A lot of people have been speculating about The Amazing Spider-Man movie over the past several months and may have been thinking that it can't possibly be very good. How can it even compare to TDKR, Avengers, or
Tobey Maguire's "stunning" performance? Or, it's simply a reboot of a Marvel Comics movie that had to be done for legal copyright reasons (no, I don't really know what I'm talking about).
Now that I have seen it I will answer those concerns by saying I don't think any one should try to *compare* it to past Spider-Man movies or other comic book movies. This one stands alone in a new generation of comic book movies and hopefully more Amazing Spider-Man movies. I think it's a pretty original concept on the Amazing Spider-Man that borrows from the comic books and combines the best of today's technology and CGI.
The cast is comprised of the proper actors to play their respective roles. All of the characters were believable for the most part. I was intrigued with the entire plot and movie. One of the most interesting parts, to me, of this movie's format is that the Amazing Spider-Man is not dominated by the actual Spider-Man in his Spidey costume swinging around from building to building (although there is plenty of that). This is a great movie about a teenage boy struggling to become a responsible adult while dealing with some unique Super Powers. Isn't that the basics for any great, evolving Superhero?
Was the Avengers better? Will TDKR be F'n mind-blowing and put Spider-Man to shame? I don't care. I have and/or will continue to see every comic book movie while finding their redeming qualities. Of, course I do struggle to find these qualities more so with some movies than others (not naming names). I Loved this movie,would see it again, and can't wait to see the next edition!