My thoughts on a S.H.I.E.L.D. movie
So it’s no big secret that the people at Marvel have expressed their interest in doing a S.H.I.E.L.D movie. The movie has been building up S.H.I.E.L.D as a legitimate agency, so the next logical step is to have a movie about this.
The Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division is Marvel’s version of CIA. We won’t know till after the Avengers next year what a movie about S.H.I.E.L.D will be like. Many of the prominent members of S.H.I.E.L.D from the comics such as Timothy “Dum Dum” Dugan and Gabe Jones will play roles in Marvels period piece Captain America: The First Avenger. Whether or not they use versions of the Jones and Dugan such as them having descendents of these two in the present timeline is totally up to them but I think that may be too much. Many of the agents from the comics we haven’t seen yet and many have popped up in some of our favorite Marvel movies.
A movie about S.H.I.E.L.D shouldn’t just be your run of the mill Spy movie it should be CIA spy thriller meets marvel comic, since that is exactly what it is. So i've put together some thoughts on what I think would be included in the movie given all the information and rumors that have been around for a while now.
The Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division

Samuel Jackson is Nick Fury – I know a lot of people have mixed feeling about Sam Jackson’s Nick fury because at times it feels like its Sam Jackson playing Sam Jackson but this Nick Fury is the Ultimates Nick Fury and that character is based on Jackson's appearance and on-screen presents and as Director of S.H.I.E.L.D he’s a must.
Cobie Smulders is Maria Hill – I like Cobie Smulders on How I Met Your Mother which is a sitcom, it will be interesting to see how she plays a more serious role as Maria Hill, who is Nick Fury’s right hand woman and is a no nonsense type of chick.
Clark Gregg is Agent Phil Cousin – Many of us have come to grow and like Agent Cousin who it seems is always first on the scene for S.H.I.E.L.D. What happens to him as his character seems to grow into a more prominent role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe but as a character that was specifically created as an agent he’s a must.
Scarlett Johansson is Natasha Romanoff/The Black Widow – I was skeptical of Scarlett Johansson playing Black Widow as many of us were but her action scene in Iron Man 2 was pretty cool, with that being said I’m not sure I’d want to see a whole movie about her. She was already in Iron Man 2 as an agent, it seems to me being one of the stars of a S.H.I.E.L.D movie would make more sense. We shall see how it works out as she’s is in the Avengers as well.
Jeremy Renner is Clint Barton/Hawkeye – Now with Hawkeye I think the exact opposite of what I thought with Johansson’s Black Widow I would want to see more of Jeremy Renner, whether its in a solo movie as Hawkeye or as him being apart of S.H.I.E.L.D movie it makes a lot of sense to include him. His history with Black Widow will insure that they will probably be paired up in the Avengers and beyond that.
Sharon Carter/Agent 13 – I’m no sure what they are going to be doing with Peggy Carter in Captain America. Will they bring Haley Atwell back as a blonde to play Sharon Carter or will it be someone else entirely only time will tell. Her history with Captain America combined with her prominence in S.H.I.E.L.D will most surely secure her a role in Captain America sequel but will they also include her in a S.H.I.E.L.D movie it certainly would be a good idea I think.
Carol Danvers/Ms. Marvel – Whether she’s playing Agent Carol Danvers or she’s Ms. Marvel would be an asset to the team. I would prefer it if she started off as an agent & was later turned into the super powered chick we all know and love, her inclusion would add something to a potential superhero lineup that is actually lacking superpowers since Iron Man, Thor, and Hulk will probably be off doing their own thing.
Captain Mar-Vell – A good reasons to include him would be if it is in fact true that Skrulls will be in the Avengers, Mar-Vell could serve as Kree liaison agent for S.H.I.E.L.D. Another reason to include him is it would just be kind of cool.
Hank and Jan – The Ant-Man movie has been in the works for years now and word is news is coming out soon but that it might not be Hank or Jan (at least from reports and rumors),so why not have them as integral members of S.H.I.E.L.D. Whether it is as a scientist or as Ant-Man and Wasp (I prefer the latter and not the former) they should be included because people want to see them. This could be the way you could include them in a movie.
The Helicarrier – We’ve all heard that it’s in the Avengers and assuming it survives whatever battle they fight it has to be in this movie as well.
The Triskelion – To have a S.H.I.E.L.D movie and not include the Headquarters wouldn’t make sense. I mean wouldn’t you like to see the inner workings of The Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.
Baron Strucker and Hydra – With Hydra being introduced in Captain America, S.H.I.E.L.D will be dealing with Hydra since WWII. Hydra is one of the biggest foes of S.H.I.E.L.D and can be the main terrorist organization they take on in the movie.
Baron Zemo – I just like Baron Zemo and he's been a foe of S.H.I.E.L.D in the past.
The Skrulls - The Skrulls have been long rumored to be the villains in the Avengers, so one would think that one movie cant completely put to rest the Skrulls, the alien race known for their ability to shapeshift into appearances of anyone can be one of the great villains that S.H.I.E.L.D has to face.
Sebastian Stan is Winter Soldier –Bucky Barnes will most likely survive WWII and be turned into the killing machine Winter Soldier, so either in a Cap sequel or Avengers movie he will turn up. Why not include him as a villain that may later join the team?
Black Panther – Marvel is always looking to new character into their cinematic universe either in the Avengers or in the S.H.I.E.L.D movie Black Panther could turn up. They are probably going to make it an international affair so why not a trip to Wakanda perhaps to pick up some Vibranium. This could be a good way to open the door for a solo movie.
Union Jack – A British Government Operative with ties to Captain America, why not? There is no real talk of a movie but why not include him some capacity even if it is just as a British spy trying to steal secrets.
Don Cheadle is War Machine – It looks like he’s not going to be in the Avengers (I personally liked Terrence Howard’s Rhodey) and probably not a solo movie but an Air Force member with ties to Tony Stark would be a good edition to the team.
I didn’t include Thor, Iron Man and Captain America because it’s been stated they will be going off into there own movies after the Avengers.
Who knows what the Hulk will be up to after Avengers, a solo movie or a TV series?
Red Skull – I assumed that Red Skull would probably be saved for a Captain
America sequel which is another reason I thought Captain America might not be included.
Their were definitely more characters I could’ve included and definitely a lot of character i put on here but its just the possible ones in the movie not all would be included who should be included? I choose to put together ones that make the most sense given the movies that have come out and will come out. I definitely think a S.H.I.E.L.D. movie would be interesting the only thing is and Marvel has a good track record with movies so far is to not make it campy or else it will turn out like G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra. My first article on here, thoughts?