpytonite in his utility belt so that Superman has no powers. He has the powers of a regular Human to give Batman a fighting chance. Superman realizes it and he destroys the Krpytonite and serves Batman's but to him on a platter. In a scene at a chemical factory, Red Hood has a gun that shoots Krpytonite pointed at Superman's head. Right before he could shoot Batman swoops in and kicks Red Hood. He goes over the edge into a vat of chemicals. After he has sunken into the vat of chemicals cards and his helmet float up. the cards are jacks and jokers .

Mid Credits Scene: Lex Luthor discovers Paradise island and gives
orders to destroy it.

After Credits Scene: Luthor goes to a cell and says to him "I would like to form a team." the prisoner steps into the light, but you can only see he red lips. He smiles.

Batman:The Darkest Night

Batman created the Joker the Joker created Harley Quinn, and together they created the darkest knight Gotham has ever faced. A year after the last film, follow Batman as he tries to save countless lives form the evil hands of Harley Quin and the JOKER. Bruce also has to chose between the former love of his life (Talia Al Ghul) or the new woman (Selina Kyle).

Mid Credits Scene: Bruce Wayne pulls up in a limo. He steps out of the car.
Bruce: Haven't been here in a why'll.
Bruce walks in to a huge tent. The camera pans up and it reads Haly's Circus.

After Credits Scene: Lex Luthor is reading a issue of Forbes magazine with Bruce Wayne on the cover. He throws the issue in the fire place.
Luthor: Wayne's on top? I have to bring him to the bottom!

Wonder Woman

This movie would be a modern fantasy. I would really like to explore paradise island as a paradise. The movie villain would be Ares as he is hired by Lex Luthor to destroy Paradise Island. Ares fails and is imprisoned by the Amazonians. He breaks free and returns to america to take out his revenge on man. Diana makes the choice to stop ares before he destroys mankind.

Mid Credits Scene: Lex Luthor is talking to an older man wearing a lab coat
Luthor: Our first plan failed. Hopefully your newest will succeed?
Older man: It will Mr. Luthor. These machines will destroy paradise island. No amazon could ever destroy this.
Luthor: Good.
An automatic door opens as Luthor and the older man step into a giant laboratory and they see hundreds of

After Credits Scene: There is a knock on Bruce's door. There is a knock on Clark Kent's door. Bruce opens the door. Clark Kent opens the door.
Bruce: Hello?
Clark: Hello?
Diana: Hi Bruce I'm Diana.
Diana: Hi Clark I'm Diana. I need your help.

Aquaman: Black Manta

This would be an epic movie. A war between the Atlanteans and the humans. Lex Luthor would fund Black Manta and lead an army into the sea fighting against Aquaman and the Atlantean Army. This movie would feature Kaldur'ahm as Aqualad. Arthur takes Kaldur'ahm under his wing between the time of the 1st and second movie. Kaldur'ahm would be 17 and would have no idea of who is father really is. There are meany battles between the humans and the Atlanteans, and Black Manta versus Aquaman. Aquaman eventually tells Kaldur that his father is Black Manta. Kaldur is upset and decides to join his father. Kaldur was lying saying he wants to join his father and he kills Black Manta. Without a leader the Atlanteans easily defeat the humans.

Flash 2: GRODD

I thought this would be a pretty cool idea. My favorite movie of 2011 was Rise of the Planet of the Apes. I love how it all came together and i loved how it looked. I want the element that was in R.P.A. to be in this movie. All of the gorilla's would be motion captured and all would be intelligent. Some more than others. A scene i would like to incorporate is Gorilla Grodd going to the Keystone city Zoo, which features a larger amount of Monkeys and Apes than any other Zoo in america. He takes the space rock that gave him power and the rest of the apes intelligence and plants it in the areas with monkeys at the zoo. They all become intelligent and they break free and join Grodd. I think the movie would be really cool and unique.


This is the sequel to Worlds Finest and Wonder Woman. This movie would be about Superman and Batman helping Wonder Woman defend Paradise Island from Lex Luthor. This movie would also feature Metallo Deathstroke and Cheetah, all sent by Luthor to destroy one of the hero's on paradise island.


Now don't worry fan boys Cyborg is not i this movie (which to me wouldn't be that much of a bad thing) I just like the picture. This movie will not feature the original members though... Because of Batman and Superman. Alot of people don't realize that Superman and Batman weren't in the original JLA so no one can complain about a member not being present of being present. In 40 years the team above me might be considered the original 7. Anyway the movie would be the JLA against the Legion of Doom. It would be

Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash and Aquaman


Lex Luthor (battle suit), Joker, Deathstroke, Cheetah, Sinestro, Gorrila Grodd and Ocean Master.

