John Arturo - When did you start collecting and how did you get into the hobby?
Robert Sadlowski - Like many collectors Star Wars was my doorway to collecting. I grew up during the 80's and was very blessed with great toy properties throughout my early life. I like to say I started collecting at 3 years old, mainly because many of the toys I still display are my original childhood pieces. My father spoiled me with toys at a young age, so between him and George Lucas My psychosis' were born. Thank god my lovely wife supports it!
John Arturo - Your collection is amazing and huge, but I have to ask, how long does it take you to dust?
Robert Sadlowski - Let's just say if I hated spiders before, I lothe them now.
It's literally a never ending battle. It took me nearly two years to complete the set-up alone, and I try to adhere to a rotating monthly schedule for the shelves. Dusting is frustratingly difficult but it does allow me to keep the displays somewhat fresh.
John Arturo - Do you collect anything else?
Robert Sadlowski - Beyond the Toy collection I also have been collecting 90% of Marvel's titles for the last 20 years and some DC. I do believe Marvel and DC fans can co-exist.
I also have a large statue collection consisting of mostly Bowen and Sideshow sculpts as well as a few Hot Toys thrown in for good measure. Again, it's mostly Marvel.
I also have recently begun collecting original Marvel comic book art.
I don't know if this counts as collecting, but I have been running a table top role plying game based in a future Marvel universe every Sunday for the last 9 years. So I guess I collect gamers on Sundays.
John Arturo - What are your favorite collectible companies?
Robert Sadlowski - If you haven't guessed yet, I'm a definite Marvel Zombie and gravitate to any company that has their licenses. I used to work for Toy Biz back in the Marvel toy heyday's of the late 90's early 2000's. I loved their products and am a huge fan of Marvel Legends. I'm very glad Hasbro is bringing them back to us.
It would be wrong of me to fail to mention Hasbro and their brands. I have also loved and collected Star Wars, GI Joe and Transformers my whole life and in fact the latter two properties are what got me into comics. I had every issue of Larry Hama's/Marvel's GI Joe run.
John Arturo - What is your favorite part of collecting?
Robert Sadlowski - The thrill of the hunt and the following of all these separate universes and continuities.
John Arturo - What is the key thing you look for in an item you want to add to your collection?
Robert Sadlowski - Filling a void on a team or from a movie. Is it an Avenger or X-men character that's never been made? Then I want it. I dream of the day when all Avengers and X-men teams stand united and complete on my shelves. ( Based on this summer's Marvel event, that may never happen.)
John Arturo - What does your significant other think of your collection?
Robert Sadlowski - She supports it 98% of the time. Any tabletop role player would tell you you can't ask for more than that, and as long as I stay away from her Lego's and can pay my share of the bills we're all good.
John Arturo - What is your favorite movie?
Robert Sadlowski - Cliche - Star Wars - even the prequels. It truly started it all for me.
Recent - Captain America : TFA. Cap is my favorite hero and I felt that this movie really portrayed a perfect Steve Rogers. Sure the movie wasn't perfect but I can't remember having a larger Perma-Grin than the one I had the whole movie. Seeing Cap on screen was a dream come true and I can not wait for the Avengers.
John Arturo - What is your favorite piece from your collection?
Robert Sadlowski - Very difficult to say really, so I'll cop out and say my son. He just turned 3 and is addicted to Iron Man 2 and can name all the main Avengers!
That or my Captain America shields.
John Arturo - What are some items you are most looking forward to adding to your collection?
Robert Sadlowski - The movie Cap Shield and anything Marvel Legends. That upcoming Bucky Cap looks amazing.
John Arturo - Finally, what is your favorite aspect of
Robert Sadlowski - I love your scoops. You all are very quick to get news out and cover a large breadth of information. From movies to comics to toys, what more would a guy like me need? (other than a job working for you reviewing toys, lol)
John Arturo - Anything else you want to add?
Robert Sadlowski - Just that while a Marvel fan, I believe that all fans should be allowed to have interest in their own respective properties. Marvel or DC, Star Trek vs Star Wars, GI Joe vs The Transformers, Whedon vs Nolan... All these properties enrich our whole genre and we enrich each other with our views. Respect each other and realize how blessed we are to live in a time when we CAN argue Dark Knight Rises versus The Avengers.
If you want to know more about collecting statues/high end items, or just want to see what kind of interesting collectibles are out there, visit my statue devoted site Lethal Farce.
If you have a collection (don't worry about the size, it could be 4-5 items and that is still a collection right?) and want me to showcase it on the site, then shoot me an email by clicking the "Contact Me" link here. I will shoot you a few questions to answer to go along with the images and once a week we will showcase a users collection on here.