The JLA wouldn't be scouted down by Batman to stop doom. They would end up fighting along side each other. Green Lantern would be the one who wants to be in the team the least, but ends up joining because they need the help against Sinestro. I want this movie to kick avengers but! Not because I love DC over Marvel. I love both equally, i just want DC to make a comeback after some many failed attempts i want them to feel good about themselves.

So that's the order! I hope you liked it. If you disagree then tell me in the comments. If you like it hit the like button below. DEUCES!
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BlueMex - 8/21/2012, 1:17 PM
2021? to long of a way....
kong - 8/21/2012, 1:23 PM
Wow so insightful and helpful your comments where. Thanks @Bluemex and whatever your name is
Supes17 - 8/21/2012, 1:28 PM
Grodd sucks ass lol
dezdigi - 8/21/2012, 1:57 PM
Not feeling this either. I would like to see something a lot more concise that doesn't depend on as many supporting characters.
AlexdoxA - 8/21/2012, 2:33 PM
I liked that Lex would play the "nick fury" part for this.
I also really liked that there would be teams before the JLA.
95 - 8/21/2012, 2:45 PM
I don't agree with this.
ArtisticErotic - 8/21/2012, 2:59 PM
Nope, this is just a Marvel Studio's ripp off.

MisterMagurlypse - 8/21/2012, 3:20 PM
Nice presentation, but it is kind of a long timeline. Classic JSA first 2014 leading into JLA in 2015 then start single movies 3 a year release in March, June and Sept. Wonder Woman, Flash and Aquaman in 2016. Superman 2, GL 2 and new Batman in 2017
jbird18 - 8/21/2012, 3:41 PM
Really enjoyed your article. I wish even part of it would happen. The 1st Flash movie and the Aquaman movies are my favorite ideas.

I liked the use of Zolomon instead of Thawne, it gives The Flash some historical background of Jay Garrick and theme of family could be brought in with Jay giving Barry background on the Thawne at a family gathering.

I also think it would be a great idea to for WB to reboot Batman as a World's Finest movie with Henry Cavil's Superman and a Trinity movie before a JL movie.
SoFresh - 8/21/2012, 3:47 PM
I can keep commenting forever kid.
Zstew22 - 8/21/2012, 4:01 PM
This would be too cool!
SoFresh - 8/21/2012, 4:51 PM
Keep on removing comments when you get owned.
StormLoganSummers - 8/21/2012, 5:50 PM
Nine years until a JL movie? Are you mad?
CorndogBurglar - 8/21/2012, 6:55 PM
Why doez everyone overlook the fact that Aquaman has extreme super strength? He can lift entire buildings for [frick]'s sake. He's also durable as hell to survive the crushing pressure of deep sea. He's also bulletproof.

His powers dont just revolve around water and sea life....
TayDee - 8/21/2012, 7:05 PM
A pet gorilla? S
TayDee - 8/21/2012, 7:14 PM
I like your idea for the batman reboot though
ralfinader - 8/23/2012, 4:29 AM
Wow, what a non-fantastic fantasy. A waste of time best describes this scenario. It's been rumored that the JLA will be used for a springboard for solo movies, which I would prefer over them using the Marvel formula. But however it's done, I sure as shit don't want to wait til 2021 for a JLA movie!
Wingding - 8/23/2012, 10:51 AM
I like it dude. I don't agree with the worlds finest and trinity movies, though. Not because they wouldn't be freaking awesome, but because WB would never do it. Lol. And I do think 2021 is way too far away. But your ideas for the individual movies would be great. And I think it would be insanely cool to have Lex and his villain army in the JL movie.

jimdotbeep - 8/23/2012, 9:05 PM
the Original Green Lantern Movie Sucked! If there going to make another one they need to reboot it. Second you can't build up a movie forever by the time 2021 rolls around the actors will have aged and Marvel will have already had who knows how many Avengers movies. I know it's important to take your time with these things but there is a limit.
deadpoox - 9/1/2012, 10:50 PM
OK guy gardener before john Stewart, and the whole line-up seems a bit to complex for the dumb mainstream mind.
joeguy23 - 9/28/2012, 4:43 AM
The timeline is to long off just for the record. Your Green Lantern sequel is a good idea, I like your Flash idea as well. Your Aquaman idea seem really complex but could work. World's Finest not bad but I would wait for a first Batman movie before hand. Plus this rivalry between Bruce and Lex seem misplaced, Doesn't he hate Superman? Wonder woman looks good but why does Lex want to destroy it? Aquaman two sounds great but I don't like Flash 2. Trinity does not work men are not allowed on Themycira. JL is to far away to work for the actors or to keep peoples attention.
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